Do'vah Predator X Reader [SFW]

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You looked around you completely breath taken by the beautiful scenery surrounding you. It was something straight out of a fairy tale the way the lightning bugs seemed to glow so brightly like the stars were descending from the sky to illuminate your way.

Do'vah took your hand leading you out into a clearing in the forest. The moon shone brightly down on the two of you bathing you in white shimmering light as lighting bugs flickered about as if you were bathing in the star system.

The large Yautja smiled as he faced you placing a hand on your hip as he raised you joined hands smiling softly.

"May I have this dance?" He asked his voice deep and smooth making you shudder in delight as you smiled and nodded letting him pull you closer.

Placing your hand on his bicep you both paused for a moment, you couldn't help but become lost in his startlingly blue eyes and he in yours as the lights surrounding you reflected back at him entrancing him in your gaze.

You couldn't help the fluttering of your heart as Do'vah began to sway to the music of the night a natural orchestra that seemed to cheer you on as he led you about your grassy ball room.

Lifting his hand above your head you twirled seamlessly before being spun right back into his strong arms his chest swelling with happiness as you began to sway with him following in his footsteps as you both fell in sync to one another.

You laughed happily as Do'vah picked you up by your waist spinning you in the air. You couldn't help the bubble of laughter that came from you as he set you down, you both coming to a still in the center of he clearing simply smiling at one another. Holding each other close.

You could tell what he was thinking by the way he was watching you. The way his hands seemed to hover over your hips almost as if he were to touch you, you would vanish a mere figment of his imagination.

Reaching up your let your fingertips flutter over his jaw before cupping his face. He leaned into your touch his normally electric blue eyes now soft and tender as he watched you.

"I love you too" you admitted knowing how much he longed to tell you though light years of space prevented him from doing so.

He stared into your eyes telling you everything you needed to know as he leaned down resting his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes and just took in the moment. You felt his hand come over yours placing it over his chest. You could feel his steady heart beat under your palm as you pressed against his chest.

Hesitant, you felt his and waver at your hip. A soft smile graced your lips as just as he had you guided his hand over your heart his large palm pressing against your chest. Your heart seemed to dance and jitter excitedly as he chuckled slightly feeling your pulse under his fingers.

"I wish we could stay like this forever..." you silently remarked as he sighed heavily knowing what was soon to come.

For you were star crossed lovers. Cursed to forever love one another but not be able to have one another.

At least you could share small moments such as these. How ever fleeting they were they felt unforgettable for the both of you. 

[To those confused Do'vah is an original character]

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now