Chapter 23

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The silence on the other side was unbearable my grandmother has still not said a word and the only way I knew she was there was by the rapid breathing from the other side.
"Ma? You going to say anything anytime soon?" I asked her breaking the silence.
"I am going through my line trying to come myself down before I say something I am going to regret..." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked at the phone before pressing it to my ear again.
"Ma, what are y...."  I was interrupted by my grandmother yelling.
"How could you Andrea? After all the years of raising you I knew you had flaws but this, this is just unacceptable and I would probably not have believed it if I didn't see the proof. You embarrassed the Sparks surname and for once I am actually questioning my thoughts about you..." tears filled my eyes as I listened to my grandmother sitting down on the seat I opened my mouth to talk but what she said next hit home hard.
"You not only embarrassed yourself or us but you embarrassed your mother and brother. Right now they are probably turning around in their graves..." the first tear fell as I ended the call. The phone rang again but I switched it off. I stood up and walked over to my bed and sat down on it crying once again.

Monday morning came around quicker and I switched my alarm off just as it went off. Once again I didn't sleep and my body was now showing the results as my hands started shaking as I lifted it up. I stood up and walked into the bathroom stripping myself before getting underneath the shower. As the water hit my the tears once again fell and this is how it has been going the whole weekend. I had gotten the monthly red truck so now I was more emotional than anything else. I finished and tried myself than twirled the towel around my body. I stepped into the room and grabbed a pair of black underwear placed it on, than I placed on a  pair of black leggings, a long sleeved black off the shoulder knitted top which was short in the front and long in the back. I grabbed a pair of black socks and my black Doc Martin's and placed it on. I combed my hair out than combed it into a bun before tying it. I grabbed a light blue coat and placed it on I grabbed my bag and left the room. As I closed the door and locked it I turned around and screamed. My heart rate slowed down as I saw Catherine who looked dissorted.
"I am so sorry Andrea. I didn't mean to scare you sweetie." I smiled at her.
"It okay Catherine. I am just a little bit on edge. " she gave me a look and I smiled to which she smiled back.
"Are you heading to school? " I nodded.
"Well make sure to get something to eat at the diner down the road. It has an amazing variety of delicious breakfast." I thanked her and left. I walked down the road watching the cars speed down the streets trying to make it before traffic got hectic. I spotted the diner and picked up my pace quickly manuovering my way through the crowd at the stop.
The bell rang as I opened the door and looked around for a seat. I spotted an empty one in the corner and made my way there. Just as I sat down a cute guy walked over to me holding a menu. He smirked as he realized I was checking him out.
"Hi what can we get the beautiful lady today?" I blushed and looked down as he stretched the menu out for me.
"Uhm yeah I will have the breakfast special." he took the menu and looked at me a pen now outstretched towards me.
"Whenever a new customer comes in and buys something they have to give their number to the waiter." I arched an eyebrow as I took the pen writing down my number on a servette.
"The guy over there kind of looks like he doesn't know what's going on so I am guessing his new and needs a waiter." he looked to where I was pointing and turned back to me smiling.
"Luckily for us it only supposed to be one number a waiter and you're so lucky since your my first Whites. " I laughed at the nickname and he winked at me before turning around. I looked around waiting for my food. The smell of the food hit me first before it came into sight. I looked up at the waiter and smiled at him. I started eating and froze when I realized the waiter sat down I looked at him blushing as I saw him stare at me.
"It's fine please go on I have never seen a girl ear that fast." my cheeks got warmer and I looked away as he chuckled.
"My name is Parker and you are..?" he said sticking out his hand I wiped my hands off from the servette and placed my hand into his.
"Andrea. Nice to meet you Parker." he let out a low whistle.
"Wow now I see why you girls like English guys so much.  The accent is a major turn on. " I blushed again biting my lip a gesture which didn't go unnoticed. He smiled showing his pearly whites.
"I really don't know how to answer you right now." he let out a soft laugh making me laugh too.
"You're a different one aren't you Whites. " I raised my eyebrow.
"I did give you my name."
"Yeah but Whites is so much better." he said winking than stood up and went over to another table.

I stepped into the school with a positive attitude I had given a really hot guy my number and he exactly talked to me. I saw everyone look at me weirdly because of the big smile I was wearing. I ignored them and walked to my locker I opened it and placed on the books making sure the first period's one was in the bag. I closed the locker and turned around making my way to the class. Before I stepped foot into the class the intercoms went off and everyone froze.
"Goodmorning students of Santa Monica Private High. Could we all please make our way  to the hall for the weekly assembly?" I sighed and turned around walking to the hall.  I entered the hall and went to sit at the corner of the hall. Soon the hall was filled with students all talking amongst themselves. I still have not seen Demon and James so I was thankful I saw Amber with her minions at the front row. Principal Mitchell along with some teachers stepped into the hall and made their way to the front.
"Goodmorning Students." Everyone said good morning to them and we watched as the other teachers took their seat leaving principal Mitchell to stand alone. Suddenly the screen attached to the roof came down and judging by the way Principal Mitchell looked at the screen it was not supposed to do it.
The screen turned on and suddenly a thick obviously disguised voice filled the room.
"These days the guilty hides behind the faces of the most innocent. Everyday we walk past this person and we say Baby she's a all around virgin but sometimes we are all just wrong. This Friday we all know there was a party, a very great party but some people probably don't even remember how they got there and they ended up doing this... " the voice ended and a photo appeared on the screen. I saw everyone look at the picture than look at me so I looked at the picture and my heart sank. Tears once again filled my eyes and they fell as I saw the teachers look at me in a disgusting manner. I stood up grabbed my bag than ran out of the hall laughter and murmurs filling my ears.  As I ran out the door I ran right into a wall I fell down on my butt and suddenly the hall was quiet. I looked up and could see through my teary eyes a very confused James and Demon I stood up and ran away from them. Going to the only place I knew could consule me. The cemetery.

Demon's POV
I looked at Her as she ran away than I looked at James who shrugged his shoulders. I looked around the hall my eyes zooming in on a picture on the screen. Anger filled me as I looked at a photo of Andrea who laid down on a bed surrounded by 3 boys. I looked around for them and found them around Amber who smiled sweetly at me.
"Their death warrants are signed. " I told James. He nodded and than shook his head knowing very well what I planned to do. No one and I mean no one touches Andrea Sparks. I may not like her but she is mine and mine alone.

Chapter 22 up and done my peoples. Next one will be up later the week. Enjoy your week. All the 😍

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