Chapter 36

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Hi I'm backkkkkk. Sorry for the long wait. It's just that the Wi-Fi has been down and I never really have time anymore and I have realized I have not updated in so long so please forgive me and enjoy the next 2 or 3 chapters. When reading this chapter please play the above song. It sets the mood.

Demons POV
"Amber! " I yelled at her as she stood infront  of her locker reapplying her makeup. She looked at me and I swear there was nothing I wanted to do at the moment than pull out a gun and blow her useless brain out. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off with someone else screaming her name too. I turned around and saw Mitchell walking towards us obviously angry. When he reached us I swear he looked like he wanted to kill Amber.
"Who the hell do you think you are? I understand you're going through stuff but that is no bloody excuse to accuse a fellow student of being a murderer. Do you know what problems that can cause for not only me but you too?" he said. Amber once again showed that she was crazy because she ignored Mitchell and turned her back to him opening her locker. James next to me snorted and shook his head causing Mitchell to turn to us.
"And you Mr Valdez? You have anything to do with this." I gave him a flat look.
"I don't waste my time on such petty stuff Mitchell. I really thought you knew me more than that. "James laughed next to me pumping my fist.
"You think this is f..... " he was interrupted by Amber who looked confused as she wrote a note that had fallen from her locker.
"This is a note from Andrea." before she could say anything else I grabbed the paper out of her hand and read it. I felt my heart stopped as I read the note this was a suicide note. Realization dawned on me and I realized Andrea was going to kill herself. I jerked my head up to Amber who suddenly looked very afraid I stepped closer to her until her back was against the lockers.
"If she does if I will bury you next to her. I promise you Amber." she gulped as my words dawned upon her.
"Demon, what's going on? " James asked me and I turned to him.
"Andrea is going to kill herself. " Mitchell said and I turned to him and saw the letter in his hand. James looked at me for confirmation and I nodded.
"I am going to call her dad and tell him. Maybe he can go and stop her." Principal Mitchell said.
"How can he stop her if he can't find her?She can literally choose from a hundred places and we won't be able to stop her. " James said and I nodded.
"The cemetery, she talks about going to them and asking for forgiveness so she wants to be with them when doing it." Mitchell said and walked away taking out his phone.
"Let's go! " I said grabbing James's arm and running out the school with him and into my car and drove full speed to the cemetery.

