Wolf Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You had known Wolf for a while though he had only recently started asking you out on dates. He seemed very, withdrawn even when you were alone together and you couldn't help but feel disheartened. You wanted for you both to work and you tried to make him happy though you feared you just weren't the one.

So, as you sat in your apartment lazily flipping through a magazine in your kitchen you were a bit surprised by the knock at your door. There stood wolf asking if you were busy that night. Shaking your head, he took you by your hand grabbing your jacket for you as he led you away, although it felt more like a drag as you struggled to keep up with his long strides.

You asked him where you were going though, he didn't answer as he pulled you both onto one of the departing shuttles. Holding you close to him he kept you steady as the shuttle departed sealing the deal for your impromptu date.

Having a hard time standing still in the shuttle Wolf helped you slip on your jacket before hooking his arm around you holding you close to his side his other hand holding to the rails on the top of the shuttle, far from any human's grasp.

Soon enough you were walking on the planet and suddenly it all became clear to you.

"A Festival?" You said confused glancing at wolf who strode towards the gates assuming you would follow him.

It was a slow night at the festival as not all the lights were on giving the normally exciting and party like atmosphere a somber and chilling mood calming you greatly as you walked along with Wolf silently observing all the booths and people around you.

Your heart ached seeing another couple laughing as the human struggled to carry all their prizes while the other held a small pink thing their smiles making you feel almost jealous.

Sighing a bit too loudly Wolf took notice tapping your shoulder and motioning down to a hardly noticeable dock leading out over an inky black lake.

You followed after the Yautja as you both wondered away from the main area and stepping onto the dark wooden dock. The only light leading your way now was that of the moon high over head at this point.

You stared up at it feeling a mix of emotions bubbling in your chest. You knew you should end it with Wolf but you wanted so, so badly for this to work somehow. Looking up at the star vacant sky you frowned not even able to wish on a star for a miracle at this point.

"Im sorry."

His deep and rough voice startled you a bit so unused to hearing it. You didn't look at him as he let out a heavy sigh. You could only assume what was to come next.

"You deserve better. I know I'm not right for you, though I dearly wish I could be."

You could feel the tightness of emotion in your throat as you tried to subtly wipe at your eyes to stop the tears that were welling there.

"Are...Are you crying?" Wolf questioned furrowing his brow at you as he stepped in front of you. He was so large he blocked the light of the moon becoming nothing more than a silhouette as you shook your head palming at your cheeks to hide the tracks left behind by the tears.

As he reached for you, you turned and ran vanishing into the chaos of the festival as a sudden influx of people gathered.

Having nowhere else to go and just wanting to be alone for a time you cut in line for the Ferris wheel the operator letting you go on by yourself as you curled up in the carriage trying to calm yourself as you stared out at the dark lake the moons bright reflection rippling on the waves.

You don't know why you were so upset, you knew it was bound to happen. You had never even gotten him to hold a conversation with you for more than a few minutes so how could you possibly convince yourself it would just miraculously work out.

Wiping your nose on the sleeve of your jacket you didn't even register the sudden rock of the carriage until you saw a figure sitting across from you.

"Why are you here?" you asked not even looking to him. You didn't see how he looked at you're with concern in his eyes as he hesitated to reach out and comfort you.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. You don't have to waste your time with me anymore." You said choking back a sob at the end of your sentence the thought that he had just been putting up with you the whole time you were together being too heart breaking for you to hear.

"You've never been a waste of time, never will be either. If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't be here."

You looked over at him as he kneeled before you taking your face in his hands as he brushed away your tears.

"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden? You've been nothing but cold and distant for weeks and yet." You were confused and heart broken and this wasn't helping.

"I was afraid to get close to you. To get attached. I thought I would be able to let you go and let you be happy. "Wolf paused clearly trying not to become distressed as the carriage slowed to a stop at the very top of the wheel the moons bright white beams illuminating the two of you as you held each other each choked up with emotions.

"I know its selfish but seeing you cry made me realize how much I wanted to be the one to console you, the one who protected you. The only one." You swallowed hard as you took hi hands in yours holding them in his lap. His vocabulary was limited, the struggled to find the right words evident now. Though his hearts intentions were clear to you though despite his inability to express his feelings.

Giving in you sprung forward throwing yourself into his arms as you cried squeezing his shoulders tightly as he hugged you back even tighter almost crushing you against him. His words were lost to you as fireworks suddenly boomed over head forcing you both to simply enjoy the sensation of holding one another in your arms.

As the ride began to move again you sat back as Wolf pressed his forehead to yours his eyes staring into yours intensely speaking for him over the boom of the light show happening over the lake.

You smiled at him accepting his silent apology as he scooped you up setting you in his lap as you both enjoyed the remnants of the light show noting how the golden colors danced on the rippling waves of the lake.

Wolf held you close to his side as you walked out of the festival both of you now smiling warmly at one another.

Maybe next year when the station comes to orbit you two can come and enjoy your time not have emotional breakthroughs in your relationships like some teenagers. 

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now