Chapter 68

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Beautiful. That was one word that no matter how you used it would never be enough to describe Andrea Sparks. She was beyond beautiful especially with the moon shining on her. I trailed my index finger around her face taking in every part of her face as she slept. Her eyelashes fluttered across her eyelids and as I trailed my finger across her lip I watched as her lips turned into a pout making me smile. Damn I felt like a creep.
The vibration of my phone brought me back to the whole reason I woke up. I watched the clock and raised my eyebrow as it read. 03:53.
"You better have a damn good reason as to why you're calling me at almost 4 in the morning." I said as I answered the call.
"Is a federal reason big enough?" Micha asked and I sat up straight making sure Andrea was still asleep.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"This is a HQ conversation, Boss. I'm on my way there now." Micha answered and I sighed.
"Fine, be there in 10." I said as I ended the call and stood up. I placed on my shirt and shoes before walking back to the bed. Leaning down I placed a kiss on her lips and smugly smiled when she whined as I pulled away. I grabbed my car keys and left the room making sure not to wake her.
"What the hell are you doing in my house?" I heard a voice ask behind me and I smirked as I turned around.
"Andre Sparks. What an unpleasant surprise to see you here?" I said twirling my car keys in my hand earning me a glare.
"Get out." he said after a while and I rolled my eyes.
"If you hadn't noticed,idiot, I was planning on leaving before you interrupted me." I said as I turned around and moved down the stairs.

I nodded as I passed some of my guys on the streets where they were busy selling the merchandise. I looked into the mirror and saw a black SUV drive behind me but the car's model wasn't what caught my attention. It was the fact that it had no plates and it the windows was dark, cars like that was often used in illegal activities. I shook my head and stood at the red light searching for my lighter. When I sat back up straight I saw the SUV next to me in the next lane. As soon as they rolled down their window slightly I pulled out my gun and as soon as they fired the first shot I shot back making sure I marked the car as it drove away. I poked the gun back into its hiding place as I got out of the car and walked over to the other side to check the damage. A bunch of swear words left my mouth as I got back into the car and called James. He picked up the phone after 3 rings and he didn't sound to happy.
"4 am in the morning." he said and if I wasn't so angry about my car I would have laughed.
"HQ now." I said and ended the call as I sped down the road to HQ.

I walked into my office and found Micha sitting on a chair. He stood up and I sat down on my chair nodding at him.
"Feds.. " I held up my hand interrupting him as I called Sean. He answered immediately.
"I need you at HQ immediately." I said ending the call immediately. Sue me if I sounded rude. I looked at Micha an indication for him to continue which he luckily got.
"A FBI agent and a DEA agent showed up at the station a couple hours ago. At first I thought it was nothing but than an hour ago all cases involving The Kingdom was taken off the shelves and given to the FBI team that showed up." Micah said and I inhaled deeply. I didn't have time to deal with the FBI right now. I had to find those idiots that thought they were tough. I couldn't wait until I got my hands on them.
"Any of you informed of why these files were given to the Feds?" I asked and Micha shook his head.
"No, the only way I knew of those files was because I had a smoke break with the Chief's secretary. According to her the Feds think there is a mole at the station. So they are keeping it under wraps."
Micha said just as James barged through the door looking around worriedly.
"Why the hell is your brand new car full of bullets and bullet holes?" he asked as he came over to my side to inspect me for injuries. I shook him off and told him to take a seat.
"I'm fine. Nothing I couldn't handle by myself." I said to James and turned towards Micah.
"Call the CI's at the FBI and DEA and find out what's going on. And on your way out tell Azar to come to my office." I told Micha and he nodded leaving the office.
"What happened?" James asked as soon as the door closed behind  Micha.
"Some punks trying to be tough. I'm handling it." I told him as there was a knock on my door.
"Come in." I said. The door opened revealing Azar my trustworthy hacker.
"Micha said you wanted to see me, Boss." he said.
"Take a seat, Azar." I said as James rolled his eyes mumbling something about dramatic. I shot him a glare and he gave me the finger. I made a mental note to deal with him later.
"Not so long ago I came under heavy fire, Azar. I want you to find these people so I can deal with them. Look through CCTV footage and find me that SUV. These guys started shooting at the traffic light near HQ so find them. Then I want you to come to my office tomorrow after you found these scumbags to deal with something else. I'm giving you 24 hours to find them. Also make sure there are no knowledge of the incident anywhere." I said as Azar nodded and left the office after I told him to go.
"Did you see any of these guys?" James asked and I shook my head balling my hands into fist.
"No but when I find them I'm gonna make them sorry for ever getting into that car tonight." I said and James smirked.
"That'a boy." he said and I rolled my eyes.
"FBI and DEA are opening up old cases of The Kingdom." I said standing up.
"I know, Micha called looking for you and told me about it. I'll call in some favours later today to find out what's going on." he said standing up too. We walked out the office meeting Sean halfway who looked scared.
"Follow me." I said as I continued walking through the hallway and rooms. We walked over to the garage and the sight of my car immediately got me balling my fist again.
"I need you to fix my car and make sure it's bulletproof. " I told Sean who nodded walking around to inspect the damage done.
"I'm gonna enjoy killing those scumbags." I said as I turned around and left the garage.

Sorry for the long wait. Here is chapter 68 I hope you enjoy it.. I wrote it as a little insight of the gang and Demon's life. Please let me know if you like it..
Thank you to everyone reading my book. It means a lot..

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