Chapter 14

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I flew upwards as the thing I was in suddenly came to a sudden standstill waking me up too in the process.  It took me a while to figure out what happened and I froze as I remembered I had been kidnapped. I opened my mouth to scream but only muzzled noises came out and I knew my mouth was taped shut . I tried to bring my hands to my mouth so I could take off the tape but my hands refused to move as it was tied behind my back just like my feet. Images of my dream about this morning flashed before my eyes I started shaking my head to get it to go away but I rattled my body trying to atleast get my hands infront of me so I could get the tape away  but it didn't work. I rolled around in the back trying to make noise to at least get the kidnappers to come so I could ask them what was going on. It worked because I heard doors open and then shut  again.  Suddenly the boot when open and I looked at the masked kidnappers then I looked around not finding a clue to where we are.
"What do you want?" One of the guys asked impatiently and I rolled my eyes making noise through the tape. Realization dawned upon him as he looked at the type and moved his hand to my mouth.
"Now when I remove this tape and you scream I will shoot you so you better shut up. " I nodded and he took  it off I immediately bombarded them with questions.
"What do you want with me? Why did you kidnap me?  If you want money I don't have any I swear.  If you let me go I promise I will not tell anyone."  I tried to catch my breath after my rambling and out of nowhere they both started laughing.  I was about to ask what was funny but the other guy taped my mouth shut again.  Tears filled my eyes and I screamed through the tape as they closed the boot.  Not long after I heard the doors open and close the car started moving again and tears were already rolling down my face.

After a long time the car came to a standstill again but this time instead of a quiet environment it was noisy. You could hear the revving of cars nearby and you could also hear the noise someone was making and how he/she was railing up the rest of the crowd.
"And boom our favourite racer wins again. Let's give it up for Demon." My heart stopped as I heard his name and suddenly all I could think about was. Did Demon hire these guys to kidnap me and bring me here?  I shook my head. No Demon wouldn't to that would he. The doors opened and closed again and after a while the boot opened again and there infront of me stood two very hot guys who I assumed was my kidnappers. They smiled innocently but looked more creepy than anything else.
"Time to get out princess. " the brown haired one said as the blonde one took me out and untied me.  Looking around at the people I saw everyone was to busy with their own stuff to even look at the girl who was just taken out of the boot of a car hands and feet tied.  I rubbed my wrists and the guys gave me my bag and phone. As I looked through my phone I saw I had 59 missed calls and a bunch of texts from my dad and even some on whatsApp from my grandmother. 
"Time to meet the boss beautiful. " the brown haired one said again. They grabbed my elbow and pulled me towards another black Lamborghini in the near distance. Near the car I saw another guy in black jeans, black shirt, black combat boots and you could see the black leather jacket on the hood of the car the jacket had a picture of a flaming skull on it. The person turned around and the tears immediately came back and my heart stopped for a while before it went wild.  He smirked as I neared him and nodded at the two guys who left my elbow turned around than left.
I looked at Demon in nothing but shock I couldn't believe it, I heard a car drive away and looked around cars and people were everywhere. As I saw the cars in place  I figured out that this was like one of those illegal races. I turned back to Demon at the same time he looked at me I looked to the ground and bit my lip hard to stop the tears.
"You see Andrea this whole week James was the one pranking you and I kind of felt bad cause I mean I didn't have any of the fun so I thought what's the worst way to prank both you and your dad. Than it clicked both of them live for rules and the law so why not to something regarding the law. We both know this is illegal so yeah things are about to go crazy on you. " I looked at him and his eyes darted down to my finger and stayed at the finger where the ring was. He looked back up suddenly angry grabbed his jacket, placed it on than got in his car. He started the car and before I knew it sirens went to the air and I looked around to the hundreds of people getting in cars and driving away. When I turned back around Demon was gone and the blue and red lights were going off like crazy. Tears fell down as I realized his plan he had me kidnapped, brought to an illegal place than called the cops on me which will result in a record. He ruined my chances if getting into any good law firm. Suddenly two police officers with guns pointed at me appeared infront of me.
"Hands behind your head. " One screamed as I cried and placed my hands behind my back as the other officer placed the cuffs on me he read me my rights and than placed me in the back of the squad car along with two other guys. I bit my lip to stop the tears as the car pulled away.

