Dream(1)-Tony x reader

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!This happens after The Battle for New York!

You opened your eyes to find yourself standing in a long hallway. Confused, you looked around, but nothing seemed familiar. On the walls were hung pictures, and you stepped closer to look at them. 

When you did, you saw a child Tony Stark, being held in the arms of Maria Stark. Wait... what was a picture with Tony and his mom doing there?

Could that be...? No, it couldn't.... But, the house, and the pictures...

When you thought about that, you realized... where you were... that was Tony's childhood house.

But how did you... When?

You didn't exactly had the time to think everything through, because a small boy opened a door and fled past you, holding something in his hands.

Without giving it much thought, you began running after the little browned haired boy. While you were running, you realized, that was Tony. The hair, the eyes, the nose and the features, plus, he was holding a small robot between his hands.

You followed him until you reached a massive, wooden double door. On the door was a plate over which was written 'Howard Stark', that was Howard's office...

You entered with the boy and closed the door after you. 

"Dad..." little Tony said as he approached the desk that was in the middle of the room.

"I'm busy Anthony. Sit on that chair, I'll finish right away" Howard said as he turned around in his chair, he was talking on the phone.

Tony nodded and walked towards a chair and sat down. 

It seemed that they weren't able to see you... maybe because that was the past? And maybe because you weren't even born then.

You sat down next to Tony and watched as he played with the robot he made.

Soon, seconds turned into minutes, and minutes in hours, but Howard still didn't finish talking. Did he forget that Tony was waiting for him?

Tony hopped down from his chair and walked towards Howard's desk again.

"Dad" Tony said shyly.

"Just a second" Howard said and continued to argue at the phone.

"But dad, it's been two hours..." Tony said

"I told you to wait" Howard snapped back.

"But dad, I wanted to show you something" Tony argued

Howard nervously slammed the phone on the desk and sat up.

"What?" he yelled

"Look what I did" Tony said, gulping

Howard took the robot in his hands and threw it on the floor, resulting in it smashing in tiny pieces.

Tony watched silently as tears started streaming down his red cheeks.

"There! Are you happy now?!" Howard yelled.

"But I just wanted to--" Tony sniffed, but he was interrupted by his dad

"You just wanted what?! How many times did I tell you not to interrupt me when I'm working, huh? How many?! Are you stupid?!" Howard yelled again

"I-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" Tony choked out as he began crying loudly.

"You should be sorry! Get out!" Howard screamed

Tony ran out of the room, closing the door after him. You again ran after him, and found yourself on a balcony, with a beautiful view over the ocean.

Tony wiped his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie and sat down in a chair, still crying.

In that moment, hundreds of things about Tony started making sense, all the moments when he said he doesn't want to be a dad for a certain reason, the way he behaved... everything started making sense...

You looked at the small boy, who was sitting in the chair, with his knees to his chest as the warm afternoon sun was stroking his red cheeks.

You wanted so bad to comfort him... but you couldn't.

Soon, the door to the balcony opened, and you turned your head around to see a tall figure standing there.

Who was that man?


A/N: Part 2 coming up today! 

Word count: 650

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