Scarface Predator x Reader [SFW]

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[This is set in a "Space station AU" just for those who may get confused] 

Scarface had invited you to meet him in the training center that morning to lift weights under the guise that he would give you some pointers on strength training though he really was planning on asking you out to dinner that evening.

Even though he knew he would get sweaty and gross from training he showered anyways as he didn't want you to think he was gross or anything. Whenever scarface made plans to meet with you he got very nervous as he wanted things to go well. He wanted you to like him as much as he was fascinated with you. Finally realizing he was over thinking it all he got around and made his way to the facility.

Slowly cantering into the weight room, he saw you sitting cross legged on his favorite bench, the bar already loaded with his set.

'You were getting to know him a little too well' scarface thought jokingly as you looked up from your phone smiling at him widely. You nodded at him telling him to hurry over though as he approached scarface felt the eyes of the other pair of yautja males in the room. He knew they had been eyeing you but with him here they were growing skittish, or so he had though. After showing you the proper way to use a bench press and rolling his eyes as you blatantly ogled at his bulging biceps, he set you up with some nothing weights and let you practice your form needing to step away for a minute as he wasn't sure he could maintain his chill composure with you so blatantly flirting with him.

He should have known better than to walk away from you but he did and those two Youngbloods pounced at the opportunity to get at you. When scarface returned a towel in his hands he sneered seeing you visibly uncomfortable by the two much larger males hovering over you.

The larger of the two reached for you but before he could even brush his finger tips over your delicate skin Scarface was upon them snapping furiously as he forced them backwards standing between you and them.

"Come on old man! Quite acting like you stand a chance with a young hot blood like that human" the smaller one laughed in yautja leaving you to look between them and scarface utterly confused and very scared. You slunk behind scarface knowing that he could easily take these two if it came to that.

You couldn't understand what they were saying as you only knew the most basic sayings in their language. Though whatever they were discussing it obviously was displeasing as scarface reached back nudging you away, motioning for you to run.

Suddenly the two youngbloods lunged forward one trying to slip past and grab you while the other rushed scarface.

They stood no chance as Scarface grabbed the one and slammed him down on top of the other before dragging them into the middle of the room. You watched in horror as scarface beat the absolute shit out of them. He broke the ones jaw the others leg bent at an ungodly angle as he kicked the knee in so it inverted. They cried and begged for mercy but no one was willing to step in as yautja fights were moderately common on the shuttle this though, this was a massacre.

"Scar!" You cry out tears welling in your eyes as you just want to go home now. Your voice had been so silent a whisper that not even those who had gathered next to you to watch the fight heard you. Though everyone grew silent as scarface suddenly stopped mid swing to turn and look at you his entire demeanor shifting as he went from enraged avenger to loving protector so quickly you almost couldn't tell.

He was kneeling in front of you his hands cupping your face as he wiped away your tears. He cooed and purred trying to soothe you as everyone who had gathered to watch now carefully avoided the two of you many of the other humans stared at you in shock and horror as it was not common for a yautja to be the one fawning over a human.

Scarface swept you into his arms as he nuzzled the top of your head. As he carried you back to his room you looked up at him and he watched you with a soft expression patiently waiting for the incoming questions.

"Why..." was all your soft voice said as Scarface set you down on his bed wanting to make sure you were okay before tending to his own bleeding knuckles

"People do crazy things when they're in love" He said half mindedly

He wasn't facing you but he could feel you heat up from his admission and thanking god he wasn't facing you as he was beat red right now. Walking slowly in to the bathroom he set to work on bandaging his hands.

His mind was moving so quickly that he did not here you walk up behind him until you pushed him away from the sink and had him sit on the toilet as you took over silently.

Scarface searched your face for any kind of emotion though you avoided his eyes as you worked easily, skillfully.

"Please don't hurt yourself next time..." You whispered again so quiet even Scarface hardly had heard.

Nonetheless he nodded in agreement flexing his hand as you tied off the wrappings. Scarface tensed as he felt your soft lips press against his forehead in a fleeting kiss before you stepped back and let your knuckles brush against his cheek. With a small smile you turned and left leaving Scarface alone with his racing mind and heart.

[If you liked this story check out my Tumblr @windowgoblin for other snippets of scarface and his s/o as they take on life on a space station lol! Also if there is something you would like to see feel free to leave a request! <3]

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now