Chapter 10

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I looked at Mr Williams he was angry I opened my mouth to try and defend myself but closed it after he grabbed my test from my table.
"S. Sir. There is m.mistake I ..." I was cut off by him and the next words crushed my soul.
"Detention after school and a big red F." My eyes widened
"But s.sir I have never f.failed a t.test." Someone coughed nerd by I was to upset to even care. All my life I had aced all my tests I mean ever since I started school my marks would be 98%- 100% but more 100% now it was a F.  How was that even going to look on my report?
"Well should have thought about that then. Now since there are 30 minutes still left you can take your bag and leave my class so my other non cheating kids can finish." I nodded there was really no use in trying to defend myself. I grabbed my bag and stood up I pushed in my chair looking at the guy behind me but he quickly looked down when he saw me look his way. I took my walk of shame to the door feeling every pair of eyes on me I could feel someone else's burning gaze more but I refused to look at him. Before I could walk out of class Mr Williams gave me a detention slip. Shaking my head I walked out just in time to feel my phone vibrate in my bag. Fishing it out I looked at my grandmother's name and face appear. Answering I asked.
"Hey Ma everything okay?" I walked away from class letting my feet take me where they wanted to go.
"Yeah everything is okay. Just calling to let you know I am boarding the plane in 5." Sadness once again filled me but I kept my voice neutral when I answered her.
"Ma you do know I'm in school right?" I heard her chuckle and a small smile made its way to my face.
"Yeah I know but I took a chance thinking maybe you guys were exchanging classes or having lunch."
"Really Ma, third period hardly started yet."
"So than why did you answer the phone huh? " I heard gasping." Andrea are you bunking class?" I laughed softly how can someone bunk a class they were put out off.
"No Ma. Jeez we are busy exchanging classes. Come on you really think me off all people would bunk classes."
"You're right you are too much of a good girl." I rolled my eyes and knew things were about to get serious.
"Honey promise me you are going to be a good girl and talk to Dr Vincent. Tell him what you feel, get everything you ever wanted off you're chest. Remember you are doing this for your future."
"Yeah Ma I already made you a promise this morning."
"And please don't do those things you like doing anymore. You know the whole disappearing things and what not." I shook my head as I listened to her reading the rules to me.
"Andrea I am serious." She suddenly said.
"Of course Ma jeez. Just promise me you will not forget about me." "Of course I will not sweety. I love you way to much." The wave of sadness was now radiating all over my body.
"I love you too Ma." It was quiet for a few seconds before she finally spoke again.
"I gotta go. Plane is going up in a few minutes." Sighing I stopped infront of the library. I smiled my feet knew me so well.
"Well have a safe trip and call me as soon as you guys land okay."
"Of course baby. Love you and stay out of trouble." Shaking my head I said.
"Yes because I have been such a bad girl the past few weeks."
"Sarcasm will get you no where."
"Its going to get me out of this conversation. Bye Ma love you too." I heard laughter before the phone went dead. Smiling I placed my phone away. Looking at the library door I opened it and luckily for me I have Study room for my next period which meant I have an hour and 20 minutes to read a good book. I stepped inside and closed the door quietly behind me I greeted the librarian who smiled at me. Looking around I counted atleast 10 students in but it was as quiet as a mouse. I have always wondered why people said as quiet as a mouse while mouses tend to make a lot of noise once they find a way to your house. Why couldn't it be as quiet as mouse fart? Chuckling at my stupidity I shook my head as I walked to my favourite spot at the back where all the good books was. Placing my bag down on a chair I turned around and searched through the racks of books. I picked up one then scanned the first page than I placed the book away and picked up another one. It was a vicious cycle with books and me I am a very picky reader and have a certain taste. I picked up a book and immediately sat down after I read the book's description.
Everyone who was dangerous knew her name it scared everyone even her colleagues. Valencia Wolfs was a master assassin and top spy in her agency because she always got the job done and delivered results each time. When agents 3 of the best go rogue and threaten the existence of the agency it is up to Valencia-Agent 535- to find them and eliminate them. She has to go undercover and this school gives her more than she bargained for when she meets the son of the guy paying to get her killed, the king everyone worshipped in the school, the gang leader, the bad boy Dimitri Collardo. I smiled the book seemed cool. Running my fingers on the title The King's shy and dangerous agent. I opened the book and started reading. I heard the bell ring a few minutes later but luckily I didn't have a class to be at so I continued reading laying back in the chair. I was so into the book that I was smiling like some doofus if anyone saw me now they would think I am crazy.
