Ahab X Reader [NSFW]

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Smiling you threw your bags across the room and took a running leap onto the giant mattress as Ahab walked in behind you chuckling as he set down your luggage.

Ahab being the smooth talked he is managed to get you both a week-long trip to some tropical get away. Meaning it was a week of you two having nothing to do but be together and just enjoy it.

Ahab smirked at you as he crawled up the bed and sat on you straddling your hips as he rubbed at your chest.

"Well my darling Husband what would you like to do first? Lunch? Go for a hike? Swim? Consummate our marriage~" Ahab teased leaning down to kiss you lightly pressing his lower mandibles against your lips.

"Well, when you put it like that" You smiled through your kissing wrapping your arms round his broad shoulders.

Ahab rolled his hips against yours feeling him straining in his pants. Just as your husbands' hands started to tug at the waist of your pants there was a loud knock at the door startling you both. Ahab growled possessively as he held you tight before huffing angrily stomping over to the door throwing it open to find some poor lady who was clearly at the wrong room.

"O-Oh! Im sorry" She stuttered backing away as Ahab snorted shooing her away. Slamming the door behind him the yautja turned to you with lust in his eyes.

"You can't expect to pick back up after a buzz kill like that." You laughed as you sat up criss crossing your legs as Ahab huffed again clearly upset.

"So much for quiet fucking get away." Ahab grumbled sulking to sit on the edge of the bed.

Knowing he was gonna be grouchy for the rest of the evening you rolled your eyes sliding up next to him as you let your hand wander forward rubbing at him though his pants.

"Lay down and try to keep that big mouth of yours shut" You said placing a soft kiss on his cheek as you pushed his shoulder. Ahab purring happily flopped back onto the bed as you stroked at him.

Pushing off Ahabs pants he quickly sprang free of the restraints twitching at the cold air on his sensitive organ.

Leaning down you kissed at the head of his dick before running your tongue from the base to the tip getting a delicious moan from your darling.

Seeing he wouldn't last long already you took him into your mouth using both hands to stroke at what you couldn't fit. Bobbing your head up and down Ahab gasped and moaned as he bucked up against you needing more of him in you.

Already feeling him beginning to tense you side eyed him as you took his whole length into your mouth humming as you rolled your tongue against him.

A moment passed before you felt him freeze and warm liquid shot down your throat. Having swallowed most of his cum you licked off what had dribbled out of our mouth from when you had pulled off of him.

Ahab rubbed at his eyes legs still twitching in post orgasm bliss.

"Happy now?" You teased evilly as you laid on him twirling his dreads between your fingers as you waited for him to come down from his high

"I love you so much you know that right." Ahab stated voice deep and husky from moaning too loudly.

Kissing his mandibles, you nodded before standing.

"Imma go get you something to eat don't run off now." You announced as Ahab hummed in acknowledgement. Stepping outside you almost took out the girl from earlier who looked up at you red faced and embarrassed.

"So sorry!" She said quickly before running off.

You smirked knowing she had heard Ahab crying out your name.

This was gonna be a memorable honey moon that was for fucking sure.

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now