Weekend-Nathan Gardner one shot.

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So, I've decided to write this one shot, with no reader insert. Just a random one shot where I present a day (or more) of one of RDJ character's life. If you like it, and if you want more, please leave a comment, or message me.

Okay, we can begin.


1st Act.

It was a normal October day, a monotone, grey day. That day I didn't want to be a principal, I didn't want to be a dad, nor a history teacher.

I just wanted to be a normal guy that day, one of the many faces that gets lost in the crowd, that one face you don't pay any mind.

Just to get rid of everything and everybody that could've represented a bother. It was Friday after all.

I was in a cafe, alone with a good book, and a cigarette. The music was hypnotizing, soft jazz notes playing trough the room, covered by the chattering of many people that were occupying the seats.

As I was reading, my attention was suddenly attracted by a sound.

A melodious laughter that was coming from a nearby table, a small, delicate sound that was enough to steal my mind.

I looked around, in hope that I'll find the source of the sweet sound. 

And when I did, I saw her.

A porcelain-skinned goddess, with eyes as green as the dainty leaves of spring, hair as red as fire and features of an angel. 

She was at two tables and three words away of meeting each other. She was smiling subtly, staring down, playing with her red, fire made hair.

She didn't observe that I observed her.

She was with a friend, I was with a cup of coffee. Her lips were moving slowly, smiling, as if on the rhythm of the music that was playing in local, I was still with my coffee.

"What a bitter coffee" I thought as I took a long sip of the hot, steamy drink and lit a cigarette, in hope that I could've seemed busy.

I coughed and grimaced.

Did she looked at me when I did? In fact, I think the whole local looked at me... even the people that were passing on the street.

Her green eyes were euphorically staring at the cup of tea that was on her table. 

I wanted to be the reason of her smile.

It was the time I left, getting my book and my cigarettes, and I subtly banged my head on the exit door, maybe that time she observed me.

That didn't happen.

I walked around the town a few hours, and I got lost. I knew the way from my home to the local, sometimes from the local to my home.

Saturday morning, I arrived home with the help of my instincts and a cab.

Ah, my pillow and bed.

2nd Act.

The alarm clock seemed to get even more charming (sarcasm) with ever morning that passed. Especially because it was afternoon.

Saturday, 5 missed calls.

"Hi, Nathan, let's go out, we'll get a beer" my friend, Alex said.

9 pm.

Same local, I was with my friends, having a cold beer.

I was listening to my friends, chattering about the successes in their lives. And about that chapter... I was silent.

I was thinking about her, maybe I will see her here again.

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