Yautja X Reader [SFW]

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His eyes wandered your form though they didn't hunger like the others did. They were curious, and full of wonder. The way his heart fluttered softly at the sound of your voice and the soft touch of your finger tips on his cheeks.

He was in love.

Though deep down he knew. It could never be. It would never be.

For he was a monster.

And you, the beauty.

So many old tales tell of the beautiful princess falling for the hideous beast, her kiss so soft and caring cures the beast of its cruel ways and even crueler looks allowing them to live happily ever after.

Though this was no fairy tale.

He knew there would be no happy ending.

Despite knowing this solemn truth, he could not help the way his heart yearned for you. Hearing your laughter was so intoxicating to him, the way you smiled so innocently completely unaware of how you tormented him so.

Your hands so soft and small compared to his own clawed ones. Were he not careful with you he would surely break you. Though you were not afraid, often seeking him out in the dark of night whispering out to him with bright eyes.

That night the moon shone brightly illuminating the forest in an other worldly glow.

Soft blue light trickled down from the tree tops scattering the soft grassy earth below in puddles of light.

Perched high in the tree tops he watched as you padded from your house up the small stone path to the edge of the forest.

Your voice barely a whisper seemed to sing out to him as he watched her step cautiously into the clearing. Your night gown fluttered in the window swirling about you in an ethereal fashion. Hair whirling around you creating a golden halo around you as the moons light shimmered over you.

Entranced by your beauty, the predator with skilled grace lowers himself from his perch his eyes never wavering from you as you seem to dance about the clearing calling out for him, having yet to notice his presence.

Had some one asked him how to describe what he saw in that moment he truly couldn't.

Stepping to the edge of the shadows, he seemed to toe at the line between light and dark.

Your eyes widened in delight at the sight of him flying to his side as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into the light.

You couldn't contain your joyous laughter as he spun you about clutching you against him.

His own laughter soon joined yours making a foreign sounding song

You both came to a rest in the center of the clearing. The yautja looked down at your round face and your bright eyes. Your soft lips curving into a smile as you pressed your forehead to his own.

Seeing you here in this moment, the two of you alone in this perfect moment.

Leaning down to nuzzle his face into your cheek a barely heard purr escapes his chest.

Taking a steadying breath, he rests his forehead on your own before confessing to you.

I love you, I have always loved you, I will always love you.

A moment passes.

And then another.

His faint glimmer of hope is quickly smothered as he waits for you to flee in disgust.

Small hands cup his face as you stand on tip toe to place a chaste kiss to his lips.

I love you too.   

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now