Chapter 9

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Well it was as clear as day mother nature and life hates me. You know those times when you whole hearthly wish for something but then you get the exact opposite of what you asked for this was one of those times. As I stood in the middle if the corridor with my eyes wide I felt my whole body tense. The corridor and every second locker was covered with photos of the day before. The photos were from when the trash was dumped onto me and had headlines attached to it. The words Piece of trash was written on it and I bit my lip I looked around and saw how everyone was looking at me probably waiting for a reaction. I refused to cry I was not going to cry infront of a bunch of strangers. Some looked at me in sympathy while others looked like they wanted to burst out laughing. Shaking my head I bit my lip to try and prevent me from crying and walked with my head down to my locker. I turned a corner to walk further to my locker but when I looked up I stopped and immediately fear crawled in. Demon and James was standing by my locker You're locker is in between Demon and James's. Camilla's words rang in my head. I panicked how could I forget that, I looked at my watch there was only 5 minutes left before the bell rang. Shaking my head I turned around and walked to my register class. I walked into the class and sat down in the front seat where I had noticed no one really sat in the class. I took off the bag and immediately breathed out a sign of relieve the bag was heavy. Making up my mind that I would go to my locker and put in my books I didn't need yet as soon as the period was over. I took out my history book and started reading my work since we were writing a test and with yesterday's drama I never really got a chance to study. Which reminded me I had to go see the principal after class too. The bell rang and slowly students started piling into the class. I definitely didn't miss the looks I was getting from some of the students but I ignored it and continued studying. Two girls behind me started not so quietly talking about me and my ears just had to pay attention.
"I didn't really think she would be back after yesterday's fiasco." One of them said.
"Well I got to give it to her because if I were in her shoes and the handsome but dangerous bad boy of my school had a vendetta against me and embarrassed me like that infront of the whole school I would probably be attending some other school now." I rolled my eyes at that one but continued listening
"You and me both.." I tuned them out when they started talking about the history test. I tried key word tried to continue studying but my mind wandered off to Demon. He had grown up a lot, he was built you could see that, he had a lot of tattoos and it looked good on him. His eyes popped into my mind and I sighed his eyes were always one of my many favourite features of him. The noise in class settled down and I looked up at our strict class and English teacher Mr Coldman. His surname described who he was perfectly as he was a very cold man. I smiled as I shook my head at my stupidity.
"Okay everyone settle down. I quickly want to take role call." He said not even saying a morning. He started reading names from a list and the class either put up their hands or said Here. He could to my name and I placed up my hand as if he remembered something he clicked his fingers.
"Principal Mitchell wants you in his office but wait until I am finished then you take the list with you and give it to the secretary present ." I nodded and bit my lip as I tried looking for an excuse to tell principal Mitchell why I left. I couldn't tell him the truth because than he would tell my dad and that would make things worse. Suddenly the door flew open and everybodys head including my head jerked up and immediately I wanted to run out. In the door stood a smirking James dressed in a blue jean with rips, black biker boots, a blue tight shirt and a black biker jacket and next to him making sure I avoided eye contact stood an expressionless Demon dressed in a black jean, black shirt that hugged him perfectly, black leather jacket with a skull face imprinted onto the front side and black biker boots. He looked good beyond good he looked dangerous and handsome. I looked away when I felt a burning gaze on me and rather looked at our teacher who was busy signing something. He looked up totally ignoring Demon and James's tardiness and gestured for me to come to him. I waited until Demon and James passed me before I stood up and walked to Mr. Coldman. He gave me a form and told me to also take my bag with me and them go to the office. I didn't have to be told twice as I closed my bag and picked up my bag and my book then took the form and left. As I walked out of class I could feel staring and as much as I wanted I didn't turn around instead picked up my pace. Before I went to the office I went to my locker and opened it. I took a step back as papers fell out of my locker. I picked it up and looked at the photos of yesterday with the heading Welcome back Andrea Sparks. I zipped open my bag then took out the books if the periods we were getting after lunch and to make sure I didn't have to return to my locker before lunch I took out the books of the subjects I were to get before lunch and placed it into my bag. Closing my locker and zipping close my bag I picked up the photos and made my way to the office. When I came across a trash can I threw the photos in it making sure the form was still save I continued my walk. Looking at my watch I saw there was atleast still 45 minutes left before the period ended as each period was an hour long. I walked into the office and found another secretary sitting behind the computer. Her name plate read Miss Jansen. She was beautiful she had brown hair which was cut into a bob and which went perfectly with her brown eyes. Realizing that I was staring I cleared my throat and when she looked up I  gave her the form and said it was from Mr Coldman's class. She nodded and placed the form onto a stack of papers which I am guessing is the other teacher's. When I didn't move she looked up again and asked accent that I have never heard before.
