A child?- Sherlock x reader part 2

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"So, I'll have to go and buy some things for the baby, and you'll have to stay and watch her for a while" you said as you took on your coat and sat down to take on your shoes.

"Absolutely not! I am a detective not a baby sitter" he scoffed as be folded his arms and gave the child a disgusted look.

"You have no choice. You either go and buy the necessary things or stay with her" you shrugged carelessly and stood up, giving him a gruesome glare.

He sighed and nodded, running a hand trough his hair as he sat down and looked at the child.

"Good. Take care of Rose while I'm out" you said as you headed to the door.

"Rose? Why did you give it a name? Do you intent on keeping it?!" He asked with a shocked expression as he raised his eyebrows at you, his eyes wide.

"Well, we don't know how long it will take for Lestrade to find her parents, so I thought Rose is better than 'it' or 'monstrosity' " you nodded, "Take care of her or else" you threatened, pointing your finger at his face, then you walked out of 221 B, leaving him alone with 'the monstrosity'

Sherlock sighed and leaned back in his chair, praying that the baby won't start crying.

Suddenly he heard a noise and he opened his eyes wide, looking at Rose to see her pulling the strings of his bow, breaking them.

"Can you stop doing that?" He asked as he looked at her

Rose gave him an innocent smile and kept pulling the strings, ripping them out and clapping happily at what she did.

"Give me that" Sherlock grumbled and snatched the bow from her hands, making her pout and cry loudly.

"I'm not giving it back to you, stop crying!" He said as he looked at her, but it only made it worse because the baby started crying even louder.

"Fine! Take it back!" He gave in and gave Rose the bow back, making her clap again as she continued ripping the strings.

He sat down and picked up a file from the coffee table, opening it as he began reading it, focused on the case.

While Sherlock was reading, Rose saw something shiny on the small coffee table, picking up her interest. She put the bow on the floor and began walking towards the table, tiptoeing and grabbing the shiny object: Sherlock's magnifying glass.

She smiled as she sat down and turned it on each side, analyzing it and looking at it like it was some kind of wonder. Grabbing it tightly in her hand she began hitting it on the floor, giggling happily.

Sherlock furrowed his eyebrows as he let the file down, reaching out to take the magnifying glass, but it wasn't on the table. He sighed as he realized what Rose was doing and with what, and he stood up, glaring at her as he went to grab his object.

Yet, before he could've take it, Rose hit it again on the floor and it broke, glass shattering everywhere.

"Bloody hell" Sherlock cursed and picked her up, making her sit down on the couch as he crouched down and began picking up the shards, putting them in the trashcan so no one would get hurt.

He turned around and looked at the baby, sighing deeply as he ran a a hand over his face and thought what he could do til you'd get back to take care of the child.

Rose yawned loudly, tired after everything as she rubbed her eyes with her hands, whining a bit.

"What? You're sleepy?" Sherlock asked softly as he looked at her, taking a few steps closer.

Rose raised her hands towards him as she looked at him, whining again.

"Alright, I got the point" he said as he lifted her up in his arms, heading to the kitchen.

He quickly prepared a bottle of warm milk for her and walked back to the living room, sitting down as he fed her.

As he looked down at the child, he couldn't help the small smile forming on his face as she looked at Rose. She was the closest thing he ever had to a daughter, not that he ever thought about that, but he started pondering the idea in his mind.

The problem would be, who would want to have a child with him? Y/N probably doesn't look at him that way, even tho he's been in love with her for so long. His smile saddened as he thought about that, so he looked back at the baby as she finished her bottle.

He took the bottle from her hands and laid down on the couch, placing her on hid chest as he wrapped a blanket around the both of them, lightly stroking her back as he tried to put her to sleep.

Once he saw that wasn't working, he grabbed a book near the couch, a random book and began reading out loud, maybe she'll fall asleep that way.

He opened it at a new chapter and began reading, hoping that Rose would fall asleep soon.

"Sherlock, I'm back!" You shouted as you entered the house a few hours later.

You received no response, which made you furrow your eyebrows. You walked in the kitchen and set the groceries down, taking the bag with clothes and diapers with you as you walked back in the living room.

When you opened the door, you stopped in your tracks, what you saw making you smile widely.

Sherlock was sleeping on the couch, a hand hanging off to the side, holding a book in it as baby Rose was snuggled into his chest, sleeping soundly, a small smile on her face.

Your heart warmed at the sight as you sat down on Sherlock's armchair, looking at them as you smiled widely.

Sherlock was snoring loudly, a hand over his eyes and the other holding the book, his hair a mess. He seemed so peaceful while sleeping, no one would consider he was the devil himself while awake.

A hour later, you heard Sherlock groan, making you turn around and look at him as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hi there" you smiled as you looked at him.

He gave you a lazy smile as he took Rose gently in his arms and placed her on the couch, covering her with a blanket.


A/N : Part 2 is up. Yay! Part 3 coming soon.

Word count: 1100

STARDUST -RDJ ONE SHOTS BOOK TWOOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora