Legend-Tony reader (2)

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"Did he survive?" Ava asked, looking curiously at you.

"Yes" you nodded, "but what came next made him wish he didn't" 

Ava gasped quietly, and looked at you, waiting to hear the story.

"He woke up in a cave, laying on a table, with a car battery attached to his chest"

"What was the battery for?" Ava asked.

"To keep him alive. During the explosion, pieces of metal pierced his heart. The only way to save him was trough a very complicated surgery. They put an electromagnet in his chest so the pieces of metal would stay out of his heart" you tried your best to explain in a way that she'll understand.

"But why didn't they removed the shrapnel out of his heart? They wouldn't have to put an electromagnet in his chest" Ava asked.

You smiled, she knew what you tried to explain. She was smart like her father.

"It was way too dangerous to remove it at the moment. It would've killed him. When he woke up, he panicked. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know what was happening with him, and what was in his chest. He was trapped in a foreign country, in a cave, with an unknown man and was forced to survive"  

 "How did he get out?" Ava asked 

"Well, with the help of that man, our hero managed to get out of the cave, by building an armor, but not before he was tortured. He was kept captive for 3 months and went trough water boarding, gruesome beatings. He saw the consequences his  weapons had over the world, he saw young soldiers die and had a very high chance of dying every day" you said, and shuddered, remembering what Tony went trough.

"What happened after?" Ava asked

"He came back from Afghanistan, and worked hard to take the electromagnet out of his chest and replace it with something else. After some time, he found out that the accident wasn't exactly an accident. It was planned. By the only person he could've named family"

"But that's so wrong. Why would his only family betray him?" Ava asked

She was so innocent, somehow it hurt explaining all that to a child who's mind wasn't poisoned by the ugly truth of the world we live in.

"The man who betrayed him wanted our hero's money and the business. You see, Ava, when a man wants power... he will do everything to achieve it. No matter the consequences. Power and money can take a man's mind away and make him a monster. He wanted it so much that he was capable of doing absolutely anything. He poisoned our hero and stole the armor he used to escape Afghanistan. Our hero was determined not to leave the man take control, and worked hard to make a superior one. It could fly, shoot lasers and do many other things the one he used to escape couldn't. With the help of it, he manage to defeat the man. People started knowing and recognizing him for what he did"

"That's the end?" Ava asked.

"Aren't you sleepy yet?" you smiled.

"I was, but I want to hear the full story" she lied. She was definitely tired and worn out.

"Honey, it's late. You should sleep" you smiled softly at her.

"But mom!" she whined

"Look, I promise I'll tell you tomorrow night. Now sleep honey" you said and kissed her forehead.

"But I'm not--" she was cut by her own yawn, and she rubbed her eyes, "sleepy" she continued.

"Yes you are. Sleep now" you said and turned off the light in her room.

"Good night mommy" you heard her mumble, before she placed her head on the pillow.

"Good night Ava" you answered and walked towards the door, opening it. Your smile widened when you heard her light, cute snoring.

You softly closed the door behind you and walked towards your bedroom. After taking a shower and changing your clothes, you sat on the bed and looked at the picture of Tony that was at the bedside. A picture where he was smiling sincerely and happily, when he found out you were pregnant with Ava.

You took the picture in your hands and looked at it, smiling sadly as a few tears threatened to fall from your eyes. 

"If only you could see her now, Tony..." you whispered as a few tears fell down on the picture, staining the glass that was protecting it.


A/N: So, this will have more parts, since I can't cover everything that happened since Iron Man 1 to Infinity War in a single part. I hope you will like it. The edit is mine, it took me 10 minutes to make the veins so prominent ugh...

Word count: 800

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