Assassin Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You never considered yourself a hunter. Sport or otherwise. Though with the deer population running rampant around you, you felt there was no other choice. Though when the creatures destroyed your beloved garden you were more than looking forward to picking a few off.

It was long until you found yourself sat in the under brush surrounding your house on the farthest out reaches of your property waiting and watching for some unsuspecting prey.

Dusk had approached and the forest seemed to wake up. Life much more apparent as they came out for their final meal of the day before scampering back to their homes.

Hours had trickled by at this point and you were growing stiff afraid to move for fear of scarring anything off you may not see.

Your heart fluttered as you soon saw the long legs of a deer step into view. Three of them stepped out from a bush into a small clearing.

Wasting not a moment you lifted your rifle and aimed holding your breath in anticipation as you steadied yourself.

Though the moment before you pulled the trigger a horrible roar sent them fleeing and you reeling as something came crashing towards you through the woods.

You had no time to react as two massive figures came barreling into the clearing illuminated by the dim glow of the setting sun.

Scrambling backwards in shock you watched in dumbstruck awe as two literal aliens scrapped it out.

You soon realized this was much more serious as one was clearly winning this battle as it pinned the smaller alien to the ground gruesomely beating them to the point bright green blood splattered the ground and the two of them.

Your eyes widened in shock as it pulled a large blade from its waist band raising it high above its head as it roared victoriously.

Your body moved of its own accord as you raised your rifle and fired. The alien screamed in agony toppling backwards as it clutched its chest blood oozing from its new bullet wound.

It had no time to reattack as you raised your weapon and again this time the shot hit his face killing the alien.

Your whole body shook from what just happened ears ringing from the sound of the gun firing.

You cautiously stepped up to the alien that lay on the ground his chest heaving with every breath as he looked at you with one eye, the other swollen shut.

He was covered in blood and looked as if he had been torn apart, literally, as he only had one arm.

The reality of it all began to set in and you had a second of hesitation as you took a step back to run away. To leave this poor being here to die.

Though your humanity wouldn't let you.

Through some divine act you had managed to get the alien home by half dragging the poor guy as he couldn't even stand.

He all but collapsed onto the couch clinging to life by threads as you dropped everything and recalled everything you learned from your first aid class in high school.

The night came and went as you were so intently focused on caring for this compete stranger in all meanings of the term that you lost track of time.

Neither of you spoke other than asking them to sit up or move their arm or leg. They only responded in heavy sighs or groans of pain.

Sunlight eventually began to slip through the windows signaling the dawn of a new day. Exhausted you felt yourself slip away sat in the chair at the alien side.

You jumped waking with a start to find the alien gone the only trace of his presence was the trash can of green paper towels and gauze.

You didn't bother to look for the alien as the back door being wide open was enough of an answer for you. You simply shut and locked the door before cleaning up the house choosing to pretend nothing ever even happened to begin with.

It was days later when you began to notice things were off. Food was disappearing, things were moved or knocked over. Green blood and scraps of gauze could be found around the house. So, it seemed your visitor had not actually left but hid instead.

That night you curled up on the couch lazily drawing in your sketch book. You struggled to recall what the alien looked like as you made vague attributes for them trying to recall their face, their body.

Reclining against the arm of the couch it was a moment later you felt someone hovering over your shoulder watching you as you drew. You didn't turn simply continuing your art as they stepped closer their hand reaching forward to brush against the paper smudging your lines.

"Is that supposed to be me?"

You sucked in a sharp breath at their deep husky tone whirling to face them.

The swelling on their face had gone down and you could now see bright yellow eyes watching your every move. Though something about them held a playful nature.

They moved to sit across from you on the couch their movements pained as they were still hurt from their fight.

You were both silent for a moment before you began to ask simple questions.

What's your name? Where are you from? Why are you here? Why was that other one attacking you?

You learned his name though you couldn't pronounce it even if you wanted to, you agreed to call him AP as a nickname.

While he was in the middle of answering a question for yours, you noticed how disgusting his dressings had become and stood to help him.

You had kept the supplies close by thankfully and were at his side in a moment.

Your hands moved with purpose and caution as you cut away the old bandage and replaced it with new.

It was shocking at how quick he was healing. A cut you had at first thought would take months to heal was now almost fully scabbed over and fine. Though his constant moving made the skin break and reopen bleeding droplets of green blood.

So, enraptured in your work you didn't notice how his gaze lingered on you. His look softened as he watched you care for him so tenderly.

Glancing up briefly you feel your face grow hot from his look. Quickly finishing, you found your hands hovering over his chest. Eyes trailing upwards your own met his yellow ones.

Slowly your hands raised to cup his face thumb brushing at his cheek as you stared over his features in wonder.

A deep purr resonated from deep within his chest as he nestled into the palm of your hand.

Sadly, this tender moment didn't last long as the sound of someone pulling into the drive way had AP pulling back growling angrily.

You shook your head as you strode to the door thinking to yourself. You weren't sure what you had gotten yourself into, but it would certainly be interesting. 

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now