Chapter 80

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A couple hours later we drove through the gate of my house after giving my fingerprint. My uncle parked the car and rested his head against the seat. It was quiet for a moment,the only noise being my hiccups.
"Everything is gonna be alright,Andrea. We are gonna get you through this,okay." he said after a while and I nodded. He pulled me into a hug kissing on my forehead.
"If you ever need anything just call okay. Mom,Dad, Aiden and I will always be there for you,I promise." He said and I felt new tears surfacing,biting my lip I nodded again.
"I am sorry for bringing The Kingdom into your lives. It was..I never knew this was gonna happen. I wouldn't forgive myself if.." My uncle cut me off by shuushing me.
"You didn't bring us into anything. Never forget that, Andrea,you're our family and your problems is our problems. Your stupid father did this." he said and I thought back to what they told me and I felt the first tear fell.
"Just,just promise me you are gonna be safe,please Uncle Caiden." I said softly and he nodded.
"As long as you promise too." he said holding out his pinky causing me to let out a small smile as I interlaced our pinky.
"Promise." I said and he hugged me again. The front door opened and my eyes went wide as I saw my Grandmother at the entrance. She and Maria was giving suspicious looks at the car.
My uncle pulled back giving me a soft encouraging smile.
"Everything will be fine. Call us anytime,okay." he said as I opened the cardoor. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and watched him drive away after waving at me. I turned back eyes on the ground and went inside the house.
"Andrea,welcome back." Maria said and I gave her a small smile nodding my head. I moved past them and walked up the stairs.
"Andrea." A voiced called from behind me and I bit my lip,turning around. I looked at her and she raised an eyebrow.
"Why were you crying?" She asked and as soon as those words were out of her mouth the tears streamed down. The bag slipped out of my hands and before I knew it my grandma was hugging me. I hugged her back as everything that happened became a reality. My boyfriend hated me,I was being hunted,my father cheated on my mother,used me and had another daughter. I couldn't stop myself from crying and before I knew it I was struggling to breath.
"Andrea!Andrea!Look at me.Breath! Oh my God,Maria call the ambulance!" My grandma screamed as I fated into darkness.

Beeping sounds came from both sides of me as I slowly woke up. It took my a moment to focus and realise I was in a hospital room. The door opened and a nurse walked into the room. She looked at me and jumped a little when she realised I was awake.
"Goodevening,Miss Sparks. How are you feeling?" she asked as she poured me a glass of water and checking the machines.
"I am fine,I guess. Uhmm how long was I out for?" I asked as she gave me the glass.
"8 hours. Doctors said it is just dehrydation and exhaustion. He told your Grandmother that when he releases you tomorrow you should take things slow." she said and my eyes widened. My phone beeped next to me and I picked it up. The nurse left the room and I read the messages.
Sei😘😍-Hey you are awfully quiet these days. Just because u got a boy doesnt mean you gotta leave your besty😔
My heart broke at the text and I bit my lip.
Me-We were talking two days ago. And I no longer have a boy so I guess I am yours from now on.
I sended the text and read the other messages which was from the group. They started off with good mornings and then started arguing about random things.
Me-You guys are awfully annoying in the mornings. Some of us are still trying to get over things😑
After I sended it I immediately got bombarded with questions.
P🗼-Hey,ouch. Dont drag me into this boy fights. I have class.
Mason-Heard your boy got grabbed. Poor fella😏
Zack- So does that mean you are single?
Thankful that Zack and Ace started arguing again I left the groupchat. My phone started ringing and I answered.
"What do you mean?What happened?" Poseidon asked as soon as I answered. I stayed quiet for a minute before I told him everything. He stayed quiet and listened to me. I left out the part where I ended up in the hospital.
"Oh my god. That is horrible. How could your father to that to you? And how could Demon just immediately believe that you would do something like that?He should have listened to you." Poseidon said and I found myself nodding.
"Guess he didn't trust me enough." I said laying back down. The door opened and I watched my Grandmother and Odette walk into the door.
"But I guess it is what it is. Séi,I gotta go. I'll call you later,okay." I said as they watched me. I kept my gaze on the floor, not able to look at Odette.
"It's fine,Aphrodite.Love you." He said and I smiled.
"Love you too,Sei." I said as I ended the call.
"Doctor said that you need to get some rest." Odette said and I furrowed my eyebrows. I glared at the door and she seemed to notice I was not in the mood for her.
"Okay,I'll go talk to the doctor a little more. Maybe you need some pills." She said as she left the room. As soon as she left I released a breath. My grandma sat down on the bed and took my hands in hers.
"Is everything okay,Andrea? Why were you crying?" She asked softly and I looked at her. I had missed her very much.
"Demon broke up with me. The Kingdom is hunting me and everything is just a mess and I'm right in the middle of it." I said wiping the few escaping tears.
"Why is The Kingdom hunting you?" My grandmother asked confused and I scoffed.
"Cause your son made it look like I was responsible for Demon's arrest and now there is a 2 million bounty on my head. They,they came in numbers at Grandma Grace's place and we had to think of a plan quickly to get me out of there." I said and she gave me a terrified look hugging me.
"Just wait until I get my hands on that boy." She said.
"I'm scared,Ma. What if they come after me tonight? Or what if they go after Grandma Grace and everyone? I don't want to be the reason more people die." I said whispering the last part but she heard me and shook her head.
"Dont start with that tune again,okay Andrea. You are not responsible for anybody's that and you will never be. Stop blaming yourself for that. I'll have a word with your dad so he can clean up his messes." She said and I nodded as she hugged me again.
"I missed you,baby." She said after a while and I looked at her.
"I missed you too,Ma."

Can't belive so many people read this book. The book is almost finished and I can't believe that either cause I feel like I abondened it one too many times. Thank you for reading my book..AnD I hope you like it.

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