Celtic Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You were minding your own business. Sat at your desk typing away diligently as you worked studiously at your class work. When you heard the door creak open behind you. Glancing over your shoulder you smiled seeing Celtic had returned home had was fresh out of the shower towel thrown over one shoulder as he came to stand at your side.

You could tell he was attempting to decipher your work as you continued to type out your science report only for him to chitter loudly starting you slightly.

"What?" You half snapped glaring up at him as he nodded to the door his way of him asking you to follow him.

"Not right now I'm busy." You responded curtly a bit frustrated with how long this had been taking you. Celtic huffed now as he grabbed the back of your chair and attempted to pull you from your desk only for you to grab on with all your might and spin on him.

"Seriously like give me ten minutes then I can come hang out." You said sternly coming off a bit harsher than intended.

Defeated, Celtic leaned in the doorway sulking as you turned back to your work quickly getting lost in the fine print of every document. It hadn't even been five minutes when you felt him return to side. Before you could even glance over to question him you screamed in surprise as he stuck his wet finger in your ear.

"What the hell is wrong with you." You snapped as he laughed hard, harder than you had ever seen before as you rubbed madly at you now wet ear.

"You're seriously like a man child" You growled as you slammed your laptop shut and stormed off to your bedroom making a detour for q-tips on the way.

A good ten minutes passed before the distant sound of his laughing subsided and another eight before he came peering into your room finding you now working on your bed wrapped tightly in almost all of your blankets.

"Dont even look at me I'm mad at you." You announced honestly as you pecked loudly at the keys on your keyboard.

A soft purr came from the large predator as he stepped closer in an attempt at an apology. You curled away from him a bit miffed at how obnoxious he had been.

Celtic settled softly at your side as his purrs heightened his forehead pressing into your temple.

"I don't want to hear your excuse. You can't just give me wet-willies" You muttered frowning as you turned your back to him. Taking this moment to his advantage Celtic Wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap. His large head resting on your shoulder he watched over you silently as you worked, purring softly as the deep rumbling in his chest made your back relax as you unknowing leaned into him calming.

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now