Boogieman(2)-!young Hank x reader

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After some time, the two of them appeared, Glen was helping Hank to walk, since he hit his leg somehow.

His nose was bleeding, his forehead was bruised and his knuckles were bloody, and seeing him like that, you sat up and ran towards him, wrapping your arm around his torso.

"Hank! What happened?" you asked as you shouldered Hank and helped him walk towards the bench.

"They almost killed each other" Glen scoffed, folding his arms together.

"What the hell, Hank?" you groaned as you helped him sit down.

"He started it" Hank commented, pouting.

"And you continued" you added as you took a napkin and wiped the blood that was leaking from his nose.

"Who won?" Dale asked, curiously.

"No one. Alex helped me disentangle them before they would've killed each other" Glen said.

"Hank you idiot" you snapped and grabbed his face to clean the cut he had on his forehead.

"I was just protecting Dale" he commented, looking away from you.

"And look what you accomplished" Glen added

"We know you tried to protect him, but try to protect yourself too" you said, making him turn his head towards you and look directly in your eyes.

After gazing at each other a few minutes, he chuckled and looked away, just after that, a honk was heard from outside the school yard.

When you looked, Mr Palmer was waiting for you in his car.

"Come on kids!" he yelled and honked again.

"Let's go" Glen said as he helped Hank get up. 

The four of you headed for the car and entered, closing the doors after you.

"What happened to you?" Mr Palmer asked as he started the car and pulled it on the road.

"Nothing" Hank lied, looking away.

"Henry, come on, spit it out" Mr Palmer said, annoyed this time.

"Got into a fight" Hank muttered

"Again? With who? Why?!" judge almost yelled

"Mark Blackwell" Glen added.

"Blackwell? The butcher's kid? Henry Palmer, you'd better tell me how that happened right now, before I'll send your ass to your grandpa in Arizona" judge threatened.

Hank refused to answer, a heavy silence falling over the car for a few minutes.

"Hank, come on, tell him" you whispered as you nudged him lightly, but he looked away, not saying anything.

"Don't try to help him Y/N. If he wants in Arizona, I'll send him right away" judge said.

"Hank, tell him, for God's sake!" you groaned

"Henry, I'm waiting" judge said as he turned right on Follower's Street.

Hank still refused to say something to defend himself, for some reason. 

"Hank, what the hell, talk already!" you yelled, loosing your patience.

"Y/N, keep your mouth shut, don't try to help him!" judge retorted.

"But he didn't do anything wrong!" you continued.

"Knowing him, he sure did. Now keep your mouth shut" judge spat

"But-" you began, only to have judge cut you off.

"I said shut up, kid! I'll talk to Sheriff Y/L/N later" he said as he stopped the car in front of your house.

"Yeah, whatever" you said as you took your backpack and stomped out of the car, towards the front door of your house.

"Bye Y/N!" Dale said and waved before the car drove away.

'Screw you judge Palmer' you thought as you entered your house.

Later that day, you received a message from Glen, saying that he wants to talk something important with you.

You thought how could you go, since your dad grounded you, and you weren't allowed to get out of the house two days.

Finally, you made up a plan, and told Glen you'll meet with him around 5 pm at the Flying Deer.


A/N: So, as I thought, this will be longer than expected, depends on how much time I have and how long will a chapter be. If you saw I.T movie, the Stephen King one, you will notice that I'll add some references and some scenes might be similar.

Word count:665

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