Scar Predator X Reader [SFW]

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  [Prompt! Angst with a happy ending,like a human s/o gets cheated on by their pred bf BUT with the relationship over, another pred who had his eye on you for a long ass time finally gets to woo you like the god/goddess you are,bonus points if he beats your ex if he tries to get you back plsss  ]

Scar knew something was wrong when you didn't come to visit him as you normally did. Making his way to your suite he hesitated to knock when he swore for a moment, he heard crying. Suddenly realizing that the sound was coming from inside your suite he rasped loudly on the door calling out your name. A long time passed before Scar knocked again and the door swung open to reveal watery eyes and tear stained cheeks.

It was clear what had happened, Scar had warned you initially when you went out with that youngblood that it would be a mistake though you hadn't listened blinded by love and the prospect of having someone to care for you. Scar said nothing as he pulled you into a hug and lead you back inside, locking the door behind the both of you.

Curling up on the couch together Scar held you tightly against his chest as you cried. He listened as you told him of your heart break, how you came home early from work expecting to surprise your former boyfriend though as you swung open the front door smiling gleefully you found him on the, now clearly absent, ottoman with a yautja female who was very much enjoying his administrations. In a fit of rage, you threw him and his unfortunate girl out of your house just as they were, stark naked and flustered.

Scar genuinely tried his hardest to hold in the chuckle but the thought of you besting such a disgusting little youngblood brought him great joy. Though instead of being upset you laughed with him through your snotty sobbing. Reaching behind him Scar found the tissues and offered them to you rubbing your back as you sat up and cleaned yourself up a bit.

"I don't know how you can bear to listen to me, you knew he would pull this from the beginning." You muttered waiting for the reprimands and 'I told you'

Scar shook his head siting forward so he could look into your eyes.

"I told you that because I knew he would only bring you momentary happiness, you deserve so much more than that." Scar said softly as his knuckles tipped your chin up so you had to look at him. He wiped at the tear stains on your cheek with his thumb a soft purr resonating deep in his chest.

"I still don't understand why you care so much about me. I am nothing remarkable by any stand-"

"I care so much cause I have loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you Y/N" Scar interrupted his clawed hand now cupping your face. Nervously he pulled back scooting away from you as he realized he had said too much.

"I apologize I have said too much, now is not when you need to hear me." Scar quickly countered attempting to back pedal as quickly as possible.

"Why did you never say anything sooner?" You asked feeling your heart squeezing with strange and new emotions that left you feeling fuzzy and scared.

"Would you believe me if I said I was too scared? If we are being honest right now the thought of being rejected and ruining our friendship scares me so much I think I might be sick." Scar laughed nervously avoiding your eyes as he stressed that he had just let his nightmare become reality.

You felt tears well up in your eyes again. Though only this time it wasn't over a shitty ex-boyfriend.

Scar seeing you on the verge of tears closed the distance between the two of you about to say something to try and calm you though before he could you threw your arms around his neck crying.

"I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!"

"These are happy tears you dumb ass. I love you too but I thought you didn't like humans"

You both just held each other you ugly crying on the outside, Scar feeling his soul leave his body from how tense he felt through that whole exchange.

The rest of the afternoon is spent with you two both just talking and taking in the view of what ever worlds passed by out the viewing window.

As the evening turned into night Scar decided his first act of making you forget your terrible first experience with dating yautia would be to take you out for something quick to eat. Soon enough Scar was dragging you out of your house and taking you to his favorite multiple species' restaurant. Though as all good things must come to an end on the way to said restaurant you just had to run into a certain someone.

Instinctively you stepped back as if to hide behind Scar though as soon as Scar saw that your Ex was actually going to approach the two of you, he stepped completely in front of you blocking the other yautja from reaching you, or even seeing you really as Scar dwarfed the other.

"I need to talk to Y/N" Your Ex sneered to Scar who huffed in response not moving.

Ignoring Scar who was clearly five seconds from laying his ass out he peered around him to glare at you.

"Look babe I am sorry it was a one-time thing okay? Let me take you out and I can prove that we can work it out." He said as if it was totally normal to cheat on someone in said someone's own fucking home.

You shook your head frowning tugging on scar's hand to leave as you knew if yo talked to him you would start crying.

As the two of you turned to leave your Ex being the absolute fool that he is reached out to grab you. His hand didn't even come close to you before it was in Scar's Ironclad grip. Then to add sprinkles to his stupidity sundae he had the audacity to challenge Scar flaring his mandibles like he was some kinda tough shit.

Scar glanced back at you as if asking for permission and you nodded stepping back out of the way as passersby stopped to watch the on coming battle.

Your Ex made a big show of showing off hissing and snapping at Scar though Scar on the other hand stayed perfectly still watching and waiting for the other to make the first move.

Charging at Scar with a wild snarl you watched as Scar's fist connected with your Ex's face with an audible crack as his lower tusk snapped off from the impact.

Holding his broken face in horror he stared at Scar like he somehow didn't believe what just happened.

Scar shook his fist, wiping his knuckles off on his pants as he walked back over to you motioning for you to walk with him as he let you feel like a bad ass for a few moments as everyone gawked at you and him.

While the dinner wasn't as intense as a yautja fight at least the food was good and Scar getting a brain freeze on the milk shake was adorable. 

[Thanks for reading! <3 I would love to hear your feed back on this one since I tried some new things <3] 

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