'Just kiss her already.' I chanted in my head. 'Ugh don't keep on teasing.' I groaned smiling. Just as his lips was close to hers the bell rang and scared the living daylights out of me. Wanting the anticipation to rise I closed the book and picked up my bag. Lunchtime was finally here. I walked to the librarian's desk and gave her the book I had taken out a couple of days earlier back and handed her the I had been reading. She checked it and stamped in a return date I took the book and smiled at her saying thank you as I walked out. As I left the library I saw a photo that had probably not been seen when the others were taken off. As I looked at the picture I realised the cafeteria was off limits because Demon was obviously there and I didn't want a repeat of yesterday. Biting my lip I looked around what was I to do? My stomach grumbled loudly and thankfully no one was in the corridor. I has not eaten this morning and now my stomach was demanding food. Making up my mind that I would only go get food then immediately leave the cafeteria again I left the spot and started walking to the cafeteria. When I reached I entered and looked around for Demon and when I was sure he was not around I quickly walked over to the line. Luckily for me there was only 5 kids in line and the people worked fast so soon enough I had a tray with 2 slices of pizzas, small green salad, an Apple and a mango juice on. Smiling at the lunchlady I turned back thanking the Lord that I was going to make it out alive and unembarrassed but because mother nature hates me as soon as I sayd thank you  Demon and James stepped through the door. They immediately saw me and I immediately looked at the ground I was about to walk but two pairs of biker boots came in my line and vision and I knew I was not leaving unembarrassed.
"Oh look everyone its the cheater." James's voice rang through the cafeteria and I knew everyone was already looking because it was so quiet.
"Oh sir please I have never failed a test let me sleep with you and we forget about it and you give me an A." James said and I heard a deep laugh from infront of me and tears found their way to my eyes when I realized that Demon was laughing at me. He was laughing at the fact that his friend just implied I slept with teachers for marks. Suddenly the tray was ripped out of my hands and as much as I wanted to look up I didn't because I knew it was not James but Demon who had done it. It was confirmed when I heard him say.
"You are not allowed to eat here or step foot in here again. You hear me because we don't want to look at a trash tramp when  we eat." Then he stepped out of the way and as soon as a tear fell I walked away but not fast enough because before I could leave I heard him say.
"And plus we are doing you're weight a favour." I ran to the bathroom with the sound of everyone laughing chasing me. Locking myself in a cubicle I cried until I couldn't anymore Hiccups caused me to leave the cubicle and than go stand infront of the mirror. My eyes were red and still tears were rolling down my eyes I washed them away and looked back up at myself. Suddenly a girl came and stood infront of the mirror next to me. I wiped off my face with one of the  face towels laying on the counter. The girl looked at me and then turned around to leave before she opened the door she turned around and said.
"You shouldn't believe what he told you. You have a body most of the girls here would die for." Then she left and I looked back to the mirror. I was not going to let Demon make me doubt how I look. I had never in my life had a problem with how I look and I was not going to start now. Washing my face off one last time I left the bathroom and the bell rang. Wow I had cried for almost an hour since lunch was also an hour long. Making my way to my locker I immediately took out my books and placed in my other books. Quickly shutting my locker I walked away before I had to see Demon again. I ignored the looks and the gossips that followed me and made my way to Spanish I walked in just as the second bell went off. Taking my seat I took out my book and waited for instructions from the teacher. Soon enough the last bell for the day rang and I made my way to my locker I took out all the books I had homework at and placed it in my bag. Closing my locker I took out my phone from my bag and texted Sean telling him I had detention and that he didn't have to come. He replied with a frowny face and why. I knew he meant why I had detention and just replied tardiness. He seemed to buy it as he just sended back a thumbs up and a crying face. I smiled a little and placed my phone away. Walking into the classroom i saw Mr Williams sit behind his desk paging to test papers. I cleared my throat and he looked up and pointed to a chair infront of his desk
"Sit." He said I gulped and said down not getting why I had to sit infront of his desk. He looked at me and than stood up he walked over to the door and locked it. My eyes widened what was going on I thought.

Chapter 10 done. The book in the story is not real yet I am planning on writing it as soon as I finish with Embrace your Demons. I beg you don't take my idea away from me because due to copyright reasons I would have to lay a charge against you. Just kidding but seriously there will be consequences.

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