Chapter 25

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I paced around the office cracking my knuckles waiting. There was a knock on the door and after I said come in the door opened revealing most trusted man after James of course.
"It's done.  You can go now Boss. " I nodded smirking as I turned around. This was going to be a fun stress reliever. I made my way out of the office and into the hallway where I was met by James who smirked up at me.
"When you're done meet me at the car. We have to get going for the deal. " I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Since when do I follow your orders. " he scoffed.
"Since I became your best friend and can do what I want to." I rolled my eyes which caused him to laugh and turn around. I saw the room which was more known as the 'Torture chamber' and picked up my pace. I opened the door and made my way into the dimly lit room. I wanted to laugh as I saw the three idiots who dared touch what is mine tied up in the chairs blindfolded . To create a more horror like effect I started whistling and watched as their ears perked up. As I stood infront of them I couldn't take it anymore and threw the first punch to the nearest one who let out a scream.

I punched them throwing all my stress out on them and only stopped when the door opened and James stepped through. He looked at me smiling before jerking his head out the door.  I wiped my hands off from the cloth laying on one of the tables as I followed him out.
"What? " I asked him wanting nothing more than to go back in there and just let them loose so I could do a more proper job.
"We have to go, the meeting is in 15 minutes. Everything is set up the guys are at their points and the merchandise is ready to go. " James said which caused me to groan. I let out a dramatic sigh and nodded.
"Cool there is clean clothes for you in your office.  Just hurry up."
"One of these days I will forget who you are. " I said as I walked away from him which earned me a chuckle and a
"Never! I mean I think I am pretty unforgettable." I rolled me eyes at his stupid antics and moved towards my office.

I parked the car and got out looking around the very crowded Pier.
"Okay, let's finish this people." I said through the earpiece which everyone who was part of the operation had. I moved to my boot and opened it taking out the 2 black duffel bags handing one to James. I shut the boot and made my way to the drop zone making sure there was no cops near. I looked at James who was winking at girls who walked past us. A group of girls coming from infront of us had James place on his- what he likes to call it- Seductive face which merely consisted out of a smirk. The group of girls started giggling as they saw us making me roll my eyes.
"We are here for a reason Jay. "
"I know I am just scouting out who I can take home later you know. " I chuckled and made my face void of any emotions as I saw Drex the South Side gang's leader. I nudged James in the ribs  which caused him to almost loose his balance. He let out a few  very foul words I decided that I would deal with him later. I picked up my pace and moved towards Drex who had now seemed to notice me.
"Demon. " he said when I reached him. I gave James the duffel bag and he looked at where Drex moved his head.
"Drex." I said with so much distaste which caused him to laugh.
"Always nice to see you too. " I rolled my eyes.
"Do you have my stuff Demon?" he said after a while breaking the silence that had leapt between us.  
"Please The Kingdom always delivers. The big question is, do you have my money Drex. "
"Money secure. We can leave. " I heard James say through the earpiece.  Drex looked over at his guy and than turned back towards me.
"It's always a pleasure doing business with The Kingdom even if I have to see you. " he said and I placed my hand on my heart.
"You words cut deep. " I said sarcastically. I walked away from him and looked at James who was chatting up a girl. He noticed me and said something to the girl than moved towards me wiggling his eyebrows  I rolled my eyes at him than laughed. We moved towards the car and gave Steve who said waiting in another car the money so he could take it to HQ.
"Okay let's go visit the three musketeers." I said as I moved towards the car. James stopped and I turned around looking at him.
"I told Nico to let them go. And before you bite my head off just listen. They already got what they deserved so I don't see why you should waste your time with them anymore. And come on we are surrounded by some desperate girls wanting to go home with a guy tonight so let's enjoy ourselves." he said pouting at the end which caused me to laugh. There is a reason James is my best friend.

Camilla's POV

I took the hotdog and cooldrink from the cute waiter and looked at Jessica and Taylor who looked at me. We laughed and sat down on one of the benches looking around the colour filled Pier.
"Tonight was the absolute best guys. " Taylor said smiling at us.
"It definitely was I just hope it got your mind off from things Cam." I looked at Jessica in confusion.
"What things on my mind? " she suddenly looked uncomfortable and looked at Taylor who looked away when I looked at her.
"You know uhm the thing with your stepsister..." Light bulbs went off in my head and I felled my heart sank. " I mean I would be totally embarrassed if my sister or anyone related to me were to do something like what she did. " I looked away as she and Taylor started bad mouthing Andrea and how she's a prostitute and all those stuff.
"It was not real. " I whispered at them but they heard and stopped talking looking at me.
"What do you mean?" Taylor asked first.
"It was a lie okay. It never happened Andrea didn't sleep with those guys it was just some stupid set up. "
"How do you know? "Jess asked after a while. I bit my lip and looked away fiddling with my red off the shoulder top.
"You helped didn't you? " Taylor asked in disbelief. "Who did you help Cami?" she asked again.
"Amber." suddenly she stood up and I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
"How could you Cam? After all the things they did to you, you help them to it do someone else. Are you serious? " I felled tears brimming in my eyes and I looked down before I knew it Jessica stood up and looked at Taylor in disbelief.
"Okay look Tay what Camilla did was wrong but why are you throwing a fit?" Taylor scoffed.
"The whole day we have been bad mouthing Andrea, no scratch that the whole school has been bad mouthing her and for what. For a fake story. Don't you even feel ashamed?"
"Why? It is obviously a misunderstanding so why do I have to feel bad. "
"Wow. After everything that happened to Camilla last year all the fake stories everything you guys still do these stuff to others.  Talk about irony. What I can't believe is that after last year's story with you and Mr Hyde you still do this." a tear fell as I knew she was right.
"Taylor, you have to stop. What is it with you anyways? Jeez I would swear you are defending Andrea over your own best friend. Plus why does Camilla have to feel bad about someone who is not related to her. " Jessica said hissing at Taylor.
"Guys.... " I was interrupted by Taylor moving forward and grab her food along with her handbag.
"You are right I am defending her because it seems like no one else will and Camilla, Andrea may not be related to you by blood but by name she is and let me tell you that is a hell of a bloody reason why you should care. " she said before turning around and walking away causing me to brawl out in tears and Jessica to hug me.

Chapter 25 done stay tuned for a surprise update later tonight or tomorrow. Which doesn't really make it a surprise but okay. And please guys I would really appreciate a follower or two.

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