Wolf Predator X Reader [Soft NSFW]

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You told wolf you and some of your friends were going back to earth for a few days and sadly he couldn't go with you as he couldn't get a pass in such a short amount of time. Begrudgingly he agreed to let you go on your little girls trip so long as you spent the day before you left with him.

You had happily agreed to his terms at the time as you had envisioned some much sultrier things with your mate. Though when it wasn't until lunch that he pulled you aside and back to your shared suite that you knew something was up.

"Now for my part of the deal" he purred as he sat you down on a kitchen chair he had pulled into the living room. You looked at him surprised as he straddled you sitting on your lap as he pushed your shirt down out of the way just enough to expose your neck.

"What does your part of the deal entail?"

"You will see, now sit back and enjoy." Wolf rumbled as he nuzzled his face into your neck and under your jaw scenting you like he had done time and time again. Only now he was much more confident in his movements knowing which places held his scent the longest and which were the most sensitive to you.

You tipped your head back giving him full control of this situation as you relaxed letting him nuzzle against you sweetly. Sadly, this sweetness didn't last long as Wolf pulled your shirt aside to reveal your shoulder and he proceeded to bite you hard enough to leave marks tiny beads of blood spouting up from his teeth.

"Ow." You stated as he side eyed you taking long laps at the mark on your shoulder.

Wolf rumbled deep in his chest as he moved under your jaw nipping testing the areas sensitivity before he nipped down though instead of drawing blood tiny bruises began to flower on your skin as he worked down to your collar bone until it was clear you were covered in love marks.

"Wolf im gonna get so many looks because of you." You huffed as you pushed him off of you only for him to press your foreheads together as he purred to calm you.

"At least they will know you are mine darling" He purred his voice like honey intoxicating you enough to agree to let him go back to his solemn duty of littering your neck and shoulders in bite marks tediously scenting you as he did so knowing those earthen yautja would steer clear of you after catching a whiff of this deadly concoction. It was even better that you humans were completely unaware of the pheromones meaning the bite marks would serve as fair enough a warning.

Wolf spent the rest of the day with you constantly at your side as he adds more love bites or nuzzles into you wanting you to reek so strongly of his scent that others may confuse you for him.

When morning came and you had to head out wolf walked with you to the departure station giving you a goodbye hug and kissing you farewell. Wolf stood by and watched smugly as you ran off to see your friends who greeted you warmly as the poor female yautja who was stood at the gate took a large side step from you as you skipped past with your friends. Proud of his work Wolf walked back to his suite wondering if his buddies were up for a quick hunt seeing as he had time to spare with you gone. 

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now