Crucified Predator X Scarface Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You were so happy to finally be home, Your normal twenty minute commute to and from college turned into a two hour commute as you ended up stuck in traffic due to a major pile up on the highway. So when you finally dragged yourself inside you were relieved to finally be home and able to relax. Though your mood was quickly changed as you found the living room dark, as if no one was home. To many this would not dome off as strange but seeing as you were currently in a relationship with two Aliens that were probably the most eccentric, trouble making beings in the universe this only made you worry. 

Throwing your bags to the ground you walked into the kitchen looking around for signs of where everyone might be, or if they truly were not home. 

"Hello?" You called out listening for some kind of response as you went about turning on the occasional table lamp. 

Stepping into your bed room your blood ran cold when you saw the mattress was flipped off of the bed frame the sheets hanging limply to the bed or thrown around the room. 

One of the posts had been snapped off the bed frame which sent real and painful fear running through you as you began to panic. 

"Hello? Cruci? Scar?" You called out spinning around when you heard a whimper coming from the bathroom. 

Charging into the bathroom you found Cruci curled in on himself looking awful. You could tell by the claw marks on his arms and body that he had just suffered one of his attacks and judging by the bedroom it was a bad one. 

You threw yourself at him as he hides his face in your shoulder. His normal exuberant purrs were hardly heard as you could feel him shudder and wince at your touches. You wanted to say something to reassure him but you don't know what triggered him or what he had seen that had upset him so you could only offer this physical comfort as a solace for now. 

He clung to you tightly as you planted soft kisses on his forehead and cheek. Closing his eyes Cruci sighed letting you calm him with your touches and soft humming. 

As you brushed your knuckles over Cruci's jaw you both hear the door open and slam downstairs signaling Scarface was home. You felt Cruci tense holding you tighter against him at the sound of the door slamming. You did your best to hide your surprise as Cruci puffed up getting defensive at the sound of someone approaching as if he didn't recognize Scarface's loud and staggered foot steps. 

Cruci slowly loosened up pressing into you pressing his face into your cheek. You caressed his face and held him. 

"Its okay Cruci, I wont let anything happen to you." You whisper reassuringly as you prayed that Scarface hurry up as you wanted to get Cruci out of the bathroom and somewhere more calming. 

Cruci pulled you from your thinking as he nosed at your cheek grumbling unhappily. You smiled softly at him knowing exactly what he was asking for. Scooting forward a bit you placed soft kisses all over his face trailing down his jawline. You ran your fingers through his dreds helping to release some of the tension in his shoulders. 

 This was when Scarface came in also having clearly had a heart attack after seeing what had happened in the bedroom. As soon as he saw the two of you on the bathroom floor he knew what had happened. Slowly walking over to the two of you he knelled next to you. 

Cruci hugged you against him as he leaned into Scarface who rumbled happily. The larger Yautja easily lifted the both of you in his arms as he carried you out of the cold bathroom. 

Seeing as the main bedroom was still a mess Scarface carried the two of you out to the guest bedroom. Tucking the two of you under the covers he left momentarily only to return with the candles from the living room placing them on the dresser and lighting them. 

Meanwhile you laid on top of Cruci who was idly  running his fingers through your hair as he focused on steadying his breathing. Tracing the patterns on his chest you watched as he held back a smile his hands coming to rest on your back as he resisted hugging you. 

Scarface soon crawled into bed next to the two of you his arm coming to lay over your back so he could hold both of you at once. 

A few moments passed of just the three of you all together just enjoying the company when Cruci began to shift and become restless. 

"I do not deserve either of you..." He spoke so quietly you almost didn't hear him say it, though Scarface did quite clearly as he sat up to look at Cruci with a saddened look as he placed his hand on Crucis arm.

"More like we don't deserve you CC, you are a literal ray of sunshine and we love you so very much." You said taking his face in yours as you sit up slightly so you can see his face. Cruci had always had problems expressing his feelings at times like these so you knew not to expect much of a response so instead you reached up to litter kisses on his jawline while Scarface rumbled deep in his chest seeing how much you cared. 

Both you and Cruci yelped in surprise when Scarface pulled you both on to his chest his arms wrapped around your waists as he hugged you tight. 

" I love you both too much to let you stay upset, so tomorrow we are gonna all stay together and enjoy our selves." Scarface muttered is voice husky and clearly exhausted from whatever he had done today. 

The two yautja shared soft trills before Cruci pulled you closer and all three of you began to settle in. 

"I know life has been hard Cruci, but just know that we both love you and that no matter what happens we will be there for you. I am sorry you had to be alone for so long." You whisper to him as Scarface purred a deep and husky tone almost approving of your words.

Before Cruci could respond you kissed his face as Scarface nuzzled into the top of his head grumbling sleepily. 

Cruci was still emotional though now it was due to him realizing how much his s/o's actually cared about him and how much they wanted to see him better off. 

"Thank you." Cruci mumbled as he nuzzled his nose into your cheek. 

[Hope you all liked this newest installment in I rewrote this 3 times]

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