"Is there anything else you need?" I nodded.
"Um Principal Mitchell called for me?" I sort of ask said. Her eyes lit up showing she was expecting me.
"Andrea Sparks right.." I nodded and she picked up the phone and pressed a number which I am guessing is the principal's as I heard her say should I send her in. She placed down the phone and told me I could go in. I nodded and said thank you before walking to the door and knocking on it. I heard a come in and sucked in a deep breath as I opened the door.
45 minutes later when the bell rang indicating the start of the next period I walked out of the principal's office. He had not asked why I left the school yesterday as he had seen the footage on the surveillance video on the computer instead he had a talk with me and asked if I had told my dad or if he should I immediately told him not to and he respected my decision. I made my way to History and shook my head I didn't even have time to study. As I walked into class I saw that the half if the class was already in and as I scouted for an open seat at the front of the middle someone walked past me bumping into me. Due to my unbalanceness I almost fell and the person held me up he mumbled a sorry then went to sit down. Shaking my head I decided on the seat in the middle and sat down. I saw James smirking at me when I looked around the class and my eyes landed on him. His friend was sitting next to him at the back but unlike his friend he was laying with his head down. I pulled my eyes of him when the teacher walked in and said to put our books away. I placed my book in my bag then took out my pencil case. Taking out a pen I zipped close my pencil case and placed of into the corner of the table. When Mr. Williams started handing out the papers and said we could start I started filling in answers. 14 minutes later the class was quiet and all you could hear was papers turning and pens sliding across the table. The paper was easy atleast for me because you could hear the groans and cussing from the students. Mr Williams who was smiling as he looked around suddenly fixed his eyes on someone behind me and raised his eyebrows. A few students caught his expression and turned to look at what he was looking at me included. I recognized the guy who had his hand up as he was the one who bumped into me earlier. I turned around and continued answering when Mr Williams asked him what he wanted.
"Mr Williams are we allowed to cheat?" He asked and I furrowed my brows at his dumb question. Some of the kids gave him confused looks while others chuckled. Mr Williams looked at him with a really look.
"If you know the meaning if cheating you would know its wrong. So why would you ask me such a stupid question?" Mr Williams said asked him and I smiled. You tell him Sir I thought as I continued listening and filling in answers.
"Well if it is wrong why to you allow some people to cheat. Is it because maybe you like this student or what." Mr Williams suddenly got up and anger was clear on his face. I gulped and I saw some of the students shaking their heads. It was clear on some of their faces things was about to go down. Not wanting to get in trouble I continued looking at my paper and filled in answers. Mr Williams who was slowly but surely making his way to the guy had a look on his face I could not really read as he past my table.
"Tell me Mr Crowley whom am I so in love with in this class that I am allowing that person to cheat." I heard him say as I was sitting right infront of the kid. He was challenging the Crowley kid giving him time to take back what he had said.
"Andrea Sparks." I scoffed at his answer but then realization dawned upon me as it registered upon me that he had said my name. I jerked my head up and saw the whole class was looking at me I could feel his stare but I was too shocked that I didn't even want to look at him I turned to the kid behind me who looked away as I stared at him. Mr Williams looked at me than his eyes went to my jean pocket and he reached out and took it from the pocket. My eyes if possible went even bigger as I looked at the paper in his hand. The paper was filled with black writing and as I read an answer from the back I realized it was the same answer  I had written on a question before. I looked at the boy as it dawned upon me. Someone had stolen a test paper and placed the answers on me to make it look like I had did it and was cheating. As I looked at James as he pumped fist with Demon I realized who did it. Looking at Mr Williams who looked angry beyond repair I gulped as i realized my statement from before was indeed true. Things was indeed about to go down but not for the boy behind me but for me.

Dada another chapter up and going. Hope you enjoy it and could we all agree that Stephen James is indeed another specimen. Olala

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