Jealous- Tony x reader

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Music boomed trough the speakers as sweaty, expensive clothed bodies danced around in the party deck of the Avengers Tower. It was the AVENGERS 2 YEARS ANNIVERSARY party, and everyone was invited.

Tony sat at the bar, tightly gripping his glass as he watched some agents flirt with you. You weren't doing it on purpose, you didn't even know they were flirting. Yeah, well, that's why Tony took a liking to you. You were innocent. You couldn't flirt for the life of you, and blushed like a tomato with sunburn when men even smiled at you.

You weren't an Avenger, nor a SHIELD agent, you were Coulson's niece, and you were invited to Tony's party, along with other SHIELD officials and agents, plus the Avengers.

You were an artist, and had a studio right next to Tony's lab in the Tower. He often came at you to 'borrow a pencil', it was nothing but a stupid excuse to see you. At first, you didn't really know how to act around him, since he was THE Tony Stark, yet with the time, he grew on you.

He became very protective on you and was glaring at every man that approached you and had bad intentions. Tony often drove you home, as a way to show you that he cares,  and asked for your opinion on designs and in exchange, you often bought him coffee and helped him with the Iron Man suits.

You had to agree, you were in love with him. The way he smiled when he was truly happy, that child like smile that brightened up your day, his dedication for his work and his selfless acts, his strong will of making everything right and his heart, oh, his sweet, golden heart. How could you not fall in love with a man like him? He was wise, strong, clever and hard working, he was listening to your ramblings and tried to find solutions to your problems, and most importantly, he was there when you needed him. That's what made him the one and only in your heart.

"So, what do you say, beautiful, wanna hang out together outside, just the two of us?" one of the agents smirked and gave you a suggestive look.

"Uhmm... no, thank you" you blushed.

"Of course she wouldn't want to go out with you, she'll go out with me!" another agent hollered.

You were so uncomfortable with the situation, you were feeling so threatened and humiliated at the same time, that you didn't even know what to do, and froze in your place as the drunk agents flirted with you.

In the meantime, Tony's anger was boiling deep inside his chest, making him grip his glass tighter and clench his jaw, glaring his eyes towards the men.

You made eye contact with him from across the room, and saw his angered expression, his eyes full of pure hatred as he scowled at the men surrounding you.

You knew it was going to end bad if you didn't leave them, so you stood up and tried to walk away from their table. Well, it was practically your table, since you sat down at it and they came following after you.

Suddenly, someone gripped your forearm and you were pulled backwards by a strong hand who's fingers were digging painfully in your skin, and hit a large, broad chest. Scared, you tried to take a step backwards, but the hand pulled you back aggressively. 

"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" the man spoke, his eyes narrowed and speech slurred, he was smelling like a tap house.

"P-please, let go of me" you begged, tears wheeling up in your eyes from the pain in your eyes from the pain.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere" he slurred.

At the other end of the bar, Tony's grip on the glass tightened so much that it shattered in his hand and the glass pieces scattered on the floor.

He didn't know how he did it, but in 2 seconds he crossed the room and punched the man in the face so hard that he fell on the floor, unconscious, his eyed full of rage. The beautiful brown in hid eyes was replaced by a horrifying, hollow black.

"Tony!" you exclaimed in relief and ran to his side, hugging him. He quickly enveloped you in his arms, tightly, as if to protect you from the world.

When the other agents saw the guy on the floor, they turned towards Tony, all four of them glaring and cracking their knuckles. You felt Tony straightening his back as he took a defensive pose.

"I wouldn't even think about it if I was you" Steve said as he and Thor stepped between you and the agents.

"Come on, let's go" Tony said and you nodded. 

He took you out of the party deck, and brought you to the roof, so you could calm yourself. When the doors to the elevator opened, you gasped. Millions of stars were dancing on the clear sky, making the view seem from another place of the world.

It didn't even look like you were in New York anymore, it looked like you were somewhere at the countryside, only there the sky has so many stars.

"Wow" you breathed quietly to yourself.

"Do you like it?" Tony asked as he looked down at you.

"I love it" you admitted, nodding.

"Good" he smiled, making your heart melt away.

He led you to a couch that was hidden after a large cement construction, like a wall.

"Tony, why do we have a couch here?" you asked, surprised upon seeing the piece of furniture in such an odd place.

"Uhm... I actually come here a lot to...vent" he smiled awkwardly as he sat down on the couch.

You smiled back and sat down next to him, resting your head on his chest and sighing contently as you wrapped your arms around his torso as you made yourself comfortable. He wrapped his arms loosely around your back as he held you close to him. You felt so at peace with him, and a feeling of relief overtook you.

"Thank you" you whispered after some time.

"For what?" he asked, looking down at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"For saving me" 

He chuckled,"Don't mention it. For a smart girl, you're quite ignorant when it comes to men, aren't you?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, you should've left the place before they got drunk. They didn't only want to talk to you. They wanted something more from you" Tony explained with a disgusted look on his face.

"Well, I don't have to worry about them anymore, do I?" you asked, looking at him.

"If I ever see them again, I'll kill them"Tony snarled.

"You really saved me today. I appreciate that" you nodded.

"I couldn't stand to see them around you" he admitted

"Were you jealous?" you asked, smirking despite the blush that was forming on your cheeks.

"Of course I was. They touched my girl" he said softly as he leaned closer to you.

You leaned closer as well, and he closed the gap between the two of you, kissing your lips softly and tenderly, making your heart beat faster and faster by second. He cupped your face in his hands and caressed your cheeks as you continued to kiss.

Finally, you had to part, breathless from the passionate kiss, panting and blushing.

"Don't ever leave my side, Y/N. You matter to me, and I don't want to see you getting hurt again. I love you" Tony whispered as he placed his forehead on top of yours.

"I love you too" you whispered back and the two of you shared another kiss under the sky that was full of stars.


A/N: This as a request from redfur2525 . I hope you like it, and sorry if something isn't making sense, I'm really tired now and I wanna take a nap, so I don't really know what have I done.

Word count: 1300

SLEEP, Olivia

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