Chapter 43

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Demon's POV
I walked into the VR and looked around and shook my head in disappointment something which did not go unnoticed by my best friend. The Crawlers interrogation room was nothing compared to The Kingdom's one. The room was dark with 3 lights shining over 3 different objects. One light on a table which was filled with guns and knives and many other things. The other light was on our prisoner who was now tied to a chair and the last light was on the chair infront of him.
I stopped looking around when I heard Mason starting to talk.
"Well well well if it isn't..."he stopped and looked at Zack than at James and I with his eyebrows raised.
"Chuck, I don't know his last name and quiet frankly I don't care either. " I said and the guy looked at me. Before I could look back at James, the guy's head fell backwards as he was met with a brutal punch from Zack and I nodded my head in appreciation.
"So Chuck this is how this show is going to go okay. For every question we ask and you don't answer you will be punished harshly understand." Mason said and the guy looked away from him. I stepped forward and stood infront of Mason.
"Since I brought the prisoner I really think I should be questioning him,don't you?" I asked and he rolled his eyes shrugging his shoulders.
"As long as he talks I don't care if the first lady questions him. " he said and I looked at him arching an eyebrow before walking over to the table and picking the best knife on it. I started whistling for an effect than walked back to them.
"Now watch and learn how a real pro does it Masy." I said before turning around and jamming the knife right into his thigh earning an ear deafing scream from Chuck and I smiled. I pulled the knife from his thigh and started running it into and down his arms causing him to scream louder.
"Now see Chuck my questions are simple so I know you won't have any problems but to answer them right?" I said smirking. He didn't answer and I ran the knife deeper into his left arm.
"I said right?" he started visciously shaking his head and I smirked and pulled out the knife watching the guy bleed.
"First question, who are you working for?" I ask and the guy looked at me shaking his head and I brought forth the knife.
"I don't know I swear I don't know!" he yelled tears mixing with sweat and running down his face. I arched my eyebrow at him.
"Really you want me to believe that you don't know who you are selling drugs for in my territory. You better start telling the truth because I have not had a gun in my hand for a day now and my hand is starting to call the gun on the table."he looked at me in fear and started shaking his head again.
"I don't know. I swear I have never met the guy. We only work through Max and Dagger I have never seen the guy who they get orders from. Please I swear it's the truth." I looked at James than back at the guy as James moved to the table.
"Who's we and Dagger?" Mason asked from behind me and the guy looked down afraid. I took the gun from James who moved back again and pressed the gun into his open wound on his leg and he looked back at me only fear evident in his eyes.
"We are 5 guys in Santa Monica working for this unknown guy. T. T. They said that w.w.we would become more when the time is ri. right. D. Dagger is the second in command I think. Max always listens to him and takes orders from him when he gets the orders. He was the one who recruited us." the guy said and I nodded.
"So to you know who the other 4 guys in my territory is and where I can find them.?" I asked and the guy nodded in absolute fear.
"Do you know why Max told me he was working for The Crawlers when I  picked you scumbags up? " I asked playfully trailing the knife down his arms while pressing the gun deeper into his wound causing more blood to spill.
"T. They said that the boss said that w.when w.w.we get picked up we were supposed to sa.say we worked for the Crawlers and Mason had us send there and the one guy who I talked to from here said that they were told that when they were picked up here they were to say they worked for The Kingdom. Could you please stop?" he said and I smiled at him teasingly.
"Since you're being such a helpful little boy I will but I will place it back when you hold information from us again." I said.
"What do you mean? Are you telling me that there are people like you working in my territory? " Mason asked Chuck and Chuck nodded.
"I don't know how many but there are but I only know the one guy I don't know guys from the Chicago branch." he said and Mason punched him angrily.
"There is no Chicago branch for uninvited people causing trouble in my territory. You do not refer to my territory as the Chicago branch again as if you own it. Got it? " he said and Chuck fearfully nodded.
We moved away from Chuck and looked back at him.
"So do we trust the Branch?" Zack said teasingly and I smirked.
"Yeah you can tell his a harmless guy just looking to make a quick buck so I believe him." I said and Mason nodded.
"I agree with Valdez on this one. What I can't figure out is why? What does his boss want out of this?" he said and I looked at James who shrugged his shoulders and I scoffed.
"Really guys. Come on. It's so obvious. When Max told me he was working for Mason I practically ran here. Who ever this douche bag is wants the two gangs to go on war against each other than at the end of the day what's left is being picked up by whoever this idiot it. Divide and Conquer." I said looking at them than suddenly it is as if lightbulbs went off in their heads and I rolled my eyes earning glares from all 3 of them.
"Who ever this guy is he is smart and that is a problem?" James said.
"Well he wasn't smart enough. So we now have the ball in our court. James get the names of those guys in Santa Monica and the locations from Chuck and also the name of his buddy here in Chicago than you get him cleaned up than you get those names to HQ and have Sam and some of the guys quietly pick them up than you arrange a meeting with the Wolff's and the compounds heads for tomorrow morning." I said and James nodded and went over to Chuck.
"Well since you're giving out orders here I am going to go see my girl knock some teeth out." Mason said.
"Poor girl. Datin someone like you. She's probably blind." I said teasingly and he pretended to laugh.
"You guys want to join us? " Zack asked me and I looked at him. I turned back to James.
"He has to ask his girlfriend first." Mason said and I showed him the finger causing him to mumble a string of swearing words.
"Hey joh James you want to go meet Masy's girlfriend?" I asked him and he looked at me nodding his head.
"Yeah but let me quickly finish this than we can go. " he said before turning back to the guy.
"Yeah we're in but you guys can go so long we'll catch up just send me the address and we'll see you ladies there." I said earning a glare and scoff from Mason and an okay from Zack. 
"I'll send in my doctor to wrap up our dear prisoner." Mason said before walking towards the door.
They walked out the room and I went over to James who took the book from Chuck and gave him a bottle of water.
I sat down on the chair while James took out his phone to call back to HQ and I watched the guy. The door opened and in stepped a guy wearing a dark blue doctors coat with a briefcase and he looked down onto the ground when he made eye contact with me and immediately started helping Chuck.

"I'm ready, we can go. Let's just grab something to eat before we go to this chick." James said after a while coming up from behind me. I stood up and checked my phone and saw the address Mason sended and placed the phone back into my pocket before swinging my arm around James's shoulder causing him to laugh.
"Let's go feed my baby. " I said pinching his cheek earning a glare and a laugh from him and causing me to laugh too as we left the room.

Chapter 43 up abs ready to be read by the most loviest readers thank you for reading my book it means a lot.  Thank you to everyone who votes for the book. Please If there is anything wrong with the book or you guys want to know something or tell me something please feel free to comment whatever.
I purple ♥ you all.
P. S
Please stream Idol from BTS..

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