Engineer X Reader [SFW]

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You worked a desk job on the station never expecting anything more from this life than pushing pencils and running errands. You had come to terms with this long ago though to alleviate the stress of your job you often found yourself in the top deck with the large overarching dome allowing you to star upwards into the universe seeing stars and planets passing over head like it was just a projection on the ceiling as you had done as a child.

In these moments of peace, you often hummed a small tune which evolved into muttered words before you were singing to yourself loving how you voice seemed to dance and echo about the room.

This room was always empty despite its beauty and accommodations which you greatly enjoyed free to belt the lyrics to your favorite songs as you pleased. Though all good things must come to an end as one day you had an unwarranted visitor.

Laying on your back on a bench you looked up at the passing stars day dreaming as you hummed softly to yourself. You listened to the soundtrack of some musical from long ago letting yourself become lost in the words before you found yourself singing along, pulling yourself to your feet you wandered about singing loudly to yourself over the volume of your own head phones. Swaying to the beat of the song you joyfully belted out the crescendo of the song swinging around a post only to come face to face with a massive being who looked almost as embarrassed as you did.

You rushed out an apology before dashing away in horror knowing you were going to be in so much trouble the next day though you weren't sure if you had actually broken any rules.

The next day as you sorted through stacks of papers and documents you over heard your coworkers talking about how some engineer was looking for a human who had been in the top deck the previous night. You felt your blood run cold as you ducked your head down as focused intensely on your work.

You thought you were going to curl up and die right there as they essentially retold everything you had gone through though the engineer had apparently tried to follow you losing you in the winding maze that were the halls of the top deck. He was part of the new wave of Engineer who were to join the station as representatives of the species and this was proving as an odd first encounter story for the station.

And when you said station you meant station as even after work when you trudged home, depressed you couldn't go back to the top deck in fear of being found, you heard many people discussing what had happened. Needing something to cheer yourself up from all this you stopped by a small coffee shop to pick up a treat or something.

As you stood in line you engrossed your self in your phone allowing yourself to blend in with the masses normally unnoticeable to the passing glance. Though to the person who had been searching for someone of your likeness for almost a day now you stuck out like a sore thumb in winter.

You didn't notice the sudden hush of the people around you as the intimidating figure approached and tapped you on the shoulder. You couldn't help the jump it elicited from you, turning you felt your heart contract heavily before threatening to stop as you stared up into the face of the engineer from before his beautiful white skin seeming to glow as he stared back down at you.

He looked you over a moment before his expressing softened to something akin to a smile

"You are the human female from the previous night are you not?" He asked his voice having a happy tone to it, not that you knew as you were entirely convinced, he was going to drag you away to public safety and have you returned to earth.

You couldn't respond as you just shrugged dumbly feeling stressed and uncomfortable from all the attention this scene was attracting.

He caught on quick as he nodded and took your hand shaking it slightly as he muttered an apology before striding away. You watched as he left before looking down at your hand were, he had slipped you a apiece of paper you were much too afraid to open.

Realizing everyone was still staring at you, you left hurrying away to your room were once safe within the sanctuary that was your room, you forced yourself to open the note.

It was simply his name, which you had no clue on how to pronounce or if you even could, and his room number. He clearly hadn't believed you when you tried to act dumb and now you felt morally obligated to go and give him some kind of apology as you had essentially run away from him twice now.

With a shout of frustration, you collected yourself to the best of your abilities and forced yourself to walk to his room which was on the opposite side of the station allowing you ample time to listen in on the updated gossip of you and him.

Now stood before the large suit door you hesitated to knock as you were terrified about what was to come. Though before you could make any kind of decision the door slid open revealing the engineer stood before you looking down on you with the same soft expression as from before.

He invited you inside with a sweeping gesture and you nodded slightly as you slowly made your way past him and into his suit. You were immediately taken aback by how spacious it was compared to your own let alone how well furnished it was with a full living room and kitchenette area along with a separate bedroom.

"Please take and a seat and make yourself at home." He said as he stepped into the kitchenette pouring two glasses of something as you sat on the very edge of the large couch clearly uncomfortable by how stiff you were and how much you glanced about.

"I can see that you are fearful but please don't be, I simply wish to speak with you. Get to know you better." He said as he returned setting the steamed wine glass in front of you on the coffee "I take it you were more the surprised by me during our first encounter?"

You nodded shyly smiling as your tried not to act like an ass but you so badly didn't want to be hear as there was nothing any one could do if he decided he was just going to like, eat you or some shit, you didn't know what he may do but the rumors you had heard were never good.

"I am sorry I startled you so badly, I was just so amazed by your voice that I wanted to see who it was. I had no idea that humans were such beautiful creatures till I met you of course." He explained taking a sip of is drink at the end of his sentence leaving you flushed and feeling extremely shy.

"I am sure you have questions for me a well. Please feel free to interrupt me at any time to ask." He said as he adjusted himself on the couch so he was more comfortable.

You hesitated a moment before responding

"You are not mad at me?" You asked realizing much too late how stupid that sounded as you felt your heart rate pick up seeing his surprised look.

"No not at all what would make you think I was?"

"I-Im sorry, it's just I was afraid I had bothered you or something that first time and I really didn't want you to report me or anything..." You stuttered quietly

"You have no reason to apologize or worry of me reporting you, you truly did nothing wrong." He said calmly attempting to soothe your worries and managing to do so ever so slightly.

"I was so mesmerized by your beautiful voice that I couldn't help but want to see who it was coming from. I have never heard anything quite so beautiful before or seen for that matter." He smiled at you as you flushed a bright pink. This was not how you pictured things going.

"I-I uh, Thank you?"

He laughed heartily as he struggled to take another swig of his drink.

"I understand that in all cultures this is very sudden and is moving very fast but I would like to get to know you better under more pleasant circumstances." He elaborated smiling at your warmly with that perfect face of his.

You nodded instinctively only to realize that you just agreed to go on a date with the guy you had been avoiding like the plague from how scared of him you were.

It was too late to back out now as he was already on his feet asking you when and where you would like to meet and if you knew of any cute places on the station like that café in the commons.

You deflated into the couch as you took a large drink of whatever he had given you wondering how you kept getting into situations like this. 

[This is yautja related but what the fuck ever Its close enough and I have no where else to put it]

[This is set in my space station AU btw] 

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