At the cemetery James and I looked around for her when we finally found her I felt sick. I watched as she sat with her face in her knees and could hear the sobbing. I wanted nothing more than to console her but stopped myself as I saw the gun in her hand. I was about to talk to her when voices behind us caused James and I to turn around. Andrea remained in her position showing that she didn't hear the noise. I watched as Andre and a guy who looked older than him make their way towards us. He glared as he said saw me and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"Where is she? If you had anything to do with this than I will make you pay so much for this. " This time I rolled my eyes not even bothering to hide it. Typical Sparks thinking, someone tries killing themselves so let's blame it on the misfit Demon Valdez.
"I have nothing to do with this Sparks. So instead of trying to be a wannabee obsessed lawyer why don't you try to be a father first. " I stood next to him and gave him a view of his daughter and he was about to run to her but the guy next to him stopped him.
"Let me? "I furrowed my brows as I watched them guy cautiously move towards Andrea.
"Andre! " a voice yelled from behind us and this time Andrea looked up at first she looked confused as she stared at us but than realization dawned on her. She held the gun to her temple and I saw how her hand was shaking. I watched in horror and as Mitchell's stood next to me I glared at him. He looked away.
"Doc, you need to leave!"Andrea said with a shaky breath. So the guy was a doctor I thought as I watched him. He shook his head.
"Andrea, you know you can't expect that from me. So why don't you come with me than we leave together." he asked and she shook her head.
"You don't understand Doc. I don't deserve to live. I have to be dead just like they are because that's what I deserve. I am the reason three people are dead and other people's lives are destroyed. I can't walk around here like everything is okay and everything is fine because it's not. " I watched the doctor nod and move closer but she saw it to and shook her head
"Don't come any closer Doc. Please." she said now full on crying.
"What's that Andrea? " he asked pointing to a letter near her, she looked at the paper and cried more.
"It's a letter from Andre. W. We had to write a letter b.back in Sunday school and I got it from our old teacher." she said now hiccuping.
"Have you read it yet, Sweety? " she shook her head playing with the gun.
"I.I c.c.can't ." she said
"Do you want me to read it? " the doctor asked and she jerked her head up and looked at him her eyes full of tears. She looked at the letter and back to the doctor and nodded. The doctor moved closer but she stopped him.
"Doc, don't come closer again. Stay there. "she threw him the letter and it landed infront of him.
"Do you think this guy knows what he is doing?" James asked me and I shrugged.
"She has not pulled the trigger yet so I will say so far he is doing it. " I said and he nodded.
"When you ask me how life should be in heaven I will say no tears and no bullies and that people will always believe in themselves when up there. Alot of people want to go to heaven because it's a place without pain and sorrow but there is one thing I know that I if I don't have it I will never be happy..." the doctor looked at Andrea who was now rocking herself back and forth on  the grave crying. She looked up when the doctor stopped and tilted the head.
"There is one thing I know I could never be happy without and that is my one minute miracle..." Andrea closed her ears as the tears came barelling out like a waterfall.
"And her name is Andrea Sparks my best friend in the whole wide world. My sister is my hero even though she doesn't always seem to think she is strong enough but a hero doesn't have to be strong because people at their weakest are the most greatest of all. She has a tough time at school and it causes her not to believe in herself but for once I would just want her to look at me and say she's proud of herself and that it doesn't matter what people say about her because she believes in herself. I hate it when I see her cry and when she cries because of me I just can't live with myself. I want my sister with me and if there comes a time when I die before her than I want her to be happy and live peacefully and never cry because I won't be able to forgive myself if I see it wherever I am. She means the most to me and love her to the moon and back because she is my queen and she deserves the whole earth because she treats everyone with kindness and love and that is what she deserves in this world and if I can't be there in the future than I will be in here heart and mind encouraging her. Andrea Sparks is my source of happiness so if I had to go than I would want her to be happy everyday so I can be happy wherever I am. " the doctor finished the letter and I saw him wipe away  tears. I looked at Andre and saw he was also crying than I looked at Andrea she was no shaking.
"See Andrea. He doesn't want you to be upset. He wants you to be happy and believe in yourself so why can't you. No matter what anyone says you did not kill them you didn't drive the car, nothing so it's not your fault. How do you think he is feeling watching you to this. Watching you cry everyday because of him. Don't you want him to be happy up in heaven?" Andrea looked up and nodded.
"I do Doc, but I can't live like this anymore. I'm sorry." my eyes widened. She placed the gun on her temple and than everything slowed down. Everyone including James screamed at her to place the gun down and before any of us could do anything she pressed the gun and we all froze as we watched her.

Realization dawned upon us when we saw her sitting and breathing looking at the gun. There was no bullets in and I breathed a sigh of relief. She realized it to and than she just broke and pulled the trigger contionsly and nothing happened. The doctor moved to her and grabbed the gun which caused her to cry and shout.
"No! Doc give me the gun. I promised them, I promised them I would join them. So let me go please just let me go! " she screamed whispering the last part as the doctor embraced her and whispered softly into her ears. She hugged him back crying and asking to go to her family. James picked up the gun and twirled it in his hand.
"Where did she get a gun in the first place? " he asked and suddenly the gun was out of his hand. We looked up at the culprit and I rolled my eyes at Andre.
"This is mine, I just don't understand how she got it. " my eyes flared and before I knew it I had punched him feeling my anger leave a little.
"That was for not keeping your toys away from your children." I said and walked away knowing James would follow and he did.
"I am so angry right now I just want to hit something." I told him and he chuckled and patted my shoulder.
"Nothing the Pentagon can't fix. " and I smiled. I looked at Andre one last time and saw they were still in the same position as before but now I couldn't hear what she was saying. There was one thing in Andre's letter which was nothing but the truth. Andrea Sparks deserved the whole world it was just a damn pity she didn't know that.

Da da. Here is your long awaited chapter. Hope you enjoy it my beautiful peoples.

Embracing your Demons (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora