Ahab Predator X Male!Reader [NSFW]

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Ahab looked around him in the small bar unused to the soft music and honey colored lighting. He never thought an interspecies bar would be anything so quant normally these places were known for their neon lights and drug use, not tea sipping and earth music.

Tapping his claws on the glass of his mug, Ahab glanced about the bar unsurprised to see small groups of people scattered about each engrossed in their own little world. Though with a second look Ahab noticed a small human male sat alone at the other end of the bar mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

Though longer Ahab watched him the more he noticed the human's delicious features that sent a pang of hunger through him. Finishing his drink off with a long hard gulp Ahab stood and strode down the bar till he stood beside the human.

Peering over the human's shoulder Ahab could see a very one-sided text conversation happening as they had been stood up by whomever this Taylor was.

"Expecting anyone?" Ahab asked as he pulled out the stool next to him. The human jumped a bit before turning to look at him with a shy smile.

"Was, not anymore."

"Then I hope you won't mind if I take their place then? Someone as handsome as yourself should not be lonely on nights like these" Ahab purred as he motioned for the bartender.

Ahab couldn't hold back his smirk as the human flushed trying to hide their smile from him.

The two of you chatted for quite some time. Ahab was surprised that he was genuinely interested in learning more about you as for a human you were so complex and intriguing.

Soon the bars lights began to dim so the both of you took your leave, though as you turn to take your leave, a strong arm wraps around your midsection pulling you into the large yautja's side.

"Care to come back to my place for the night love?" Ahab purred his deep voice honey like voice seemed so inviting to you in that moment that you dumbly nodded unable to form a proper response

You couldn't help your excitement as his hand lowered and he pulled you closer guiding you to his room. 'This night was turning out spectacular' You thought giddily

The door hadn't even closed yet and he was already pulling you out of your clothes. His mandibles nipped at your neck and shoulders before working their way down your chest. So, distracted by his administrations you didn't realize he had been walking you both backwards into his bedroom were he easily picked you up and set you on the bed.

"I take your okay with this?" Ahab asked as his hands wavered at the edge of your pants.

"Yes, very much so!" You yipped cheeks violently red though you weren't sure if it was from the drinks or the soft touches.

At your words of consent, he pulled back to remove his own pants and you couldn't help the shiver that ran up your spine at the site of him.

Ahab chuckled deep in his chest as he crawled over the much smaller human one of his hands sliding into the waist band of their pants only to rip them in the process. Though as Ahab raised his head to apologize, he was happily met by lustful eye as hey captured his face in their hands and kissed him hard on his mandibles before he attacked their neck with nips and bites tearing their pants and boxers off the rest of the way.

The soft moan that left the human was more than encouraging for Ahab as he rubbed his length against their thigh loving how cute they looked under him. A few more of those little gasps and Ahab couldn't restrain himself as he sat back and pulled your hips closer to his own.

Just feeling the head of his dick pressing into you was enough to make you orgasm as very raunchy images flashed through your mind. As he pushed into you, you couldn't help but let out a groan that had Ahab panting as he used all his will power not to just ravage you right there and then. You felt so beautifully around him and he hadn't even thrusted into you fully yet.

Ahab was absolutely obsessed with you by this point as he rubbed circles into your hips with his thumb while his other hand ran up and down your front as he struggled to ground himself from drilling into you.

Quickly catching onto the Yautja's dilemma you hoisted one leg up so your foot was over his shoulder and smiled shyly at him as his eyes widened in surprise.

"If I can still walk out of here in the morning than you didn't do your job right-"

You couldn't even finish your snappy comeback as Ahab let out an animalistic growl as he sat forward bending you back on yourself as he pulled both of your ankles over his shoulders. He pushed himself all the way inside of you leaving you seeing stars as he snarled biting at your leg teasingly.

All too suddenly he pulled almost all the way out of you and them thrusted back into you with an audible smack. You whimpered out his name biting your knuckle as he kept up this torturous pace slamming into you so hard that his bed shook the head board hitting the wall with rhythmic thunks.

Your eyes rolled back as you cried out orgasming so hard you felt your whole body go numb for a moment while Ahab roared filling you with his warm seed. You both panted heavily as Ahab collapsed on you his head resting on your chest as you felt him still twitching inside of you as the last drops of his cum coated your insides.

Ahab's large hand stroked at your hip as he slowly began to get control over himself again his toes curling and un-curling. Looking over you in the after glows of ecstasy Ahab knew that this was going to be much more than a one-night stand. There was no way he could let something as beautiful as you go so easily.

Though before Ahab could comment on your handsome features or your dazzling eyes there was a loud pounding on the door which scared Ahab's preciously little human a bit too much.

With an aggravated growl Ahab rose wrapping a blanket around himself as he stormed to the door practically ripping it open to find some asshole human standing there in a robe and slippers.

"Could you two keep it down in there some of us are trying to- "The arrogant idiot hadn't even been smart enough to look up to see who had answered the door as he now pissed himself as he stared down the extremely pissed off yautja.

"Fuck off." Ahab snapped making sure to keep his voice down so you wouldn't hear as the slipper clad man nodded frantically before running off.

Locking the door behind him Ahab returned to find you siting on the edge of the bed looking over your destroyed boxers.

"You wouldn't happen to have something I could wear home, would you?" You asked flustered at how bad a choice it had been to let Ahab shred your under wear and pants.

With a huff Ahab wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back into the bed laying you on his chest.

"Tomorrow, just relax for now." Ahab sighed as he traced shapes and figures mindlessly into your back letting you tuck your head under his chin extremely happy at how this night had ended. 

[Hope you enjoyed! <3]

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