Assassin Predator X Reader [Part 1] [SFW]

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Your friend had been missing for a few hours when you got a frantic phone call from her. It did nothing to settle your nerves when she only told you that she was hiding out in the forest that surrounded the local state park. Confused and worried you headed out after her with only your nerves and phone in hand. 

Arriving at the forest you truly had no idea what to expect as you began to trek through the forest. Night quickly approached and your where only guided by the light of your phone as you called out for your friend. You called them repeatedly but they never answered that was until you walked past a particularly large oak tree and you swore you heard a buzzing. 

Peering around it with a questioning tone you gasped to see a trail of your friends shredded jacket leading off into the woods. Against your better judgement you charged into the dense underbrush uncaring at the thorns tugging at your legs and thighs. 

You screamed their name as you frantically chased down the end of the trail.  You weren't even sure if they were alive or not though as you leap over a fallen tree you land ungracefully in a large clearing. This only being due to the massive space craft that was parked meters from you. 

You jumped when you heard your name turning to see your friend in the clutches of a massive, easily eleven foot tall alien that had her by her hair. 

Running up to the two you kicked the alien as hard as you could in his leg though he just laughed at you as he swatted you away like a pesky fly. Tumbling backwards your phone skidded from your hand leaving you to only the moon as a light source as you grabbed a tree branch that was on the ground next to you. With a quiet curse under your breath you run up behind the distracted alien and bash him in the backs of his knees which buckle forcing him to kneel as he whips around to glare at you furious. 

You let this slip unnoticed though as you smash the branch so hard over his head it splinters into hundreds of pieces showering all of you in dust and tree bits. Grabbing your dazed friend you attempt to sprint away, though seeing as you were practically dragging her you didn't make it far before a clawed hand grabbed your arm and yanked you back with such force you swore it would break. 

While the alien grappled you in one hand he held your friend in his other by the back of this neck. Their hand was so large that as they squeezed they choked your friend who could only weakly kick her legs at the arm holding her gagging loudly. 

"Okay! Enough! What do you want?" You screamed less upset and more angry than anything at this point. 

The massive alien seemed to understand you as he dropped your friend how crumpled to the ground like wet paper laying in an unnatural position as they wheezed for breath. The alien pointed to your friend before making a sweeping gesture back to the ship. 

"You want to take her? Why? Why her?" You questioned now extremely frustrated. He then poked your chest hard before placing his hand over where his heart was presumably. 

"What are you gonna drink her blood ya fucking sicko?" You snapped slightly hysterical as your adrenaline started to do funky things to your body. You could feel your heart rate start to increase and your breaths became ragged and heavy. 

He sneered and shook his head before pointing to both of you then to the ship. In your half delusional state you slightly understood what he was saying as you stared at your friend who was now looking back at you with tears streaming down her face. 

"Take me. Take me instead just leave her be." You said before she could protest. The alien huffed as he nodded pulling you along after him as he strode to his ship. 

You couldnt look back as your friend since child hood choked out sobs screaming for you, begging for him to let you go. You stoned yourself feeling your body go numb as you were pushed into the silver ship and thrown in a pod like cage in the wall. The pods door slid shut and you were left alone in the dark only the sounds of the engine rolling there to keep you company. 

Yautja x Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now