Chapter 69

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To say Demon Valdez was angry was angry would be the understatement of the century. Let's just say if looks could kill everyone in the school would be dead. It had hardly been fifth period and Demon had beaten up 4 guys I would say he was in a fight but when your opponent doesn't fight back it's not really a fight. I looked around the quiet class some were laying down while others were 'studying and doing homework.'. Our teacher had waited until everyone was in before she ran out after telling us she had to go do something and we should keep ourselves busy. I looked over at Demon and James,  James was bobbing his head along to a song which played on his headphones obviously unaffected by his best friend's anger. I sneaked a look at my boyfriend who was typing away on his phone. If you looked at him from a distance you wouldn't tell he was angry because his face was blank but his eyes told a whole different story. The bell rang cutting my staring short and I stood up as Demon stood up too. He grabbed his bag and left the room followed by me and James. I heard the class release a breath of relief when Demon left the room and I couldn't help but smile at my feared boyfriend. I placed on my headphones too when I figured he wasn't going to talk to me and silently followed them into the cafeteria. I looked around before entering the cafeteria, people were always running out of their classes during lunch so where was everyone today. I smiled when I saw some popping their heads out of the classroom obviously looking around for Demon. I shook my head and entered the cafeteria immediately spotting Demon and James in the empty cafeteria which was slowly being filled up with quiet students. I walked over to the food and grabbed two trays and filled them up with food making sure the one could feed two people. I thanked the lunch lady and walked over to where they sat. I placed a tray infront of them and one infront of me.
"I figured you would eat together." I said as James gave me a look. He nodded and smiled at me.
"Thanks, little Sparks." he said and I nodded as I started eating my food. The two of them were talking but I couldn't hear what about as I chose to listen to my music instead. I looked around looking at the tables which was filled with students who were eating their food instead of talking. My eyes landed on Amber and her friends who was seated at the table with a bunch of cheerleaders and athletes. At any normal situation their table would be considered the popular table but since Demon's table was situated in the middle and considering who he was I couldn't help but feel I was sitting at the popular table. I continued eating my food as I watched James show his phone to Demon indicating an incoming call and as he stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I paused my music and pulled down my headphones staring at my boyfriend who was looking at me. I felt my face burn up and I knew I was blushing just like he knew I was blushing because he gave me a smirk and I smiled rolling my eyes. Atleast he wasn't mad at me.
"I thought you were mad at me." I said and he raised an eyebrow.
"Did you do something that requires me to be angry at you?" he asked smiling at me and I heard myself release a giggle as I shook my head.
"I don't know how you can make me giggle I mean I'm almost a grown woman." I said hoping to ease his anger, it worked because he chuckled and I felt my heart burst with joy.
"That you are." he said as he winked at me. "I'm not angry at you. I have some stuff to take care of today so tomorrow I'm all yours." he said and I extended my pinky which caused him to smile and interlace his pinky with mine.
"Promise." he said and I smiled. His phone rang and he took it out with his other hand as his other one was still linked to mine.
"Yeah." he said looking at me as I took a sip of my cooldrink. I saw his smile drop and his whole demoneor changed making him more sexy than he already was.
"Take it to the garage and clean it. We'll be there in 10." he said and ended the call just as James returned.
"We gotta bounce. They found the car. " he told James and James nodded. He stood up grabbing his bag before coming to stand before me.
"I'll wait in the car." James said and ruffled my hair as a form of goodbye causing Demon to shake his head at his best friend. He turned towards me and I smiled.
"Remember you're mine tomorrow." I say and he nodded smiling.
"I'm yours everyday, Andrea. Sometimes you're just gonna see less of me but it doesn't change anything." he whispered near my lips and I felt my heartbeat increase.
"You just don't say things like that, Demon." I say and he laughed. He pressed his lips to mine and sighed as I kissed him back.
"Sorry for making the little princess's heart beat faster." he said as he gave me one last peck before turning around and leaving.
I watched immediately as everyone started conversing with their friends and the noise increase. I took out my phone and called Poseidon hoping he was awake. He picked up immediately and I smiled.
"Hey, you busy?" I asked and I heard him gasp.
"Never to busy for my bestest friend. What to you need, Babygirl?" he asked and I laughed as I stood up gathering the trays.
"I need you to keep my company for the next 30 minutes, my bestest friend." I said as I left the now noisy cafeteria.

Demon's Pov
"So,what did George say?" I asked James as I linked up the call through my car's Bluetooth. I watched as he drove next to me in his own car smoking.
"He told me what we already basically know and a few other details. Apparently this whole case started when people started dying. The FBI took up the case as more and more people started falling and when the autopsy came back they all they had one thing in common. Can you guess what it was?" James asked as he threw the cigarette out of the car. "They were all killed by someone?" I asked and he shook his head at me giving me a sorry you're so dense look and I gave him the finger causing him to laugh.
"Well you're not entirely wrong. They were all killed by something that someone supplies." he said and I gave him a pointed look.
"The new drug." I said and he made a bingo sound.
"Apparently the drug is stronger then we thought and people who take a little more then they should is overdosing. More than 15 people had died by overdosing on this new drug and their not only overdosing some are going mental. So there is where the DEA comes into play. The FBI didn't know anything about this new drug so they called in the DEA who has been working on this new drug. So they linked the drugs back to The Kingdom and that is where you come in my friend. Just because there is no hardcore evidence against you doesn't mean people don't suspect you." James finished as we drove through the gates of HQ. I ended the call as I switched off the car and got out of it.
"So it's my fault people can't control their addictions?" I asked and James laughed.
"Apparently so. George says that only a few people from both agencies are working on the case. His not one of them. Apparently their keeping the case for the power ups, he heard through his smoke break buddy. So I told him that he should get us the names of everyone involved so we can work it out." James said and I nodded as we made our way to the garage.
We stepped into the garage and I saw Sean working on my car while the lab guys were disinfecting the car from last night.
"That's the one alright. Where did you find it?" I asked one of guys who was swiping the door for prints.
"Just off the highway near that old warehouses. We checked the warehouses but nothing. There was no one there." he said and I nodded.
"You guys find anything yet?" I asked gesturing to the car.
"A couple of prints that we send for testing. So we should have their names later if their in the system." he said and I nodded.
"Good job." I said patting him on the back and he gave me a nod obviously pleased. I looked over at James who was laughing with Sean and I watched in realization when he casually touched Sean's bicep. Poor unexpected Sean.
"Yoh, James." I yelled and he turned to look at me before walking over to me.
"What are you doing?" I asked gesturing to Sean who took of my car door. James smiled.
"Nothing, I was just talking to him." he said giving me an innocent look but I knew my best friend.
"As far as I know he's straight." I said and James smirked.
"What's a little bending now?" he asked and I laughed shaking my head at him.
"Whatever. I need you to get me all the caretakers on one video call." I said as he followed me out of the garage. I spotted Azar and called out to him.
"Hacker let's go. " and he turned around nodding his head at his friends before coming to me.
"I need you to call the other two too. You're going to need all hands on deck." I said as he followed me and James.
"Boss you think I need help hacking. You know I can get any job done." he said somewhat offended at me asking him to get help. I knew what he was capable off that's why he was here but this job was a little too much.
"I know you can get a job done, but as far as I'm concerned you've never hacked the FBI so you're going to need help." I said as we walked into my office closing the door behind us.

New chapter up and ready for reading. Thank you all for reading my book. Sorry for the long wait. School's a pain but luckily it's my last year. Take that never having time for one self.
Hope you like this chapter..

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