Chapter 17

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As I got back into Cassandra's car I immediately wanted to scream out my frustrations. All me and Dr Vincent did was sit in the room him going to papers and me doing my homework than just sitting back. That was all we did he didn't ask me anything and I didn't ask him anything. As we made our way back home in another silent trip I rested back into the seat sleep threatening to take over but I was scared off having the nightmares again. We made our way through the gate and I realized the guards was once again gone so I turned to Cassandra.
"Cass where is the guards? I noticed that they were not here yesterday either."
"Your father took them as his and Mrs Odette's bodyguards." I nodded and when the car stood still I wanted to get out but suddenly the doors were locked. I turned around and looked at Cassandra.
"Andrea I heard  about last night and I feel terrible I mean your grandma asked me to look after you and I have not been doing it.." I immediately interrupted her and placed my hands on hers and said.
"Cass look I don't want you to feel guilty or anything like that. What happened is no one's  fault okay. So don't worry I am fine so everything is cool. " I threw my arms around her and hugged her and she hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while and when I heard her open the door I got out.  I walked into the house and heard noise coming from upstairs.
"Miss Camilla and some of her friends are up there. Do you want me to bring you something to eat or drink?" I smiled and nodded she walked away while I went upstairs into my room. In my room I took off my shoes and placed them in their place than I got on my bed and sat there. Not knowing what to do. I grabbed my laptop and my earphones than sat back down on the bed. I opened my documents and The Big Bang Theory series and started watching season 2. My door opened and I placed the episode on pause and took my stuff from Cassandra who smiled and left. I pressed play than continued watching while eating my sandwich and drinking my juice. When I finished watching season 2 I noticed it was already dark outside so I shut down my laptop and went into my bathroom to start running the water. While the water was running I walked over to my closet and took out a pair of underwear and made my way back to the bathroom. I stripped myself than got into the bath and immediately I started scrubbing myself clean. When I was done I figured I could stay in bath a little longer but I was wrong because as soon as I kept calm images of my nightmares flashed across my eyes and I got out. I dried myself than went into my closet and took out a pair of brown leggings, a light pink silky tank top with a white cardigan and brown ankle boots. I combed my hair out and left them flowing down. I went over to my drawer and I took out some money and than grabbed my phone and went downstairs. I made my way to the kitchen where I found Cass busy dishing up plates of food. I cleared my throat and she turned around and looked at me.
"Yum Cass I am going out for dinner with a friend." I said adding the word friend in for her approval it worked because she was suddenly smiling.
"Okay have fun with Sean but not to much fun okay I will be there in spirit." I forced a smile and left. I walked out of the gates and in the direction I had walked in the day before. I was soon sitting in a very homey diner and I went to sit at the table across from two guys who were having a very deep conversation. The waitress made her way towards me and gave me the menu I ordered after looking through it and she left.  Two minutes later she brought me my coke and I looked around a sudden sadness waving over me as I saw a family in the corner laughing with each other. I took my eyes off them and looked back as the waitress brought me the food. I started eating my burger and fries and suddenly the two guys talked louder. As much as I didn't want to hear their conversation I still couldn't help but hear.
"Come on Nick. Please just come with me I leave next week and this might be the last match. Come in I don't want to go alone." Nick sighed and looked at his friend.
"Fine but we leave after he fights."his friend laughed and nodded earning an eye roll from Nick. They suddenly looked up and looked at me both immediately winking at me and I looked away. I heard them chuckle and a blush found its way to my face. I finished eating and paid my bill. My phone rang and I left the diner and I answered the whatsapp call from my grandmother.
"MA." I said a sense of relief waving through me. I saw the two boys walk out of the diner and in the opposite direction and I found myself moving in their direction.
"Babygirl. How are you doing?" I smiled and hoped the two guys didn't notice me.
"Ma I'm fine just a little bit tired but nothing a few hours of sleep won't fix. How about you, how are you doing?"
"I'm fine sweetheart I heard about the arrest. I really wish I could be there with you I miss you so much. "
"I'm fine really MA. I'm just never getting into a cab again. "I said chuckling a little for my grandmother's sake. The two guys crossed the street and gave a tough looking guy outside the door something than went into the building.
"Ma I have to go okay.  I will call you tomorrow I promise and we will have a longer chat. Love you. Bye. " I said not waiting for a bye from her. I walked across the street towards the building and the guy out front told me its fifty dollars to go in.  I paid him and went in immediately my eyes widened at the sight before me. The room was packed and in the middle of the room stood a large ring  I figured this was one of those underground fighting places. I smiled as it has always been my dream to go to such a place. Looking around at the women dressed in their most skimpiest clothes and the men talking among each other making bets.
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first match for the year.  Tonight we have a title match which means the champion will be here so stick around and watch the match of our champion and new comer Jackson." as soon as Jackson was named loud boos filled the room. Suddenly the room got darker and I froze but relaxed when no one else freaked out guessing it was a regular thing. Two doors on the other side of the room suddenly opened and on the left stood a guy in blue shorts and a black sleeveless jacket along with black all stars. He made his way towards the ring along with some boos and cheers. I took a wild guess and guessed he was Jackson. The other guy on the right made his way to the ring carrying himself with confidence and with a belt around his waist making sure we knew he was the champion. My heart rate along with probably all the other ladies one's picked up. The guy dressed in black shorts and black boots and a cap stood in the ring with no shirt leaving all his tattoos on vision. His body was filled with tattoos each one captivating me. He turned his back on me and I noticed the big tattoo on his back it was a face of a demon. My eyes found the person who the tattoo guy was talking to and immediately I looked around for his best friend. When I was sure he wasn't around I turned back around and saw James was no longer standing at his previous spot but was no standing a few feet away from the ring.
"Okay peoples. All the noise down as we start with our first match of the night. In the right corner all the way from somewhere in Los Angeles we have Jackson and in the left corner all the way from right here in Santa Monica please make noise for the champion! " my  heart stopped as I looked at the person as he turned around smirking. He held up his belt cap long gone. There in the ring stood the man of my nightmares not literally but you get it and ironically the man of my dreams.  Demon Valdez.

This is it. I want to cry I wrote another version but it disappeared and I am incredibly upset but hey.. I quickly want to give a big shout out to Starlight01470 for her follow and votes it means a lot to me. Thank you for reading Embracing your Demons.

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