We stopped infront of the station and the two guys were taken out and given to someone while the officer who read me my rights took me out and led me into the station.  I kept my head down to avoid looking at the people in the station. The officer placed me in a cell with the two guys who were arrested along with me and  5 other people after removing the handcuffs .  I sat down on the bench in the corner while everyone started talking to each other.

An hour later the same officer who arrested me took all off us out one by one and I was last.  Apparently they were intergoting  you at their desks infront of all the other officers and people. The people before me said. I shook my head as a lady officer led me out of the cell and led me to a desk infront. I sucked in a deep breath as I sat down biting my lip as some of the officers looked at me in disgust.
"Name and surname? The officer asked.
"Andrea S.Sparks" I said whispering my surname . The officer  looked up from his notebook with raised brows.
" Sparks. Andrea Sparks " some of the officers gasped and I wanted to roll my eyes.
"Are you Andre Sparks daughter?"  I nodded and the officer shook his head.
" I am going to ask some questions and I want you to answer me truthfully and if I believe you I will not lay a charge and this doesn't have to go on record. And no this is not because you are his daughter but I have given all of your trouble making friends this offer and all if them have seemed to tell the truth so your the last one. " I nodded and bit my lip. He pushed the bottle of water which was on his desk towards me and I noticed the seal was still on  so I opened it. Thanking him once I finished drinking.
"Ready?" he asked and I nodded.
"First question what were you doing at that place? " I looked at him and thought about Demon if I told him the truth and the cops showed up at Demon's doorstep my life is officially over. Biting my lip I looked at the cop whose name is M. Wolff I wondered if he was related to Sean.
"Are you related to Sean?" he looked at me in confusion and I pointed to his name plate and he looked to where I had pointed and realization dawned upon him and suddenly fondness crossed his face.
"Yeah loser's my brother." I smiled and he shook his head at me figuring out what I had done.
"You are not going to believe me even if I tell you."
"Try me."
" The thing is I was suppose to go to my new therapist today and I really didn't want to so after school I walked around for a while than I went to a small library where I spend the rest if the day.  About 2 hours earlier I had left the safe haven of the library and hauled a cab..." I thanked the Lord it was 21:05 which made my story some how believable since there was a library which closed around 8.
"I got  in the cab and told him my address. I don't know why but the driver dropped me and the other client who I assumed had wanted to go to this place since he didn't argue with the driver off at this place but he did and I ended up the place. He probably thought I wanted to be there too but I really didn't officer you have to believe me. I wanted to leave but there was no mode of transport for me to get back with." He looked at me and I placed on my best innocent face. He wrote it down and I bit my lip he believed me.
"You sure that you are talking the truth miss Sparks?" he asked and I nodded.
"I promise officer it is nothing but the truth." he gave me a soft smile and nodded. I thanked the Lord he believed me because I really didn't want to spent any more time in a cell.
"Okay well you wait here while I call your father okay. " he looked behind me and shook his head.
"That won't be necessary anymore I guess. " he said and I turned around and almost fell out of my seat as I saw my dad with an angry expression on his face looking around. He eyes stopped when they reached me and a look of relief flood through his eyes.  As he made his way towards me I saw some of the officers move out of his way just like the kids at school does when Demon moves between them. He stopped in front of me and looked at Officer Wolff who immediately started talking and telling him how I landed in the predicament. My dad's expression was one of pure shock and he looked at me than back at the officer.
"So this has nothing to do with Demon?" OMG was all I could think. Things are about to go real south real fast

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