Chopper Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You had started going to the gym in your spare time just because you needed a way to get out the extra energy that came with having to work a desk job. You mostly went just to walk on the treadmills and listen to some music or watch a few episodes of a show you had fallen behind on.

It was one day where you had come in early in the morning that you found out that this was one of the few gyms on station that was equipped to handle Yautjas, Engineers and other larger species.

Walking through the main area you had planned to head right to the cardio center as you always did. Though things went array when an impossibly loud clank of metal on metal made you drop your phone it skidding across the floor to land at the feet of a large Yautja. Said Yautja stopped mid curl up to glance down at the phone then up to you as you feverishly apologized as you reached to grab your phone.

You jumped back when he dropped his weights on to the rack in front of him and grabbed your phone looking it over in his hand.

"U-Uh Im so sorry to have bothered you Ill just take my things and-"

"Calm down, Im just making sure its not broken." He huffed as he held it out to you in a way that forced you to touch his hand. Albeit awkwardly you thanked him taking your phone nodding slightly as you made to leave and just never return to this gym.

Though your escape plan was immediately thwarted when he side stepped and blocked your exit looking you over with an almost judgmental glance.

"How come you always hide in the cardio room."

'What the hell kind of a question is that?!' you thought your face clearly displaying your burst of emotion as the yautja recoiled attempting to back track.

"No, why do you only go in the cardio room" He tried to correct himself but you were already uncomfortable and upset so you just shoved past him throwing him aside with a hard check from your hips. It wasn't enough to put him to the ground but enough to surprise the alien as they stumbled turning and watching you storm off in a flurry of emotions.

You had avoided the gym as a whole for almost a week at that point and you were starting to feel antsy.

You had attempted to do some at home workout videos in your living room though after almost sending a vase flying doing jumping jacks you decided to just face the fact you kinda needed the gym and that guy could just mind his own.

Despite this false sense of confidence, you purposefully didn't go until it was later at night when most places were closed and thusly most people were in their rooms or at work. Stepping out of the locker room you glanced around thankful to see that no one was in there except for some girl doing yoga in the corner.

Nonetheless you kept your head down as you speed walked to the cardio center striding into the secluded room with a sigh of relief. This was short lived as you glanced up and immediately felt your self deflate.

'You have to be fucking joking me' you thought as the same yautja from the other day was sat on a bench seemingly waiting for you to walk in.

You spun on your heel already leaving wanting to cry at how shit your luck had been as of late when he called out after you.

For some reason you paused glancing back to see him jogging over to you holding his hands up defensively as your eyes were most likely shooting daggers.

"I want to apologize for how I came off when we first met, I promise Im not actually an asshole im just really bad at social ques." He said holding his hands up apologetically.

You just nodded and made to keep walking away but he yet again called out to stop you.

"You, you don't have to leave ya know. Theres plenty of room for the both of us."

"If I can be completely honest with you, you creep me the hell out and I don't feel comfortable working out around you let alone being alone in this room with you." You said coldly as you walked out into the main area thankful the yoga lady was still in the corner.

It was a good thing too as the guy followed you looking like you had just shot him.

"Im sorry you feel that way. Is there any way I can fix that?" He asked as he easily caught up to you his strides equaling about three of yours.

"Why do you care what I think?" you asked not really expecting an answer though you should've know that rhetorical statements don't translate well.

"Its because I find you very interesting and I wish to get to know you better. As that's why I asked you why you were only ever in there as I was hoping to convince you to join me so I could get to know you." He admitted making you freeze up as he looked down at you with an almost pleading expression.

"How about we start over? My human name is Chopper whats yours?" He said holding his hand to you hoping you would accept his apology.

You sighed heavily as you took his hand and shook it muttering your name under your breath.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful person." He complimented and you nodded slightly.

"Would you care to give me some pointers on the equipment in the cardio center?" Chopper asked stepping back towards the center smiling back at you.

You glanced over at the locker room door before deciding against your better judgement and joining chopper.

You both actually had a good time as chopper was much more careful with his words and watching him try to work an elliptical that was much to small was, a little funny. 

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now