Chapter 55

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Something was licking my face and my hand which laid off the bed. I was to scared to open my eyes and look at the perpetrator. When it licked my hand again I opened my eyes and looked right into Hunter's eyes.
"Hunter." I said confused causing the dog to wiggle his tail. How did he get into my room? I thought and I looked around the room and froze. I was a 100 percent not in my room and in my dad's house. I felt myself being pulled away from the edge of the bed and into something hard. I look down and saw a tattooed arm around my waist and I carefully looked at the face and I immediately turned back and buried my face into Hunter's body who had decided to take up the unoccupied space next to me. I slept next to Demon Valdez.

I felt myself being lifted up and no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't open my eyes because apparently sleep was more important. I felt myself being laid down on a bed and I had to open my eyes because the bed was to soft to be mine.
"This isn't my room." I said tiredly rubbing my eyes and I heard a chuckle and looked up at Demon.
"Right and when you can get your house key from your friend than you can go to your room." Demon said and I looked at him apologetically and he shook his head.
"I'm sorry, I kinda forgot in the rush that he had the house key in the car." I said and he removed his shirt causing me to turn red and I looked at him. His body was filled with tattoos, there was no space for another one. He looked at me and winked causing me to cover my face with the pillow and causing him to laugh. I felt the bed sink and I removed the pillow from my face and stared at Demon who had slipped into the bed and he gave me a confused look.
"What? Did you think I was going to let you sleep in another room while my bed was practically empty? Fat chance." he said and I felt my face warm and he pinched my cheeks and I bit my lip.
"There is a shirt for you on the sofa to change into if your dress is uncomfortable." he said and gave me a kiss on the neck and I smiled.

Flashback over

I ran my hand over Hunter and smiled at the dog then my hand froze midway causing him to stare at me. If Hunter could walk into Demon's room like this it meant he was probably Demon's dog which meant that Demon lived three houses from my dad. My suspicion was confirmed when I heard the waves crash outside. Does my dad even know? I thought and continued running my hand on Hunter who was giving me the longing eyes.
"Now I know why you didn't like being touched in the first place. You're just as full of quarrels as your owner." I told Hunter and he licked my face causing me to laugh.
"I'll take that as a compliment." I heard Demon say and let me tell you, this time I died three times after each other because Demon's morning voice was nothing sort of husky and sexy. I couldn't look at Demon but I could feel him giving small kisses on my neck.
"I didn't know you lived 3 houses from my dad's. Does he know?" I asked and Demon flipped me around causing me to look right into his beautiful eyes.
"I don't know and I could care less if he exactly does know. Let's talk about you." he said and I knew I was blushing.
"What about me?" I asked and he gave me a look then he looked at Hunter.
"You can start by telling me how you know my dog." he asked and I smiled looking at Hunter.
"We used to jog together." I said and Demon's eyes went up in realization then he smirked.
"So you're the reason he left me at 5 in the morning. Guess that's something else we have in common." he said and I looked at him in confusion. He suddenly got on top of me and my eyes went wide. He moved to my ear and said softly.
"We both have excellent taste in women." my wide eyes went wider and I knew if I wasn't blushing before I was definitely now.
"You just can't say stuff like that, Demon." He laughed and looked at me then he planted his lips on mine and kissed me. I smiled and pulled him closer deeping the kiss. He pulled away and smiled at me.
"Let's go out tomorrow night and get something to eat." he said and I smiled biting my lip causing him to kiss it again.
"Like a date?" I asked when he pulled away and he rolled his eyes smiling.
"It's a date if you want it to be a date." he said and I immediately nodded my head then he pecked me before laying down on the bed again.
"Then it is a date." he said and I found myself unable to control the smile on my face. Suddenly realisation dawned on me and I immediately stood up causing Demon and Hunter to look at me. I placed on my shoes while looking for my dress.
"What's going on?" Demon asked as he pulled Hunter closer to him earning himself a lick.
"Poseidon leaves today. His probably at the house now. I have to go." I said as I stood up after tying the shoes. I spotted the dress underneath the sofa and picked it up but it was grabbed out of my hand. I looked at Demon and he smiled innocently.
"I'll return it to your house later this week." he said leaving no room for arguments. I shrugged my shoulders and tied my hair properly. I looked at Demon.
"Thank you for letting me stay here for the night." I said and he smiled.
"No problem but you have to at least say thank you properly." I looked at him in confusion and when he gestured for me to come closer to him I shook my head in amazement and went over to him. He pulled me down and gave me a kiss and I pulled back before it could go on longer causing him to sulk.
"Bye Demon, bye Hunter." I said laughing before leaving the room.

I knocked on the house door and called out to  Poseidon and 2 minutes later the door opened and Poseidon gave me a look smiling.
"Shut up." I said moving past him causing him to laugh. He closed the door and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"My plane leaves in 3 hours." he said causing me to turn around to him.
"But I thought you were only leaving tonight." I said and he smiled sadly.
"My manager got me on an earlier flight." I threw my arms around him and we stood there hugging each other.
"I'm going to miss you so much, Sèi." I said and he shook his head.
"Just promise me you will not ignore me again after a few weeks." he said and I shook my head.
"I won't, I promise you." we pulled away and smiled at each other.
"Let's go finish packing." he said and pulled me up the stairs.

2 and a half hours later we stood near the security gate where Poseidon had to go through. His plane's passengers was being called to board the plane. We looked at each other and hugged each other again.
"I'm going to miss you so much my beautiful dancing partner. Please don't forget about me and if you ever need to talk you call me okay." he said and I nodded feeling the tears starting to brim my eyes. Poseidon noticed and gave me a kiss on the forehead hugging me one last time.
"Don't cry okay, I'll see you sooner than you think." he said and I nodded.
"You have to go." I said when his plane's number was called. He took out something from his pocket and gave it to me. It was a receipt.
"All you have to do is go give the car and the receipt then you can go. Thanks for offering to do it." he said and I shook my head.
"It's nothing. You have to go Poseidon." I told him when I saw the guy at the gate look at Poseidon who laughed and took out something else from his pocket and told me to close my eyes. I smiled and closed my eyes and I felt him place something around my neck and when he told me to open my eyes he was already at the gate and I looked at the necklace he gave to me and I smiled waving at him as he moved through the detector. I turned around and looked at the necklace again and smiled at the two important necklaces next to each other.

Another one.
Ready to be read.
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