Ahab X Reader [SFW]

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You were working as a bartender at a local café just as a part time thing while you waited for your paper work for your new position to go through any ways.

Working the early mornings and late nights meant you quickly figured out who was a regular and who just came in to waste time between their own shifts.

One such person was a particularly intimidating yautja who came in every morning to order a black coffee and occasionally a protein shake. He would sit at the table in the corner and sip his drink while scrolling through his phone.

He also came in at night to grab his bed time usual of a sandwich and something sweet to drink.

Though tonight was an unusually slow night only three people scattered about the shop most of whom were just sorting their things or quickly scarfing down their meal as they readied to head out.

Yet even with this low energy mood chaos found its way to you. A drunk man stumbled in the door a beer bottle In hand. Staggering up to the counter he slurred his words to the point you just shook your head in confusion at him and he literally barked at you in anger.

"G-Get me my food fa- "He couldn't finish the slur as Ahab had put him in a head lock pulling him back from the counter and away from you. Easily dragging the man to the door, the large yautja physically threw the drunkard out of the shop and running down the plaza strip.

"Are you okay?" Ahab asked returning to you. You nodded as the few people remaining in the shop all left quickly hurrying home.

"He didn't touch you or anything did he?" He questioned glancing you over for any marks

"N-no I'm fine its just. I know your strong but how did you do that so easily?" You said back staring at him very much impressed as he laughed looking over at his flexed arm very much showing off for you.

"I work as security for a few of the officials here on the station. Kinda comes with the job knowing how to handle rowdy people." He explained as you stepped out from behind the counter very much ready to close early.

You chatted easily with together you learning his name was Ahab and he yours. He was actually quite smooth and kind leaving you flustered quite often as he snatched pastries from your trays before you could toss them in the bin.

Finally collecting your things Ahab stood by as you locked the doors behind you as the station lights dimmed to signify a 'night cycle'

"You mind if I walk you home? Don't want any more weridos to bother you."

"I appreciate it but I don't want to be any more of a bother to you." You laughed awkwardly though as you went to walk off he followed

"No please by all means if I don't see you home id feel worse"

Sighing you smiled unable to hide your joy at seeing him so willing to stay with you

"Very well then" You lead the way as you made the moderate trek home. You talked further with him happy to hear about him and he just as much about you.

All too soon you were at your door.

"Thank you again for everything Ahab"

"Anything for you- I- I mean!" Ahab held up his hands defensively as he became extremely embarrassed.

Your own face was slightly red as you laughed now piecing everything together. It seemed someone had a crush on you and you being the trouble maker you were could only think of one out come to this night.

"Seriously thank you, for everything. Not many people would beat up a drunk guy for me." You joked and he laughed forever grateful that you were okay with his affections.

"Anytime, though us hanging out under kinder circumstances sounds lovely."

"Sounds like a plan, good night Ahab." You said standing on your tip toes to place a quick kiss on his cheek before stepping inside. Just before the door slid shut you turned to him giving him a wink just as the door closed.

As soon as the lock sounded you pressed your back into the wall and screamed into your shirt at how lucky you must be to have a hunk like that fawning after you.

On the other side of the door Ahab was already excited to wake up the next morning just to see you. Rubbing at where you had kissed him thinking of how much he wanted you to do that again and again.

That night you both fell asleep thinking of the other.  

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now