Scarface Predator X Reader [SFW]

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[Another written in the Space station AU hope yall dont mind <3]

Scarface was used to being ignored and outcasted by all who crossed his path. Despite having accomplished the impossible he was still looked upon as a disgrace for losing a fight, instead of wearing his scars with pride he wore them with shame.

Today had started out no different than any other, he had out on a false sense of pride and went about his day on the space station. Aliens of all kinds conglomerated at this international gateway, though despite this wide variety of species Scarface still toward above them. The sea of bustling individuals parted before him as he strode towards his destination. Despite his cool exterior he still noticed the many grimaces he received as he walked past or sneers from other yautja who believed themselves better than him.

Soon Scarface arrived at his destination a sigh of relief escaping him as he visibly relaxed pushing his way into the locker rooms. Here at the training facilities he didn't have to hide or take any unwanted looks. Here he could be the monster everyone believed him to be.

Tearing off his shirt and armor Scarface practically ran out into the arena happy to find others his size in the ring. As he walked up a small human was in the ring with a yautja he had seen before. All Scarface could remember of the green tinted yautja was that he was a real asshole and a poor sportsman.

Scarface waited patiently for the small human to exit the ring so a fight could start but when the human walked forward and took a stance his heart almost stopped from the sight of it all. What a lunatic this pipsqueak must be! Scarface huffed as he now leaned forward already knowing the outcome but excited for the spectacle.

The yautja who was the ref chuckled as he motioned for the fight to being and everyone watched in disbelief as he human side stepped and blew out the fools knees sending him flat on his face. Before he could right himself the human grabbed his dreads and pulled so his head was as far back as it would go. The yautjas in the crowd winced and rubbed at their own dreadlocks knowing the pain he was going through. With the small humans knee firmly planted between the yautjas shoulder blades, Round one went to the human.

By now a crowd has been drawn to see the ass whooping of a century as the human wordlessly put an end to their opponents ego. Though as the final round drew near Scarface saw the yautja making odd motions to someone off to the side who nodded. 'Delightful' Scarface thought as he moved to follow the delinquent.

He paid no mind to the final fight instead watching for what they had been plotting. Scarface was about a meter away when the fool charged having waited for the human to come towards his side of the arena. Scarface lunged forward body slamming the trouble maker to the ground. Scarface jumped back surprised as the green yautja who had been in the ring moments ago was thrown out and onto his winded friend.

"Thanks for the help." Glancing up to the ring Scarface was met by the bruised and sweaty yet none the less smiling face of the small human who had just took a yautja in hand to hand combat. Scarface not knowing how to respond nodded slowly.

As the crowd began to disperse Scarface stayed behind only for the human to motion for him to follow as they both wandered over to an open bench and took a seat. It was quite comical to see Scarface take up 80% of the space as he had to spread out his legs to fit while the human turned sideways to face him their legs criss-crossed before them.

Scarface's eyes widened in shock as he was suddenly berated with questions from the human whose eyes seemed to sparkle when they looked at him. Turned out the human had been an admirer of his fighting style for some time and greatly wished to learn. Scarface slightly embarrassed took the humans compliments and praise at face value not needing to get himself involved in something he wasn't ready for. Though as the conversation deepened to something more than idle chatter Scarface felt himself grow fond of the small human.

Around this human he had forgotten of his previous plights and enjoyed himself. While the others looked at him it was no longer in disgust but in awe as he was with the top dog now. Though Scarface easily saw past that exterior as you now whispered to him about your favorite earth films and whether or not he would be interested in seeing them as well.

Wait wait wait a second... So lost in his own thoughts Scarface almost missed out on how you had just asked him on a movie date.... In your private quarters. He watched your face for a moment before nodding. That smile of yours came out again as you gave him your room number before dismissing yourself as you headed off for some "pizza".

There was no way Scarface was practicing after that encounter. So instead he headed home needing to do some research on human customs and a cold shower for other reasons.

[Hope you enjoyed something a little different] 

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