Despite this cruel world - Tony x reader

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(Tony x !Natasha Romanoff reader)

It feels like screaming... but no one can hear you. It feels like a whole flock of butterflies beat their wings against the walls of her stomach every time she's around him. It's at the same time, the best and the worst feeling in the world. The way he makes her feel more like a human being... like an actual human being. The only man who managed to melt away her thick, ice walls and see right trough her tough facade. The only man who's ever been on her mind.

For him, she was like a goddess. She wasn't perfect, but she was perfect for him. The way her eyes sparkled, the way she smiled and the touch of her hand made him loose his mind every time. The way her embrace comforted even his worst demons, the way she managed to make him lay his ego aside and be himself and the way she knew what to say in every situation. He was war, while she was peace. Seems a bad combination, but in reality, together they would be harmony.

All this facts stated, it makes you wonder 'Then why aren't they together, then?' 

Well, life isn't always favorable for everyone, and the two of them are not an exception.


You were in your room, pacing back and forth, really worried about the whole situation with Tony. You knew it couldn't go on forever like that. Pepper and the others would find out at some point and everything would be done. You wanted to talk to him so bad, to sort things out, but every time you tried, he changed the subject or kissed you to make you shut up.

Finally, you made up your mind. When Tony was coming home from the mission he got sent to, you were going to sit and talk with him, put everything on the table. It was the right thing to do, despite your aching heart.

"JARVIS?" you asked, looking towards the ceiling.

"Yes, miss?"

"When's Tony coming home?"

"He's on his was miss. I say he'll be home in 2 hours" the A.I answered.

"Is Ms Potts home?" you asked

"No miss. She's in LA for a press conference. She's coming back tomorrow night" JARVIS replied.

"Thanks" you nodded.

If Pepper wasn't home, Tony was going to come right at you after the mission. He always did, he came back at you, seeking comfort and someone to understand him. 

You decided to take a shower before he comes, then you were about to lay everything on the table and talk with him... even if it hurt.

After you showered, you dried your hair and changed in some comfortable pajamas, then waited patiently for Tony to come, while playing on your phone.

Soon enough, Tony was pounding harshly on your door, you could've tell he was eager to see you.

You sat up from your bed and walked towards the door, opening it. When you did, you gasped. In front of you was standing a beaten up, bruised and disheveled Tony Stark, who's corner of the mouth was bleeding.

"Tony, what happened to you?" you asked, worried and pulled him inside your room, closing the door behind you.

"Ow, could you not pull so hard? My hand hurts" he whined as he sat himself on you bed.

"You'd better have a good explanation for this" you said and turned around, walking towards the bathroom to take the 1st aid kit.

When you came back, Tony was looking at a bruise on his hand, a bitter expression on his face.

He looked up when he heard your footsteps, and smiled weakly at you, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

You sat down and opened the aid kit, and laid it on the bed, next to him.

"Let's take this off" you said as you unbuttoned his white, bloody shirt and took it off his body.

You sighed when you saw a big, bloody cut on his chest. It was nothing serious, but it was still bleeding.

"Why do you always end up like this?" you shook your head

"It wasn't my fault" he commented.

You cleaned his wounds with sanitary alcohol, making him grunt in pain. After a while, you were done patching up his wounds, and threw him a clean shirt, boxers and a pair of pajama pants.

"Go change" you said and nodded towards the bathroom.

He silently obeyed your order and nodded, then headed to the bathroom to change his clothes.

You took the bloody shirt and used bandages and threw them in the trashcan, then waited patiently on the bed for Tony.

You were still trying to gather your words, still trying to gather courage to tell him. You knew that if you did, things wouldn't be the same anymore.

You were playing with your hands, when the door to the bathroom opened and Tony came in, dressed with his new clothes.

He smiled softly as he strolled towards you and sat down on the bed, hugging you.

"Thank you" he whispered in your hair, and you couldn't resist anymore and hugged him back tightly.

You looked up at him, and he leaned closer, kissing you softly and warmly. Breaking the kiss, you looked up at him, a sorrow expression on your face.

"Nat? What's wrong?" he asked, concerned as he pushed a piece of your hair out of your face.

"We... Tony, we need to talk" you said, and breaking the hug with him, you placed your hands on your knees.

"What is it, Nat?" he said as he cupped your face in his rough hand and caressed your cheek with his thumb.

"Tony... we can't do this" you sighed, and took his hand off your face

"What are you talking about?" he said as his expression darkened.

You stood up from the bed and gestured between you and him.

"This! What's between the two of us! This can't work out! This, whatever this is... it has to stop" you finished, looking at him.

"Natalia, what happened? You were just fine with this before I left. What's gotten into you? Look, if there's something happening to you because of me, you can tell me. We'll solve it together" he said as he stood up and stepped closer to her.

"No, Tony. It's not that. It's just... I can't hide anymore! Pepper and the others will find out at some point, and everything will end. You know we are not allowed to have a relationship, yet here we are! If Fury finds out, they'll get me out of the team, and I won't be allowed to see you anymore, you'll be the cover for the gossip magazines, and everything will end ugly. We... we need to stop this... before it goes too far" you said, finally letting it all out, a few tears streaming down your cheeks.

"Nat... I promise I'll make this work out. We'll find a way. I'll talk with Fury and Pepper tomorrow. I'll solve everything" he said as he cradled your head between his palms, "Just please, don't leave me. I can't stand not to have you with me... please" he pleaded

"You promise you'll talk with them tomorrow?" you asked, sniffing and placing your hands on his shoulders.

"I promise" he nodded and leaned down to kiss you.

You gave in and kissed him back, wrapping your hands around his torso and pulling him closer to you.

Well, life isn't always favorable for everyone, and they were no exception. But despite this cruel world, despite words of hatred and envy, there was love before everything for the two of them.


A/N: I hope you guys liked this!

Word count: 1300

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