Fugitive Predator/Assassin Predator X Reader [SFW] [Part 2]

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Despite his rough start fugitive still refused to give up on you and winning your heart. Though the young yautja was much more cautious of his rival as he knew he stood no match against the hulking mass that was AP.

Instead fugitive left you gifts and heartfelt notes. He would watch over you from afar and whenever you were alone, he would approach you for as long as he felt safe.

As time went on you became quite fond of his silly antics as he would jump at the tiniest sound afraid the other much larger suitor of yours would come charging in to protect you at any moment.

You quite enjoyed fugitives' company as he was a good change of pace from AP. He joked a lot more and wasn't afraid to say certain things around you. Though his clear and sometimes grating flirting and romantic attempts did get a little bothersome especially when he would try to "move things along" between the two of you in the short spans of time he was brave enough to come talk to you.

Despite these faults you couldn't blame him as if AP ever caught him the larger yautja would try to kill him if you weren't around to stop him.

You were stood outside contemplating life as one who was being courted by the two scariest mother fuckers on the earth does. When fugitive appeared at your side holding something out to you.

Glancing to his hands you were surprised to see a small black box clearly containing some kind of necklace or jewelry.

When you hesitated to take it from him, he motioned for you to take it stepping closer to you.

Reaching out and taking the box from him. You slowly took off the top only to be surprised by the contents within. On a leather strap was the jaw bone of a small and very alien animal. Running your hand over it you were awed by the metallic etchings in the jaw only appearing when in certain light.

Though before you could thank him, he bolted as AP came charging up to your side huffing angrily.

AP ushered you inside as he went after fugitive. Knowing you could nothing to help either of the two you sighed slumping into a chair as you took out the necklace and turned it back and forth in your hand so it shimmered and dazzled in the light.

While Ap was great, there was something about fugitive that just felt right to you.

With a huff you stood suddenly tying the leather straps around your neck before running outside and into the forest searching for your two suitors. 

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