Chapter 54

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"No! I'm not going, please Poseidon don't make me. You are supposed to be my friend." I begged Poseidon from the inside of his car while he was standing at my door outside the club. He shook his head and tried to grab my arm smiling.
"I am, but I can't understand why you don't want to go in anymore." I looked at him like he was crazy and he laughed,yes he laughed.
"Because he can't kill me over a phone." I said pouting and Poseidon left my arm and started laughing so hard he almost fell and I secretly smiled. I was scared to go in, we have been standing outside the club for almost 30 minutes and I couldn't help but feel Demon was going to kill me. Suddenly I was pulled out of the car and thrown over Poseidon's shoulder and he locked the door.
"Poseidon, put me down." I screamed and Poseidon continued laughing. Poseidon placed me down when we reached the line and I smirked looking at him. The line was long and the people outside looked way to angry to let even a celebrity skip line.
"Destiny." I said softly and he smiled at him grabbing my hand.
"Funny of you to think I didn't plan ahead." he said and he walked over to the bouncer and said his name. The bouncer nodded and let us in earning us some groans which stopped and turned into fan screams when they saw Poseidon. We rushed into the club and my eyes widened in surprise and amazement. The club looked amazing, it was dark giving off to the whole underground vibe with some red in between, there were stairs at the very back of the club leading to two sets of doors and Poseidon told me that the VIP rooms was up there, the DJ on stage was good, he was mixing beats and everyone was dancing. Suddenly everyone screamed including me and Poseidon and we rushed to the middle of the dance floor when some of Poseidon's fans noticed him. Ella Mai and Chris Brown's song was playing and at the moment it was one of my favourite songs. 

Demon's POV
The girl sitting on my lap was practically giving me a lap dance not that I was complaining but I was still focused on finding her.
"Maybe you should have a look on the dance floor." James whispered into my ear as just took a sip of my beer and I followed to where he was pointing. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I saw a girl with some of the other dudes staring at her fairly beautiful behind as she was dancing or more like grinding on another guy but her grinding was done from a distance.
"A girl dancing, wow I have never seen that before." I said faking excitement and James being my best friend slapped me on the shoulder and rolled his eyes.
"The hair bro,the hair." he said and I looked over at the girl again and I looked at her hair and I sat upright.
"Get off." I told the girl firmly and she quickly moved away and James laughed. I looked at her companion and felt my anger rise but then I smiled and sat back.
"Can't believe she showed." I said taking another sip from the beer and James sat back to laughing.
"Can't believe you are not angry at her friend." I gave James a really look and shook my head.
"The fact that she showed,just shows that I have a bigger hold on her. Plus I know I can take her from anyone even a dancer." I said sneering dancer.
"A bit cocky aren't we?" James said.
"A bit faithless aren't we?" I countered and he laughed.
"Touché." James said and we laughed sitting back watching Andrea Sparks dance.

Andrea's POV
I sighed breathlessly as Poseidon and I walked to the bar.
"That was amazing." I said and he laughed and pinched my cheek.
"Yes,you were." I laughed as the bartender walked over to us smiling.
"What can I get for you guys tonight?" he asked and I bit my lip looking at the many varieties of drinks you could choose from on display.
"Something that is going to get me drunk." Poseidon said and the bartender laughed nodding his head and looked at me. I shook my head.
"Something strong but not strong enough to make me drunk." I said and he nodded.
"I know just what you need." he said and walked away.
"You know I saw Demon a while back, I think he was watching us." Poseidon said and I looked at him and he gave me a suggestive smile and I laughed shaking my head.
"Can't kill me over the phone, remember." Poseidon laughed and ruffled my hair as the waiter placed the drinks down and left after Poseidon paid for it. Before I could even pick up my drink Poseidon swallowed his and I gave him an are you crazy look and he then looked at me.
"What?Drink up so we can go dance." I shook my head at him and decided to tease him by taking small sips from my drink. Poseidon gave me the doggy face and I laughed finishing the drink than I stood up.
"Let's go,you impatient dancer." He smiled and pulled my arm rushing to the dance floor.

