Chapter 11

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Looking around my heart stopped there was no way out of the classroom except through the door since Mr Williams's class was on the second floor. Mr Williams walked to the back of the room then took out something from his pocket when he came to a standstill infront of a closet. He opened it and my heart beat faster than it was  before. Oh my god he is going to kill me. Tears were already starting to form in my eyes and I was panicking. He closed the door and I quickly turned back pretending to be interested in my nails
"Andrea think fast." He said from behind me and when I turned to look at him something came flying towards me which caused me to lift up my hand and catch it. I looked at the object in my hand and unknowingly a relief sigh left my mouth. Smiling at the packet of chips in my hand I looked at him when he took a seat on his chair infront of me. He also had one in his hands and looked at me I raised an eyebrow and he laughed.
"Oh my dear Lord you thought I was going to hurt you." I blushed and looked down. I mentally scolded myself I was blushing infront of a teacher but in my defence Mr Williams was a very very attractive teacher.
"Andrea did you really think I was going to hurt you?" I shyly nodded and kept on looking at the ground.
"Damn I knew I looked scary but damn." He said chuckling. I laughed softly as I looked at him. He was not wrong he did look scary but the hot scary. Andrea its a teacher stop with your stupid thoughts. He shook his head and then started looking through the papers that were on his desk. When he found what he was looking for he took it and held it out to me. I looked at him in confusion as I took it and saw it was my test paper.
"I know you didn't cheat Andrea. I mean with your records I would be stupid to believe you did. And you're a Sparks and I know what Demon does to you guys." I sighed in relief as I smiled up at him.
"But because I know Demon would have found a way to rally up the kids I just had to be tough." I nodded.
"Thank you Mr Williams."
"Please call me Michael outside class. Mr Williams makes me feel old." I looked at him raising an eyebrow
"But we are in class." He looked at me in confusion before waved me away with his hand I laughed and looked at my paper. I took out the pen and continued filling in answers while Mr Williams started marking some of the papers. When I was done I made sure everything were answered before I handed Michael my paper. He smiled at me as he took it and marked it. A smile made its way to my face as I saw the 100% appear on my paper.
"Another 100. Well done Andrea. Now since your done and still have an hour and 30 minutes left for detention you can help me by marking some of this papers." I arched an eyebrow which caused him to do it too.
"What? Did you really think I was going to let you go while you could help me?" I shrugged and he laughed shaking his head which caused me to blush again.
"No sweety you are going to take the memo and mark and when you are done you give the paper to me for signing and to fill in the mark on the sheet." I nodded and he gave the memo to me. He gave me the class he was busy with and I recognised it as my class. Smiling I started marking  I opened the packet and started devouring it.
"Mr..Michael uhm the kid who accused me what is his name?" He looked at me arching an eyebrow I gave him my most innocent face. He shook his head.
"Nope not telling. Continue marking." I opened my mouth to argue the situation but he gave me a look which caused me to shut up. I continued marking and then I reached James's paper which I marked very eagerly. I made an impressed face at his 76% and Michael noticed it. He looked at the name and smiled.
"James is one of the smartest and most rudest students." He said and I smiled. I looked at the next person and immediately my heart beat faster. Demon Valdez. Taking deep breaths I started marking and snickered when I read one of his answers. Where are we suppose to get these answers. Suck it out somewhere. Michael saw me and took the paper and shook his head when he read it.
"He is too but sometimes I think he doesn't try enough to keep up with his reputation." Michael said and I counted the marks. 89% which was the second best after mine. Giving Michael the paper I continued marking.
When the time was over I had learned that Michael was not a permanent teacher but was filling in for the teacher who was his brother. He was a mechanic and owned a successful garage turns out his brother cashed in a favour he had owned his brother. He was also engaged and was getting married in 3 months.
"Wow Andrea I really didn't think we were going to finish today. Thank you really much I owe you big time." I smiled as I stood up grabbing my bag.
"I'll hold you on that." He laughed and stood up. I walked to the door and then turned around.
"Michael. The door's locked." I said. He picked up his bag and  walked towards the door. After locking it open and opening the door he stood out of the way and said.
"Ladies first." I smiled and walked out I said goodbye and left because he still had to go sign out. Making my way out of the school I noticed everyone except some of the art students left. They were busy painting a picture of a wolves in a forest standing tall over lions etc. I looked at it smiling at the beautiful painting which looked so real and at its meaning. The school's football team  was known as Wolves and they were always winning which meant it was standing tall over other school's teams such as the Lions etc. The Wolves was also the school's official mascot. I walked out of the school yard after saying goodbye at the security guards mentally scolding the fact that I was going to have to look for a cab while my feet were hurting. After walking down the street I still have not found a cab and  groaned at my  feet which was only getting worse. A beep from behind me caused me to standstill and turn to my left where the car now was. The windows rolled down and I bended to look at the person I smiled in relief when I saw Michael.
"Want a ride?" He asked and I nodded immediately and he laughed leaning over to open the door. I got in saying thank you and he waved it off. We drove in a very comfortable silence after I gave him the address. After 10 minutes we reached my house and I got out saying thank you again.
"It's okay Andrea. I have to thank you cause if not for you and your fastness I wouldn't be able to have a great night with my fiancé tonight." He wiggled his eyebrows and when he saw my confused face he laughed and drove off. After he left my confused face turned into one of disgust when I got on to what he said. I turned around and saw the guards were not there. Shrugging I pressed the button next to the gate after a few minutes the gates opened and Cassandra's voice boomed through the speaker.
"Welcome back Miss Sparks." Laughing I walked through the gates and it closed again. The door opened and I smiled at Cassandra who smiled back. I walked past her as she was busy was busy mopping the floor. Before I could go up the stairs she called me I turned around.
