Chapter 39

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"Mom, Can we go play at the park outside? Pretty please." Andre asked his mother with Andrea clutching on to his hand hoping their mother says yes. Their mother looked at them then put their hotel room's window.
"It looks like it is going to start snowing soon my babies. You guys can go play tomorrow I promise you." their excited faces fell as the words slipped out their mother's mouth.
"Mommy please. We want to go play in the snow and build a snowman." Andrea asked looking at the mother with her puppy dog eyes her brother following suit. Their mother smiled.
"Fine you guys can go. Just put on another jacket and your gloves." they squealed in delight and hugged their mother before running to their rooms to get their things.
They crossed the road and when they reached the park both of them collapsed on the snow and started making angels while laughing. They stood up and ran around the park. Andrea stood still watching the snowman that had already been build. She felt something hit her and when she turned around Andre was standing with two snowballs.
"I can't believe you just did that." she said and Andre smirked.
"What are you going to do about it, princess?" she arched an eyebrow and as she brother threw the last two snowballs at her she started running. When he was empty handed she made her own and immediately started throwing it at him when he was busy making more for him. They laughed and started chasing each other again throwing each other with the snowballs.
Tired they collapsed on a nearby bench and laughed at the memory.
"We should come to Chicago more often. It's great here." Andre said and his sister nodded laying her head on his shoulder. He smiled.
"Tired, my queen? " Andrea shook her head and smiled at him. Before she could say anything she felt something fell on her nose and when she looked at snow started falling on her face and she laughed. Andre stood up and grabbed her up too. Both smiling widely at each other they started dancing around the park. They suddenly bumped into each other and they looked at the person who was smiling at them
"Hey, my babies." They grabbed their mother's hand and started dancing with her.

Flashback over

My memories got interrupted when the flight attendant came to tell me to buckle up as we would be landing shortly. I was thankful that we would be landing shortly because I couldn't take it on the plane anymore. I had been drowning myself in music while staring out at the window of the plane. Doctor Vincent had fallen asleep half an hour after the plane was in the air. I shook him awake and he stirred and looked around than at me.
"We will be landing shortly." I told him and he nodded. I switched off my mp3 player and stuffed it into my bag. I looked back out the window and saw the city.

