Dream(2)-Tony x reader

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"Anthony... are you alright?" the tall man asked as he approached little Tony.

"Leave me alone, Jarvis" little Tony sniffed, not looking at the butler.

Yeah, that was JARVIS. Not the artificial intelligence. The butler... the human... JARVIS...

The butler moved closer to the small child and sat down next t him.

"Anthony, I know you are sad... and I know that your father may not seem like it, but he truly loves you. He does everything he does for you. He didn't mean to hurt you"JARVIS spoke softly as he stroked Tony's hair.

"But why is he so mean, Jarvis? I didn't do anything wrong!" Tony finally broke in tears and slung his little arms around Jarvis' neck, finally letting out everything.

"I know Tony, I know... you are a good child. And you will be a good man. Remember Anthony, good things come in your life when you less expect them" Jarvis said and Tony nodded.

Then, the next few minutes were filled by silence, it was Jarvis comforting Tony who's cry was fading, and you watching them and thinking. 

That's why Tony was so strongly attached by the A.I Jarvis... he was more of a father for him than Howard... he was there for him more than was Howard.

"Now, would you like some hot chocolate? I'll make your favorite" Jarvis smiled down at Tony.

"With whipped cream and extra marshmallows?" Tony's eyes filled with hope and happiness.

"Yes" Jarvis smiled.

"Yaay!" Tony cheered as they both sat up.

You sat up too and walked behind them, until you reached the kitchen's door. You smiled as they entered the kitchen, Tony was in good hands now, then walked away, again on the long hallway.

As you were walking, something grabbed your attention. It was a tall, double door. There was nothing special about it, but you felt the sudden urge to enter the room and see what's inside.

You stepped closer and opened the doors, and entered in a pitch black room. The room felt big, and a small, cold breeze brushed your cheeks as you forced your eyes to see something.

You tried getting out of the room, but the doors closed with a loud bang. You tried opening them again, but the doors wouldn't budge. Right when you were about to try again, a loud, clicking noise was heard, and a bright light made its way in the room.

Slowly and reluctantly, you turned around. When you did, you realized you were now in the movie room, at the Avengers Tower. Seats were lined in front of a big screen that was covering the whole wall.

On a chair, in the first row, sat no other than Tony Stark. He was dressed in a black suit, with a black tie and was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses.

"Tony..." you said unsurely

"Honey, I'm not Tony"he shook his head.

"But... you look just like him" you said, confused

"I'm not Tony. I'm his subconscious" he said 

"Why am I here?" you asked as you approached him

"Maybe this will help you" he said and motioned for you to sit down.

Once you did, he clapped his palms together twice, and, on the screen began playing images. Images of Tony's past, images of the two of you together, the Afghanistan cave, what Obadiah did to him, when the Arc Reactor almost killed him, the battle for New York...

You watched as on the screen were displayed images of Tony taking the Nuke into the portal.

Once he was in, everyone started cheering, everyone expect for you and Nick Furry. You saw yourself on the roof with Natasha, clapping your hand over your mouth and crying in heartbreak and sadness.

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