Scar Predator X Reader [Soulmate AU] [SFW]

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Snow fell softly, twinkling in the blue light provided by the flood lights of the camp behind you. You had only recently arrived and things were already as bas as you had been warned.

Exhaling slowly, you watched your smoky breath hang in the air before being blown away in a flurry of snowflakes. You thought for a moment as you realized maybe bad wasn't that right word. Odd, strange, just straight up weird shit had been happening ever since Weyland and his people initially arrived.

Exploration had been set back due to a cave in from an unknown cause and now nobody wants to assist in excavation as it just means having to go back down there sooner.

You let out a long breath again. This time it seemed to hang in the air around you wavering a moment longer than you expected before fading. It was in these moments of solitude that you often found yourself rubbing at the illusionary string on your hand. Glancing to your hand your blinked in surprise to see the string once pulled taught and a sad dull color was now vibrant and fell loosely from your hand even pooling at your feet.

Curiosity sputtered to life in your chest as you began to follow the trail the bright red standing out brilliantly against the snow. Your feet crunched the snow beneath you as you wandered from the main area of the station and into the abandoned buildings that whistled loudly from the cold artic air racing through their hollow shells.

Ducking into one of the buildings you expected to see someone from the crew just stood about maybe having slipped away for a quick smoke. Though instead you found the large store house empty, aside from some rotting cargo containers and rusted machinery.

Hopeful none the less you called out quietly at first. Your soft hello was muffled by the harsh screaming of the wind bursting in through the exposed structure of the building above. Cautiously following the remainder of the strings trail you called out again though louder this time. Your call echoed as you came to the literal end of your strings trail.

You felt your heart racing in confusion as you stared a few feet ahead of you where the end of your string was. Seeming floating in air. You panicked worried this meant something terrible had happened to your soulmate before you were ever able to even meet them. They may have been a worker who died here and now you were facing their ghost.

Mind racing and heart pounding you were not prepared for the end of the string to move it reaching out towards you as if the ghost of your soulmate was trying to touch you.

You couldn't help the scream that tore from you as you leaped away only to stumble falling back hard onto your rear into the frigid snow shocking your soul.

You had not time to react as the ghost was now looming over you pinning you to the ground. You could tell it easily dwarfed you and had immense strength just from how easily it pressed you down. You could feel a hot breath on your cheek as you grimaced your eyes screwed shut as you awaited what terrible fate you were about to receive.

You could feel your lungs burning and your body trembling from both the cold and fear as you braced yourself for some unworldly pain. You almost started to cry when you felt a lingering touch on your hand. Peeking open one eye you watched as the ghost lifted your hand with their own the string glowed a beautiful red between the two of you the connection between the two of you obvious.

The ghost before you shimmered in the moonlight before a form took their place. A large masculine body towered over you, their reptilian skin felt rough against your palm as they pressed their own hand into yours rather forcefully almost in as much disbelief as you were.

A metal mask hid their facial features and you weren't sure if this was for better or for worse. Their skin was an assortment of browns and tans speckled together in a strangely beautiful mosaic. This could only hint as to what was held behind their mask.

Though before either of you could really come to terms with your findings you heard the rapidly approaching crunch of foot steps on snow. The sound of your voice being called out was now apparent as you must have been gone for too long. The alien looming above you tensed as it picked up on your approaching crewmates. You silently hoped that they would get scared and run off, give you some time to think this all over, though you got none of that.

Their strong arm wrapped under your waist effortlessly picking you up as they stood to their full height with you thrown over their shoulder somewhat carelessly as you clung to their armor for dear life.

You didn't cry out as you were literally kidnapped by your newly found soulmate and you watched in horror as they scaled the rotting building and leaped out into the chilling night air. As you were carried away you could see the flashlights of your crewmates scanning the area of where your footprints lead.

You silently hoped that soulmates were held as highly in their culture as they were yours or else you feared you may never make it back to your crew or civilization as a whole. Closing your eyes, you tucked your chin to your chest struggling to hid from the biting cold as you could only hope for the best.  

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now