Chapter 13

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Sweat dripped  from my skin while my breath was busy fuming. I was letting air in and out like nothing. The moon the only light source for me as I ran in an unknown street not knowing why the pain in my heart was getting worse as I ran faster. In the near distance I could see people standing around something screaming for someone to call an ambulance. As I got near to the chaos the people disappeared and all I could see was the heartbreaking view infront of me which made the pain far worse. There laying on the roof was the familiar black SUV which the family used which my mother and brother had taken an hour ago. The first thing I saw was movement my name being called caused me to turn my head and look at my brother who was trying to get out of the car.
"Andrea,, Drea,,, help,,help me. Mom- mom needs our help. Get me o,,out." My brother screamed to me I tried to run to the car but suddenly I fell down and I tried to get up again and move but something pulled my leg back. I turned around and I saw my legs chained to a pole. Tears swelled up in my eyes as I looked from the pole back to my brother. I screamed as I tried to take the chain from my leg but it wouldn't do anything. I looked back to my brother who was still trying to get out tears now rolling down my faceHe screamed my name once before everything blazed up in flames. The car jumped up in flames causing me to fall to my knees crying my eyes out. The blazing car went in pieces and something flew towards me.
I jerked awake and before I could register what was going on I was on the floor with tears flowing down like a waterfall. I crept to the nearest corner and pulled my knees up to my chin slowly rocking myself as I cried. I balled my hands into fists and pressed it against my eyes trying to stop crying but with the darkness images of the nightmare flashed across my eyes and I sprang up. I walked over to the balcony door opened it then stepped out wiping away the tears. The sky was not so dark anymore and stars were no longer visible which meant it was no longer night. My observation was confirmed when I walked back into my room and my clock showed 04:58. Pacing up and down in my room I knew I was not going to be able to sleep anymore so I got an idea. I walked into my closet and took out my grey sweatpants and white sports bra and placed it on I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed socks and running shoes and placed it on. I looked back at the bed and the images flashed infront of me causing me to walk towards the door. I opened my door and I peaked my head out of my door  and looked around making sure the coast was clear before leaving the  room and cautiously making my way down the stairs and out the door leading towards the beach. I stepped out inhaling the delicious aroma of the beach letting it cloud my brain to stop the thoughts. I closed the door and than looked around deciding on which direction I should go in. I chose the direction I saw the  dog in the day before. I started running and immediately felt relieve ran through me. Running had always been my go to hobby when I had trouble sleeping or had emotional problems I guess there is something about running like the way you forget about your problems when you are running because you had a clear head when running. I had started running in the mornings when I was 13 and I found it refreshing and the best thing  about running in London is definitely the weather. A bark caused me to snap out of my zone out and I immediately turned my head towards the now full on barks. My eyes widened as I saw the big, vicious looking dog running towards me barking like crazy and you could see the slime running from its mouth. My already fast beating heart rate increased as I saw the 4 pawed monster running towards me. Before I knew it I was laying on the ground with a tongue licking my face I laughed when I realized the dog was licking me. I ushered him off and he got off after giving me one last lick. I stood up and wiped his slime from my face, I looked at the dog who was standing infront with his tongue out. I moved closer to him and tried to pat him but he gave a loud bark and I moved away noting that the dog didn't like contact. He looked behind me and than back at me giving me one last bark before running in the direction I had intended in running in. He suddenly stopped and turned to look at me and let  out a bark which was directed at me. I came realization that the dog wanted me to follow him and I smiled and started following my jogging buddy. We ran until my feet couldn't anymore than we turned back and might I say it was a hassle getting the dog to turn back but I did. I could already see my house when I saw the dog running towards another house and before I knew it the dog disappeared through the doggy door after letting out one last bark probably as a greeting. I walked into the door and suddenly an ear piercing scream filled the room but it was gone as soon as it came. I looked at the culprit and I saw a terrified Cassandra who seemed to calm down as she absorbed my presence.
"Miss Andrea, Goodmorning  you uhm scared me." She said and I gave her a small smile.
"Sorry. Uhm Cass could you please full me a lunch box." I said I was ready to walk away but she stopped me but I gave her a don't look and she nodded. I took it as my que to leave so I left and ran up to my room I quickly went to take a shower and brushed my teeth. Not in the mood to look for clothes I grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants a light blue tank top with a crop jean jacket and white all stars. I combed out my hair and tied it into a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and left my room figuring that my dad and his family were busy having breakfast I skipped the kitchen and decided to leave. As soon as I left the house Cassandra called my name and I turned around and took the lunchbox from her. I left before she could ask me questions and not being in the mood for anybody I walked to school. My phone rang a couple of times and I saw Sean's name appear but I didn't answer. I walked into school and took out my earphones and plugged them into my phone and blared Highway to hell. I kept my head down making my way to my register class. I took my seat and waited for the school to start so I could go home and sleep. When the students started filling up the class I removed my earphones and shut down my phone. I saw the looks everyone gave me looks of disgust and curiosity. Ignoring them I prayed that today went smoothly and there was no Demon in my day. I looked at the ring on my finger and played with it. It slipped off from my finger and I read the text tears forming already. I quickly slipped it on and waited for the class to end. When class ended I walked up to my locker making sure no surprise was waiting for me. The looks people gave me did not go unmissed by me. I placed in the combination and opened it and let me tell you biggest bloody mistake of my life. As soon as I opened the locker trash came falling out and I could hear the laughter from the students but it died down when I just grabbed my history book, closed my locker and walked away towards my history class. Everyone started whispering and confusion was voiced in their conversations. I walked into class and greeted Mr Williams he smiled back and went back to writing in the board. I sat down and started copying the work he was writing when he gave me the go a head.

The whole day was filled with people talking about my lack of expression when the mornings stuff had happened but I didn't care. I had not said a word to anyone and kept my head down avoiding eye contact with anyone. As the bell rung for the end of the day I went to my locker and took out all my books and everything else in my locker.  Shutting close my locker I adjusted my bag and walked out of school leaving the art students in the corridor who was busy painting on the walls. I buttoned up my jean jacket due to the wind that was slightly blowing. I made sure to think about everything except the nightmare. A thought stopped me and I quickly grabbed my bag from my back and zipped it open I fished through my bag and when I found it I grabbed it and looked at the address. I had completely forgotten about my session with Dr Vincent. I had no idea where the place was so deciding that I was going to ask someone I placed the card in my pocket. Out of nowhere a car with screeching tires stopped infront of me and the door opened and out stepped two guys with guns and who had masks on. My eyes widened and I looked around noticing that we were in a quiet street where no person was visible. I realized they were coming in my  direction and suddenly it was as if a light in my head went off and I turned around to start running. I didn't make it far because it was as if the two people anticipated my next move because they grabbed me around my waist. I started screaming and I felt a pain in my neck which made me think they had injected something in me. It was confirmed when  I becoming drowsy and suddenly felt my eyes closing and before I knew it and before I could get a glimpse of the people darkness consumed me. The last thing I heard was one of the guys say.
"Oh she's a beauty." My heart beat started increasing and I prayed that they didn't to anything of that sort to me.

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