Doctor Vincent placed his hand into the air calling the cab while I froze to death. It was cold and my clothes were not really warming me up. Thankfully a cab stood still infront of us and we got in. Doctor Vincent gave the address of the clinic and the cab driver who seemed to be in his mid forties started driving while listening to Boys ll Men songs. I recognized the one song and started singing the songs quietly seeing my parents dancing around to it at home while André and I would sing for them. I looked at the passing buildings and smiled softly at the snow which covered the cars and buildings. The cab suddenly stood still and I looked out the front window at the traffic. I sighed it seemed like we were going to be stuck here for some time. There were many cars infront of us and many of them were hootering.
"My deepest apologies,I didn't know traffic was going to be so bad here otherwise I would have taken another road. " the cab driver said.
"It's okay we're not in a hurry. " Doctor Vincent said. The cab driver was about to reverse when a cab beeped behind us. I turned around and my eyes widened how did all these cars get here. The cab driver  sighed and shook his head. I rolled down the window and heard all the yelling and swearing being thrown around.
"I'll go see what is happening. I'll be right back. " the cab driver said and got out of his car earning a loud honk from behind and he threw up his finger at the person telling him he was also stuck. I smiled as he started walking to the front. I looked at Doctor Vincent and he looked at me raising an eyebrow.
"What? " he asked and I shook my head and turned back my attention at the commotion. I saw the cab driver approaching and he looked scared. He looked at the back and yelled
"Crawlers patrolling!" Immediately all the nearby honking and yelling stopped. I saw the woman in the car next to the cab look at her son and told him something which caused him to move to the backseat and lay down. I looked at them in confusion than at the cab driver who got into the car and sat down.
"What's going on? " Doctor Vincent asked the driver and he looked back terrified.
"The local street gang is searching cars in search for someone. But don't worry they won't to anything to you I think." I raised my eyebrow even further at his last words.
"Can they do that? " I asked softly referring to the car searches.
"Sadly they can do alot of things." He said and the cars started moving. Anticipation builded up as we got nearer to the Crawlers and I hoped they wouldn't do anything to us.
A very handsome guy knocked on the window when we were infront and the driver rolled his window down.
"Seen this man? " he asked smirking and the cab driver shook his head.
"N.No" he said in fear. The guy chuckled and came to my window. His smirk turned wider and he winked at me.
"Well hello beautiful. I haven't seen you around town. You visiting?" I blushed and looked down he noticed and laughed.
"Yeah you say can that? " he whistled at my accent and my face turned redder.
"Well what's your name British girl ?" he asked and I looked at him. He was wearing a playful grin and hanging on the window.
"Andrea. " I chose not to say my surname because I really didn't know how many enemies in gangs my dad had and I didn't want to find out either.
"Well my name is Zack Mullick and it is a pleasure of mine to meet a beauty like you." the blush on my face got worse and the cold air around came through the open window and I shivered.
"So Andrea,what brings you from London to old Chicago?" I bit my lip not really wanting to tell Zach I was going to the loony bin.
"I am visiting a relative and I am not from London. I am from Santa Monica. " his face suddenly turned into a smirk and he jumped up and down calling someone named Mason I saw the cab driver's hands start shaking and I figured out who ever was about to join us was obviously in control. I looked at the back and saw the many cars there and couldn't believe that Zach was talking to me as if there was not more than two dozen cars behind us. Zack was joined by a more muscled and more handsome guy. The guy had the bad boy aura written all over him.
"What? You got information on that scumbag." he asked and my heart started beating faster when he looked at me.
"No but I found something even better. Guess from where this beautiful lady is? " I saw 'Mason' give Zack a confused look even I gave him one. What was so special about where I came from.
"Santa Monica. " Zack said and suddenly the guy's confused look turned into a smirk and I bit my lip.
"Oh really. Tell me pretty girl how's The Kingdom doing?" I blushed at the nickname than my face went into confusion. What did they care about the gangs in Santa Monica.
"I guess their fine. I mean  when you're breaking laws everyday and putting fear in people's lives you're probably doing fine. " the 'Mason' guy laughed along with Zack and he looked at me.
"And my old buddy Demon?" he asked and my eyes widened. He knew Demon which meant Demon knew gangleaders. Why doesn't it surprise me though.
"He is fine I guess. We're not really buddies like you guys. " he laughed again.
"Demon Valdez and I are anything but friends." he said darkly.
"You should tell him or James when you go back The Crawler's head said hi. " he said before walking away. Zack gave me his phone and told me to enter my number which I of course did. He gave us the go a head to move but stopped us again before we could go. He handed me a black leather jacket and I took it.
"You should totally wear this when you give the message to that two douche bags. " he said before walking away. The cab driver drove away and him and Doctor Vincent let out a sigh.
I looked at the jacket and saw at the back were a photo of people crawling out of graves with all of them reaching out to a guy at the top who looked out over a city. At the top was imprinted The Crawlers and at the bottom
Where death rules. Infront of the jacket was 3 printings
I smiled and placed on the jacket and zipped it up immediately being thankful for the warmth it provided.

A few minutes later we stopped again but this time at our intended destination. I got out of the cab after Doctor Vincent said he would pay for the cab. I grabbed my bags and looked around as I waited for Doctor Vincent. A couple nearby looked at me than at my jacket and immediately looked away. I ignored them and followed the doc who was now walking towards the gate. He pressed the buzzer and turned towards me.
"You ready. " he asked and I took a deep breath.
"Yeah. Let's do this." I said after a few moments. I was ready to move on and live my life.

Chapter 39 done and up.
Happy reading and from now on I will be updating my books regularly as I want to finish it.. Thank you for reading my book it means alot.
Love you special people

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