"Do you want me to bring you something to eat? There is sandwiches in the kitchen." I shook my head.
"Its fine Cassandra I'll go get some myself. I just want to go put away my bag." She nodded and I took it as my que to go to my room. Placing my bag down on the bed I noticed there was a piece of paper on my bed. I grabbed it and identified my grandmother's handwriting. It was a business card of a Dr  Vincent his phone number and business address were on it. Shaking my head I placed the card back on the bed while I took off my shoes and replaced it with my doggy slippers. Looking at my wall I smiled as I looked at the dozens of posters of bands such as BTS and Backstreet Boys. I took out my phone and left the room, downstairs Cassandra was no where in the foyer. I walked into the living room once again amazed at the beauty of the ocean through the glass. Just as I was about to move further someone bumped into me and I looked at the person it was Cassandra and in her hands were a plate with two delicious looking sandwiches and a glass of juice. She held it out for me smiling sheepishly.
"I promised your grandmother I would look after you." She said before walking past me.
"Thank you Cassandra." I said and she turned around and said pleasure before disappearing into the foyer. I sat down on one of the sofas and grabbed the remote. Switching on the flat screen television which hanged on the wall. I changed the channels until I landed on The Big Bang Theory. I sat back and smiled when Sheldon Cooper appeared this was one guy you just had to love. I started eating and laughed when Sheldon was being himself. Three belly hurting episodes later I finally  stood up from the sofa but sat down again when I saw Friends were going to play in 5 minutes. I looked at the plate and cup and quickly took it and ran to the kitchen in the kitchen I quickly cleaned the plate and cup. Not knowing where it was suppose to go in I opened a random cupboard and immediately placed the objects in my hands down on the counter as I grabbed a packet of nuts and a chocolate bar. The whole cupboard was stacked with sweets. Definitely visiting it more often I thought as I closed the door. I ran out of the kitchen when I heard the theme song of Friends. I jumped down on the sofa and laud down as I prepared to laugh myself to death. I love Joey and Chandler ( the king of sarcasm). Two episodes later the front door opened and after a minute I saw Odette walk into the living room talking on the phone. She saw me and looked from the TV to me and said goodbye to who ever she was talking to. I switched off the television and stood up grabbing my papers with me.
"You didn't have to switch off the television you can watch TV Andrea. This is your home too." She said as I passed her.
"I remembered I had homework that needed to be done so I am going to go do it." I didn't wait for a reply and walked up the stairs to my room. I collapsed down on my bed while pushing down my bag so I lied I don't have homework but it was an easy lie. Why couldn't she be like those evil stepmothers who hated the husband's kid no she had to be nice. Cause let's face it I can't hate someone who is nice. I turned and layd  on my back I looked at the clock. 18:15 the clock read and I stood up walking over to the balcony. Opening it I walked out and let the ocean breeze hit my face and nostrils. I placed my elbows on the railing and leant with my chin into my hands. In the distance I saw a dog running into the water than running out again I smiled as I watched the dog play with the water some more before disappearing. I heard a door close and I heard laughter a male and female were laughing which meant my dad was home shaking my head I looked at the beach last  time before walking into my room. I locked my door before letting my hair loose and walking into the bathroom. I started the water and walked out of the bathroom into my closet. I grabbed a pair of underwear and a pink silky pajama short before going back to the bathroom. I closed the tap then stripped myself before getting into the bath. Closing my nose I went underneath the water to wet my hair before coming back up. I stayed in the bath after washing myself not ready to leave the delicious hot water just yet. When the water started becoming cold I pulled out the prop before letting the water drain away. I got out and dried myself then I got into my blue underwear and my pink short. Taking the comb I combed out my hair before braiding it into two French braids. I left the bathroom and picked up my bag which was still on the floor. Something fell out off my bag and I picked it up. My eyes widened at the fact that I had forgotten about the book in my bag. The King's shy and dangerous agent. I jumped up my bed and layd down immediately going to my last reading place. I groaned when I realized the had nor kissed. Stupid boy who teased her. I read the book further and before I knew it I was sucked into the story well not literally but I mean mentally. A knock on the door brought me back to reality and I wanted to groan again but rather stood up and opened the door. Cassandra stood at the door and I thanked the heavens it wasn't you know who.
"Andrea the family will be eating dinner in a few minutes so should I bring your dinner up to your room?" I looked out the balcony door and saw it was dark and I looked back to Cassandra.
"You know what Cassandra. You can set up a spot for me at the table I think I will be joining the family tonight." Cassandra smiled and left.I closed my door and ram to my bed when I heard a message come through.
Safely landed about to head home love you. MaI thanked God before replying her.
Good to know. About to have dinner with the 'fam' . Talk later. Love u too   I used the text and placed my phone down. Going into the closet I grabbed a matching pink silky pajama shirt and a short gown along with my doggy slippers. I passed the mirror and stopped as I looked at myself in it. Demon's words ran through my head and immediately I bit my lip. I had never had a problem with my body so I was not going to find one know shaking my head I walked past it. I pulled the sleeveless top over my bra which looked like a sports bra then placed on the gown and saw it landed the above my knees and than I placed on the slippers before leaving my room and closing my door. I made my way down the hall and then down the stairs and all the way to the dining room. My heart was busy beating furiously and I took deep breaths as I opened the door and watched the whole family freeze in their happy moment to look at me.

Chapter 11 done and dusted. So who else just loves Sheldon Cooper and Joey and Chandler and Bts and Backstreet boysThe hurting belly thing obviously means the person's belly was hurting from the laughing cause let's admit . Watching Sheldon Cooper is a laughing matter.

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