Chapter 19

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The next morning I felled the sun hit my face and I opened my eyes. My eyes widened as I saw the beach infront of me and I figured out that I fell asleep in the chair. I stood up and stretched my arms and legs before moving towards the door. I opened the door and quietly sneaked into the house and ran up to my room. Inside my room I locked my door than I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped myself than stepped into the shower when the water turned hot.
A few minutes later I stepped out and dried myself before wrapping the towel around my body, I used another towel to dry my hair than I went out of the bathroom. In my closet I placed on a pair of pink underwear than I grabbed a pair of grey leggings, a grey off the shoulder crop top and my pair of white all stars. I placed it on then combed out my hair and braided it into two French braids. I sprayed myself with the delicious smelling perfume than went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I came back out and grabbed my bag than left the room after I placed on some of my wrist watch. The sound of my phone ringing caused me to come to a sudden standstill. Without looking at the contact I picked up the call.
"He is mine, you got that Miss Sparks. " than the line went dead. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at the phone. I didn't know who it was,who was I even supposed to stay from if I didn't even know who it was? It couldn't be a wrong number because I didn't tell the person my name and they knew it. Shaking my head and stuffing my phone into my bag I continued making my way downstairs where I found Camilla on the phone looking anything but her usual self. She looked scared and annoyed and angry a look which didn't really look good on her.
"No way. How can they allow her back?" she yelled into the phone I shook my head not wanting to listen to her conversation I made my way into the kitchen and smiled at Cassandra.
"So how was the date last night?"she immediately asked as she placed the plate of food infront of me and my lunch which I placed into my bag. I laughed as I bit into my bacon and saw her look at me expectantly.
"Goodmorning to you too Cassandra. I slept well last night ,how about you?" I said and saw her roll her eyes and than she slapped me softly against my arm.
"Don't you act dumb with. Tell me how the date with Sean went last night?Did he take you somewhere expensive or did you guys go to sleep movie or what?" my heart sank as I heard Sean's name but I kept the smile.
"I didn't go on a date with Sean Cass. I just went out with a friend. " she scoffed and was about to interrogate me but the door opened and Odette stepped through in her blue pajamas.
"Goodmorning you two." she said as she sat down and I mumbled a morning and while Cassandra talked to Odette I finished eating my breakfast than drank up my coffee before I said goodbye and quickly went up to my room. I brushed my teeth again before I left the room as I stepped out of my room Camilla walked into me and I looked at her in confusion as she looked at me like she saw a ghost.
"She is back." than she left before I could even ask her who she was talking about. It seemed like everyone was just blowing me off tonight. I left the house shaking my head.

15 minutes later I stepped inside the corridors of my school and was shocked to see no one look at me. I smiled a relieved smile hoping that everyone moved on from all the drama around me. I practically skipped to my locker thanking God that Demon and James was no where in sight. As I opened my locker and placed some of my books into the locker I heard some snippets of two girls's conversation.
"Yeah I mean I come from a weekend trip from Milan just to hear this." I rolled my eyes at the rich people conversation but still lend my ear.
"I know right it's absurd I practically begged my mother this morning to let me fly back to the Caribbeans but no I have to go to school." I shook my head and shut my locker. I was about to walk away from it when I heard the corridor go dead quiet. I looked at the two girls and saw annoyance in their eyes as they looked past me so I turned around too. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the three beautiful girls at the end of the corridor. Some people were looking at them in annoyance while others(boys) were looking at them as if they were the last peace of meat available. The three girls were beautiful, the one on the right was wearing a pair of white leggings with  along with a black off the shoulder crop top with long see through sleeves paired together with knee length black boots. Her hair was tied up into a tied ponytail and she stood with confidence. On her far left stood another beautiful girl. She was dressed into a pair of black leggings with black knee length boots paired together with a white see through off the shoulder crop top. Her hair just like her friends was also tied into a ponytail. The one in the middle stood there with a smug look like she knew they were the center of attention. She was dressed in black and white too just like her friends. She had on a black and white striped Jean leggings together with a black bra look a like crop top with black and white striped sleeves paired with black high heel ankle boots.
. Her blonde hair was tied into a tied ponytail too just like her friends. Suddenly a high pitched scream filled the corridor and I looked at the noise I didn't have time to comprehend what was going on because before I knew it the unknown girl in the middle was running towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at her but felt stupid as she ran past me. I followed her movement and immediately my heart sank as I saw her jump onto Demon and immediately capture his lips with hers. I looked around at the people and saw no one was surprised at the little interaction. I saw Demon pull away from her and whisper something into her ear and she laughed hitting his shoulder before getting off from him. I watched as the two girls who was with her walked past me and join their friend eyes diverted to the ground.
"Demon I missed the hell out of you. " the kisser said and living up to her nickname kissed him again. Tears filled my eyes as I realized she was breaking the rules and he was not doing  anything about it. I shook my head and walked into the direction away from them and made my way to the bathroom where I washed my face off trying to get the tears to disappear. I tried off my face and stepped out of the bathroom when the bell rang. As I made my way to class the looks returned and everyone looked at me sympathetically and I don't know why.

I thanked God when the lunch bell rang and I could finally get away from all the looks for an hour. In every single class people stared at me and I wanted to punch everyone at the time. I moved my way to my locker as I exchanged my books for other books. I moved towards the library and smiled at the librarian as I walked past her. Taking a seat at the back between two rows of books I started eating my lunch and when I was done I looked for a book to read. When I found a non disappointing one I reclaimed my seat on the loveseat and started reading.
When the bell rang an hour later I placed the book back bookmarking it before leaving. I manoeuvred my way to the Spanish class and when I reached it I sat down at the back and waited for the teacher to appear. Suddenly the noise went quiet and I looked up and stared right into the eyes off a smirking kissing girl and Demon and James. My eyes widened and I sat back into my seat a action which didn't go unnoticed by her. Demon and James shook their heads and than went to sit down leaving the unknown girl with me. Something about her seemed familiar but I couldn't really put my finger on it.
"Hi."she said faking the cheerfulness. I gulped and bit my lip before saying.
"Hi. "she started laughing and I looked around before turning back to her.
"Oh so that is where you have been hiding this whole time. London." I looked at her in confusion as to how she knew me.
"Oh you don't remember me. What a shame? " she said and I continued biting my lip. She extended her hand and I cautiously took it.
"Amber Summers. " my eyes widened as I remembered what Camilla told me about her.
"Also known as Amber Williams."  images flashed through my mind and I pulled my hand away from her and stood up accidentally hitting the chair. She smiled up at me and I grabbed my bag and ran out of the class and back into the bathroom locking myself in a cubicle.

Chapter 19 done. Why do Andrea seem so shocked about Amber. Does she know her or what?
Find out next time on Embracing your Demons.

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