Assassin Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You hadn't even made it into the house before AP had descended upon you anger clear across his face. He snarled at you like you were one of his targets, something he looked upon as less than himself and not the person he had called his love and had been living with for the last two months.

Confused you ask him whats wrong though your heart is hammering hard in your chest as your greatest fear was slowly bubbling forth.

You weren't sure as to what he said as between the ringing in your ears and the way he sneered his words you could barely make it out. Though you were able to pick out key words like 'whore' 'bitch' 'cheater' and 'unfaithful'.

Upset and embarrassed you step forward and glare at him denying all his accusations as he growled at you like some kind of beast. You snapped back at him immediately regretting your words as you called him things you would never saw to anyone. It was just in the heat of that moment you couldn't control yourself, you were pissed and stressed and not thinking clearly.

Though it was all too late as once the words left your mouth AP reared back to his full height looking down at you shocked. Not wanting to deal with the ensuing fight you turned to leave but his arm slammed against the wall in front of you his other shoving you into the wall as he roared at you.

"Don't walk away from me-"The fear in your eyes was prevalent as it over took your whole body and AP realized what he had just done.

You ran as fast as you could to the door and out into the night just needing to get as far away from him as possible. AP stood there in shock at his own actions as he stared at his hands. A few strands of your hair had been caught in his claws when he slammed it against the wall, they slipped from his hand and floated to the ground as he sprinted out the door after you into the night.

While you didn't bring your car keys when you left you did have your phone and was able to call your friend to come get you as you walked along the road towards their house which was about 20 minutes from your house. You knew AP would come after you and it terrified you so you did your best to hide from him flinching and jumping at the slightest rustle in the trees at the side of the road.

About 15 minutes after your call you saw the head lights of your friend turn onto the road which soothed you greatly. Though at this moment you let your guard down just enough for you not to notice AP creeping up beside you. Out of the corner of your eye you caught AP reaching out to grab you and you screamed stumbling away from him tripping over your own feet as you land sprawled out on the mud caked road.

While you struggled to crawl away towards your approaching friend, AP attempted in vain to calm you by purring softly as he continued to approach you hoping to grab you and disappear into the forest before your friend could catch you both.

A hard kick to his chest was enough to deter him for you to scramble to your feet and run away. Thankfully he didn't chase you as you knew you couldn't out run him if he really wanted to catch you. Throwing yourself into your friends' car, you hunkered away from the doors and windows as you lay down in the back seat feeling shaken and ill.

Your friend was understanding and let you stay in their guest room. While they did ask what had happened you refused to tell them knowing It would only make things more stressful for you. Time seemed to drag on for you as you begrudgingly went through your daily routine feeling as though you were always being watched, though you marked this up to paranoia as this had always been your greatest fear. Having an intergalactic assassin mad at you was not something you were very soothed about making you extremely skittish and tense.

It had been about a week since you last saw AP and you were still emotionally confused about everything that had happened. While he hadn't actually hurt you, he made it clear that he could and may given he were a little more upset. Standing in your room you rubbed your face as you flopped into bed feeling as If you were about to cry. Rolling over in bed you wrapped yourself tightly in bed when you sat up bolt right and clapped a hand over your mouth when you realized this was the blanket from your house and you hadn't dared go home that whole week.

Kicking it away from you panicking until it slid to the floor out of sight. You realized that AP had been here in this room at some point that day. Looking around the room you felt your heart hammer as you noticed certain things not exactly where they were when you left. Your shirt that had been on the dresser now unfolded and tucked into a drawer, The bathroom door had been open when you got home though you made sure to always close it when you left, You bit your lip as the curtains on the window fluttered and you realized it was still open.

You should've just screamed and ran downstairs to get help though despite your better judgement you slid off the bed and tip toed over to the window. Though before you slammed it shut you saw your backpack and laptop bag sitting on the window sill a note attached to the back pack by a string.

Hesitantly you pulled in the bags to find them full of your clothes and personal items. The note asked or more so begged for your forgiveness. AP pleaded for you to forgive him and return home. You didn't even finish reading the note before you crumpled it up and tossed it over your shoulder double checking the lock on the window before falling into bed and crying into your pillow.

It had been almost a month now when you finally worked up the courage to go home and attempt to stay the night. Your friend had offered to stay the night but you turned her down knowing you had to get over your fear. They walked you inside and you were unsurprised to see that your house was clearly still occupied as the throw blankets on the couch were scattered about the living room, food had been eaten from your kitchen, walking up to your bedroom it was clear that AP had been sleeping here as your bed was a mess from him curling up in it.

You almost slept in your guest bedroom though decided against it as you did your best to make the bed while your friend checked things out else were in the house. They ordered you a pizza so you would have some comfort food that night. With order returned to your bed you trot downstairs to have some food with your friend feeling some watching the whole time. At one point you swore you felt him standing next to you warmth seeming to radiate around you.

All too soon your friend had to head home and you were left alone in your house. Though after being away for so long after such a traumatic experience it felt alien to you. Glancing to the wall by the door there was no sign of were he had punched the wall or any kinda of incident at all.

Looking over the room you pretended not to notice AP walked up behind you seeming to fade into reality. He began to reach out to you but drew back his hand as he walked past you and sat heavily on a nearby chair.

He took a moment to speak to you as you refused to look at him as you weren't sure if you would start crying if you did. With a soft sigh AP looked up to you attempting to appear as non-intimidating as possible.

"Words fail me." He admitted as he became frustrated attempting to explain complex words in his limited vocabulary. He began to mutter in his native tongue feeling frustrated and emotionally torn.

He stood and walked up to you with purpose in his stride as he took your hands in his own and he dropped to his knees before you. In a mix of his language and yours he begged for your forgiveness.

You waited a moment before sighing. You can't just forgive something like that but you were willing to work with him. Try and rebuild from here in a sense.

AP, desperate just to have you back by his side, easily accepted your terms moving to hug you though he hesitated as he wasn't sure how you would react. Slowly wrapping your arms around the yautja you took a deep breath and you buried your face into his shoulder unable to hold back your tears at the wave of emotions over taking you.

AP held you close hugging you firmly as he rubbed your back purring softly. Scooping you up AP carried you upstairs and the two of you just laid in bed enjoying one another's presence as you slowly got used to one another again after being apart for so long. 

[Hope you all enjoyed! <3]

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