Ahab Predator/Engineer X Reader [SFW] [Part 1?]

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You were still asleep in your room when there was a ping at your door telling you some one was there. Groggily pulling yourself out of your bed you trudge to the door slapping the key pad and letting it whoosh open.

You were quickly woken up when a large bouquet of flowers were shoved into your hands followed by a card.

"Enjoy, You must feel very lucky." The delivery person said smiling at you as they left pushing their cart. Confused you close the door and set everything down in the kitchen tearing open the card. It was a relatively normal Christmas card though instead of it being one of your friends it was signed from the engineer who you quickly befriended after he caught you daydreaming in the top decks and was accidentally singing to yourself. You never thought they saw you as more than simply someone to talk to when bored. It was common knowledge that engineers held themselves highly often looking down on others, especially humans.

You hadn't even finished reading the card when there was now a loud knock at your door. Setting everything down you hurried to the door shocked to see another delivery person.

"Here ya are miss!" the person said handing you another just as large bouquet of flowers, many clearly not from earth.

"Your card, He's a lucky man." The delivery person chuckled leaving you standing there gobsmacked.

Storming back to your kitchen you almost dropped the vase as you tore the card open with your teeth speed reading the card and almost fainting when you saw it was signed by Ahab.

"This is it, this is my worst nightmare come to life." You stressed rubbing your temples looking between the two floral displays.

You now sat at one end of the kitchen table glaring at the two vases as you re-read the cards which only caused you more anxiety as they both had asked you out for dinner the next night for a holiday celebration.

Contemplating your existence in the universe you thought your heart was going to explode when the door pinged. Slowly creeping to the door you checked the key pad and almost dropped dead when you saw Ahab standing there in his casual wear.

Its not like him stopping by unanounced was odd as he was one of your dearest friends its just right now you thought you wanted to blast yourself out of an airlock.

Thinking fast you grabbed a blanket from a nearby chair wrapping it around yourself. pinching each of your cheeks hard as you hoped those few years in your high schools drama club were going to pay off.

Letting the door slide open you saw Ahabs mood suddenly shift as he saw you bed ragged and red faced.

"Are you okay? Are you ill?" He asked immediately worried.

Sniffing dramatically you nodded

"Thanks for the flowers by the way but I cant really smell them" You teased trying to keep him from going mother hen on you.

"Those are the least of my concerns currently you should be in bed or at least sitting." Ahab started beginning to enter your apartment.

You stopped him shaking your head as you dug yourself deeper into this lie cause you were too weak to tell him your current dilemma.

"You cant come in, You could get sick and I dont wanna ruin your holiday."

"I can handle a little sickness to make sure you are well."

"Ahab I will be fine, you go do guy stuff with some of your friends and I am going to go watch tv and sleep this off." You lied hoping he cant see through your act.

Ahab hesitated before sighing upset nodding at you before walking off.

Closing the door behind you, you let out a great sigh of relief as you slunk to the couch and fell face first into it wanting to melt and stop existing for a bit.

You had no idea what you were gonna do and now Ahab was convinced you were gross.

That was when your phone buzzed and you saw you had missed a few messages.

One was from your coworkers wishing you a happy holiday, the others were from Your Yautja and Engineer suitors.

The former of the two simply sent his well wishes and wanted to know if you excepted his offer of a dinner date.

Ahabs texts on the other hand, much, much more complicated.

'I know your not sick and I can understand you being uncomfortable being around me with me so suddenly springing the idea of a relationship on you. While my emotions for you wont change I dont want them to ruin our relationship whatever it is or may be."

Oh you were really contemplating that air lock right now...

[Unedited but wanted to put something out anyways hope yall okay with that lol]

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