Fugitive Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You for a long time believed you would never find love, as every time you met someone they not long after would grow distant from you refusing to even speak to you at times.

You, at the time, never knew what was going on. Was something wrong with you? Were you ugly or boring? Maybe too talkative? This spiraling doubts eventually trickled into your everyday persona and your friends began to notice.

In an attempt to cheer you up they had taken you to the movies as they knew how much you loved the cinemas. Though half way through the movie you had to make a quick pee break as all the movies action had gotten you much too excited.

Stepping out of the theater you instantly got flustered seeing one of your Exs who had gone out with you for hardly a month before breaking it off suddenly in a text. Doing your best to avoid eye contact as you passed them, you couldn't help but wince when you heard their laughter sudden cease as they were obviously looking at you.

Somehow you managed to make it to the bathrooms without altercation but you didn't dare go back to the theater as it was too much for your anxious soul to bare.

Hiding in the bathroom you paced back and forth in the handicapped stall before just giving in. You didn't bother to tell your friends still in the theater as you trudged out to your car the thick mist like rain only accentuating your depressed mood.

You had just stepped outside into the light rain keys dangling in your fingers.

Your name rang out in the night as you spun around to see your Ex quickly approaching you.

"Hey I haven't seen you in ages! How has life been?" They asked as if it wasn't raining and you both weren't getting soggy.

"Sorry I don't have time to talk right now..." You mumbled turning to leave only for them to grab your wrist and start leading you back into the movie theater.

"Oh, come on now! It'll only be a minute!" They snickered and that's when you noticed all their friends standing in the windows watching and you felt so embarrassed and ashamed all at once. You struggled to break free on the verge of tears. You didn't want to attack them as you would be labeled a psycho and you would really be alone forever but the fear of what they might do to you was slowly increasing as you let out a sob.

As soon as the sniffle left you a large shadowy figure seemed to materialize from the night illuminated only by the shitty parking lots lights.

Your Ex had no choice but to let go of you as they were sent skidding across the wet ground coming to a stop in a large puddle of muddy water.

Screaming you turned and ran to your car basically throwing yourself into the vehicle tires squealing as you gunned it out of there believing you had just seen a demon of some sort.

Once inside your house you began to lock all your windows and doors as you frantically texted your friends at the movie theater to be carefully leaving, you made sure to keep it vague as you didn't need them worrying too much.

Though as you hit send on your final message you almost wished you had called as you heard something cooing behind.

You froze, stiff as a board. You didn't even blink only staring at your phone as it notified you that your texts had been seen.

Tuning slowly, you peered over you shoulder to see a massive looming figure clad in armor pieces clearly not of this world. You almost cried seeing a piece of your Ex's jacket clutched in its clawed hand still wet from being tossed in the puddle.

You took a hesitant step backwards and it growled lowly as it took powerful and confident stride towards you its silver and emotionless face never wavering from you as it reached out to grab you.

A sharp yelp escaped you as its arm wrapped around your waist pulling you against them as they threw down the scrap of fabric only to reach up and remove what was actually a mask. You looked at them in awe as their mandibles flared slightly obviously surprised by your reaction.

Discarding his mask behind him his large hand cupped your face and a deep rolling purr emanated from his chest.

His hand traced down your jaw to your chest where he let it hover over where your heart would roughly be.

"My soul." He said in a husky, warbled voice leaning down to look deeply into your eyes.

While you weren't an expert on alien body language you were positive this was an intimate gesture as they then pressed their forehead to yours purring even louder if that was possible.

Once you managed to free yourself from their grasp, they explained themselves to you as you both sat together on the couch, as they wanted to stay close to you sitting mere inches from you as their arm rest on the back of the couch behind you.

You learned their name was Fugitive and that they were indeed an alien. Turns out they had been watching over you for some time now and had grown quite attached to you. Upon seeing how that other human was treating you he couldn't just sit by and watch any longer.

You nodded slowly as he told you his tale and how he came to earth, and how he met you initially. Though about half way through his story you paused and turned to him accusatorially

"You're the one who scared off all my dates weren't you?"

He just purred happily at you like he was an innocent little angel. 

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now