Rain- young! Tony x reader

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It had been a really stressful week for you, college and work had worn you out, plus you and your college friend Tony had a fight about his unhealthy habits and his hectic hookups.

You really cared about his well being and you only wanted his best, and you dearly loved him, more than a platonic love you'd have for your other friends. When you saw him with all those girls it really hurt you, and you felt so stupid for falling for the fuckboy he was back then.

You kinda had to eat away your feelings and bury the feelings you had, since you didn't think he would ever look at you in that way.

You decided that a get away to your parent's forest house for the weekend would be a great idea, since it was silent and peaceful and you could've cleared your mind and maybe clear things about Tony.

You packed a few things and threw them in your car, turning on the engine as it roared to life. It wasn't a fancy car, but it was good as long as it drove you where you needed to be.

Pressing the gas, you pulled out of your house's garage and started driving to the forest. It was at about 5 hours away, so you preffered to leave early, eager to get there in time.

As you were driving, you turned on the music and began singing softly to the lyrics, drumming your fingers on the steering wheel to the beat.

When you got out of the town, a loud thunder was heard, as if the sky broke and a heavy downpour began falling out of the sky, accompanied by powerful lightning.

Cursing it under your breath, you began driving a bit slower so you wouldn't make an accident.

Your phone began buzzing and you quickly looked at the screen to see Tony calling. You also had many unread messages from him too. Denying the call you threw the phone on the passenger's seat and continued driving.

Soon enough you got close to the forest, you were an hour away from the cabin.

Suddenly your car stopped moving and make a growl like sound, the engine turning off.

"What the hell?!" You cursed and got out of the car, the heavy rain soaking your shirt as you walked to the front of the car and popped open the hood, smoke bustling out as you coughed.

You sighed and tried fixing the engine but it was useless. You tried again and again, and you were sure that you'd be catching a cold since you've spent a good two hours trying to do find the problem and it still didn't work.

You finally snapped the hood closed and ran a hand trough your wet hair. Terrific. How were you supposed to get home? Or at least at the cabin?

You tried pulling aside a car so someone would help you, but it was useless. The drivers only honked you and drove away.

Finally giving up you went back to engine and tried fixing it again.

It blew more smoke in your face and spit some oil on your face.

"Son of a bitch!" You cursed as you kicked the wheel and stomped away angrily.

"Need some help?" A familiar voice called from behind you.


You turned around and glared annoyed, "Not from you!" You spat venomous as you looked at him.

His shirt was soaking wet as yours and he was outside his car, looking at you intently.

"Come on, Y/N. Let me help you, you're in the middle of nowhere and your car broke down! Don't be stubborn!" He shouted over the rain as he looked at you.

Your make up was already leaking down your face and your hair was wet, you were sure you looked like a disaster.

Another thunder rolled into the distance and it began raining even louder, making you sigh.

"Come on, I'll drive you back to the cabin and we'll talk there! That's where you're headed, right?" He asked as he gave you the famous puppy eyes you fell for.

It was cold and the wind was blowing furiously, the rain was pouring so hard it seemed like the ground would break, your hair and makeup were destroyed and your clothes were soaking wet and it was getting darker and darker outside.

"Please?" He asked again as he looked at you with bigger eyes, extending his hand towards you.

You sighed and nodded, walking to his car and hopping in the passenger's seat, as he came after you in the driver's seat and closed the door behind you.

"Let's get you dry first" he said quietly as he pulled his backpack from the backseat and gave you a clean towel, getting one himself as he wiped his face and neck, you doing the same.

"Look, I'm sorry for the fight, but we'll talk about it when we reach the cabin, okay?" He hummed as he turned on the engine and began driving down the highway, deeper in the woods.

You nodded quietly, not saying anything yet as you looked out trough the window.

After a silent car ride you reached your destination and he parked the car in front of the house, both of you rushing out as you hurried to get inside.

Your foot slipped and you fell on your ass in the mud, letting out a laugh, surprising yourself as you thought you'd actually get angry.

Tony laughed as well and helped you up, lifting you in his arms as he ran to the house and unlocked the door, getting in and turning on the lights.

"Thanks" you laughed as you got down from his arms and wiped some dirt from your hands on your shirt.

"No problem. You should go get a shower while I'll make the fire" he chucked and walked to the fireplace

You smiled softly and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and change your clothes, taking in the rustic and familiar feeling of the cabin, since you had missed it very much.

After you were clean and dry, you changed in some comfy and warm pajamas, dried your hair and headed back to the living room where you found Tony sitting on the couch in front of the fire place. He was now clean and he changed his clothes as he was smiling warmly at you.

"So... I'm ready to hear your apology" you smiled as you sat down next to him and wrapped yourself in a blanket, looking at him expectantly and waiting for his answer.

A/N: Part 2 anyone?

Word count: 1130

Love, Liv.

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