Hours later I couldn't keep up with Poseidon anymore and I pulled away from him. But being Poseidon he pulled me back giving me a pout face.
"One more song please." I shook my head.
"You said that 20 songs ago. I'm going to go get something to drink,you can continue dancing." I pulled a pretty girl from a guy and gave her to Poseidon who smiled at me. I left the dance floor and took a seat on one of the stools causing the bartender to laugh as I placed my legs on one of the other stools.
"One more please." I said and he nodded. When he gave me my drink I paid him and he gestured to the dance floor.
"Didn't think you were going to come off that floor anytime soon. You've been putting it on fire." He said and I laughed.
"Couldn't keep up with the professional anymore, feels like my feet are killing me." He gave me a really look.
"Well on there you looked like you knew what you were doing." He said winking at me causing me to blush. He walked over to another customer while I took a sip of my drink.
I froze when I felt something touch my neck and I turned around coming face to chest with someone. I looked up and immediately looked down when I looked into Demon's face. He laughed causing me to die.
"Not so courageous now, are we."
He said and I bit my lip. I felt the chair rise and I went up but I refused to look at him. He tilted my head and started tracing his fingers on 'his' fading marks.
"When you gave me this I didn't know which meant that I couldn't cover it up which meant that people had seen it all day." I said to him and he lifted up my chin smiling and I was suddenly reborn. He pulled my legs from the chair and stood between it making me say a quick thank you for wearing short tights underneath my dress. He started pecking my neck and nibbling it causing me to bite down hard on my lips.
"Now why would you want to cover up something that looks so beautiful on you. It is fading though and I should probably  make it a little more visible for these vultures around." He said and continued nibbling my neck and sending sensations all around my body.
"Demon, we're in public." I said and he looked up with a smirk and I mentally face palmed myself.
"So you're saying we should go somewhere more private and I can mark you anywhere I can." He said and I blushed.
"I didn't mean it like that." He smiled and continued with my neck and I continued biting my lip. Demon looked back at me and shook his head taking my lip from my teeth.
"Trust me Andrea, I can think of way better things these pretty lips can be doing than keeping shut." He said and I don't know where or what possessed me but I leaned forward and kissed Demon. I felt him smile and I pulled back eyes wide.
"I'm sorry. I don't.." He placed his finger on my lips and moved to my ear.
"You don't have to apologize for wanting me Andrea but.." He said and kissed me underneath my earlobe. "I.. " kiss "like.. " another kiss "being.." this time he kissed me near the lips."in control. " Than he crashed his lips on mine and I immediately answered him back. The kiss was much more different than the others we had. This one was intense and full of passion.
We would have probably continued the kiss if my name wasn't shouted. Demon growned and pulled away resting his forehead against mine giving me pecks. He pulled away and I heard him order a shot of tequila when my name was called again and I swear I heard him mumble something like blocker. I looked at Poseidon and he gave me a look and I rolled my eyes smiling.
"Hope I didn't interrupt anything but I need a favour." He said and I nodded.
"You see that girl over there.."He said and I looked to where he was pointing and the girl I gave to him smiled and waved at us.
"What about her?" I asked.
"So I'm going to go rent us a room upstairs and Imma get laid so I need you to get another ride home. Please." He said and I gave him a really look and he suddenly looked sad until I slapped him on his shoulder.
"Of course you can go Sèi, geez I will be fine." I said and he smiled and hugged me before running off. I turned to Demon and he looked in Poseidon's direction.
"I can't believe I saw him as competition." He said and I laughed. He suddenly pulled me up and smiled.
"So since you need a ride home, how about you ride with me." He said and I nodded shyly. He took my hand and started walking to the door and I was jelly. Our hands fit perfectly together, I thought of the things Demon said to me and I immediately froze causing him to stop and give me a confused look.
"You said you saw Poseidon as competition, does that mean you uhmm like me?" I asked confused and he laughed. He gave me a kiss and whispered in my ear before walking again leaving me to follow him with a big smile on my face.
"If my actions these past few weeks don't clarify that, than I don't know what will."

Take that laziness.
Another chapter for you wonderful and beautiful readers.
I hope you like this....

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