Revision(2)- Tony x reader

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A/N: Accept this picture of Tony smiling and being happy bc he deserves all the happiness in the world! I'm not crying, my eyes were just sweating.

END OF FLASHBACK, back to the present.

Tony sighed as he dropped the wrench on the table. He finally finished working on a very important update for Rhodey's War Machine suit. It's been two weeks since he didn't see the others, but nor did they bother to come check up on him.

It's not like he was begging for attention, but some company would be nice sometimes.

He stood up and walked to the sink, washing his hands from the oil and drying off with a towel. He threw the towel on the couch and ran a hand trough his hair in exhaustion. Rhodey's suit was now fully powered and he gave him new toys, he was sure Rhodey'll love it.

He looked towards the window, the early morning light brushing his oil stained cheeks. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, then headed upstairs for breakfast and coffee.

As he took lazy steps towards the kitchen, he heard chattering coming from the living room. Usually the rest of the avengers aren't that loud in the mornings, not even Thor, but that day they were all talking, and there was an unknown woman's voice too.

Raising an eyebrow, he turned around and entered the room, closing the door behind him and making everyone in the room turn and look at him.

"What's happening in here?" Tony asked looking between the Avengers, not noticing you.

"Hey Stark! This is Y/N Y/L/N. She's the new avenger Fury told us about" Natasha said and pointed towards you.

When your eyes met, you immediately stood up from your seat, and took a few reluctant steps closer to him. His eyes widened and he straightened his back as he squinted his eyes and looked at your face, immediately recognizing you.

"Y/N? I... I can't believe it" he smiled widely as he looked at you.

"Wow, you changed so much" you smiled as you looked at him.

"It's been so long, I thought... I thought I'd never see you again" Tony said and placed his hands on your shoulders.

You hugged him tightly and smiled, "I'm so happy to see you, Stark" 

Tony smiled softly and hugged you back just as tight, "I missed you too"

"Uhmm, I don't want to interrupt you, but what's going on?" Clint asked as he rose an eyebrow at the scene.

"Oh, yeah. Guys, Y/N and me were highschool friends before she moved out" Tony broke the hug and explained the situation to the others.

The next few months you spent with Tony, trying to catch up with what happened in the time while you were away from each other.

 When you weren't training, you were with Tony in his lab, keeping him company and helping him around with ideas and opinions, and most important, being there for him.


It was the night Tony told you about what happened in Afghanistan, the night when he told you everything what happened to him, when Obadiah betrayed him, when he almost died from palladium poisoning, the battle for New York, when he took the nuke into space, the Ultron events.

You couldn't believe he survived all he went trough and he still found the power to smile. As realization fully hit you, you couldn't help but cry. It was so unfair that all of that happened to him, he was a good man and didn't deserve anything of that.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm fine. I've been trough worse" Tony said as he hugged you tightly and let your head rest on his shoulder.

"How is that supposed to make me feel any better?" you sobbed as you hugged him tighter.

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