Chapter 22

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The rate of my heart beats were drowning away all the sense in me. As I looked at my father who had this stone cold look on his face my eyes started burning and I knew I was a moment away from crying.
"Andre what are you doing? You can't put your daughter out on the streets are you crazy?" Odette asked my dad as she came to stand between my dad and I.
"I am going out with my non disappointing family and when we come back I want you gone. Here is the address and keys to a place in town near the school I already sent Cassandra there to get things ready for you so you can just leave. " he said pushing the piece of paper and keys into my hands. He gave me one last look than he left just as the first tear fell. I felled someone touch my shoulder and I remembered Odette was still in the room I moved away from her and wiped away the tears I refused to show them it affected me. I moved towards my walk in closet and grabbed the two suitcases that I brought from London and placed it onto my bed. I yanked the posters off the wall, rolled them up than placed them in the suitcase.
"Andrea you don't have to go anywhere okay let me just talk to your dad. " I turned to look at her hoping my face was a blank.
"That guy is not my dad he has no right to be called my dad. Thank you but no thanks I will live my life the way I had the past 10 years. Without him. " she sighed and left but I didn't care I was a woman on a mission. As I grabbed the clothes I brought from London with me I dialed a cab service and asked them to send a cab to my house in 30 minutes. I threw in everything from my accessories to my shoes everything I brought from London. I wanted nothing of his. When I was done and sure I got everything and the room looked liked the day I moved here I zipped close my suitcases. I placed the two big suitcases at the door and grabbed my schoolbag ,placed it on top of the suitcases than I made the bed and placed the piece of paper and keys on the bed.
I had enough money to keep me alive at a motel for a long time. I heard a car hooter outside and I knew the cab was here so I grabbed my bag swung it on my back than I picked up the two suitcases and moved downstairs. I opened the door and saw a old man stand infront of the door.
"Hi are you Miss Andrea?"  I nodded and he said.
"You requested a cab and here I am. May I help you with this? " I smiled at the old man and nodded. He took both suitcases and hauled it into his cab which stood a few feet away. The sound of motorcycles nearby caused both of us to look out the gate and saw two motorcycles drive past both with their front wheels in the air. The motorcycles caused me to think about Demon and suddenly a light bulb went off in my head. My eyes widened as I asked the old man to wait for me and I ran back into the house into my ex room and yank the box out from underneath my ex bed. I clutched the box to my chest as I walked out the room and out the house.
The driver dropped me off infront of Sparkson Motel and drove away after I paid him. I looked at the motel it looked tidy and neat. My heart sank as realization dawned upon me and I walked over to the bench nearby and sat down. Tears found their way to my face and before I knew it I was crying.
"What's wrong sweetie?" I looked up and saw a short old woman dressed very formally stand infront of me looking concerned. I wanted to wipe away the tears but I couldn't because I knew I wanted to cry.
"Everything,  my dad hates me, my whole school hates me everyone hates me. And I know if I walk into that motel now the reality will sink in. What's the reality? Oh just that my dad hates the sight of me and chooses his new family over me. " I didn't realize I was shaking until the woman placed her arms around me and consoled me. I cried into the stranger's arms and she rubbed my back.
After a while I stopped crying and moved out of her embrace thanking her. She smiled and stood up giving me her hand. I placed mine into hers and she pulled me up.
"Let's go get you a room. " I weakly smiled at her kindness for wanting to escort me to the reception. I picked up the suitcases and followed her in I looked around the small reception it was very neat and had a vintage touch.
"So all you have to do is just fill in this form than you can decide what room you want. At the moment there are 3 left... " I looked at the old woman who now stood behind the counter. The woman worked here. " One of the rooms is the first one up stairs, the second one is bear the pool and the third one is right at the corner of the hallway ouside."
She handed me the form and I started filling it in it was just stuff asking for how long I was staying and my name, birth date and a signature.
"So how much is it he payment here? " I asked as she looked through the form.
"Valencia Sparks's daughter?" she asked and I nodded. She smiled and said.
"For you it's free you can choose any room no payment necessary."
"What? No I can't do that I will pay. " she shook her head and pointed towards the name of the building outside the door.
"Your mother helped me finance this motel and I will help you through this time. " I looked at her in confusion.
"You knew my mother?" I asked and she nodded.
"When I started this motel it was great but than it took a major downfall and one day I walked into her very upset over my business and she asked me what's wrong and instantly helped me and I will forever be in debt to her. So let me to this for her. " I smiled at my mother's generosity and nodded.
"Okay but than I want the first room upstairs." she smiled and nodded. She grabbed a pair of keys and told me to follow her as she walked out.  I did and soon we were standing infront of a door. I had learned that the woman's name is Catherine and she has been married to a judge for the past 8 years after her first husband died from cancer.
"Here is your key and remember if you need anything just remember I am just down those stairs. " than she gave me the keys and walked back into the direction we came from. I unlocked the door than opened it my eyes widening at the sight. The room was pretty big with its light brown walls, the big bed in the middle, the chairs near the window it looked homey. I moved towards the back and I saw two doors opening one I saw it was the bathroom and as I opened the other one a satisfied smile found its way to my face.  There stood a kitchen and I knew that I had to go grocery shopping. As I looked around the room I knew that I could get comfortable here. I placed the bags on the floor and opened it I grabbed a pair of jean shorts and white off the shoulder top along with clean underwear. I made my way to the bathroom after making sure the door was locked, I saw in the bathroom there were two white towels and I nodded my head at the motel. I was surprised it was not everyday a motel had all these things. I stripped myself from the clothes than got underneath the shower.
When I was done I got dressed and made myself presentable, I placed on my white strip up ballet pumps and combed my hair into a low bun. I placed on a cap with BTS on and sprayed myself. I looked through my suitcase searching for my piggy bank. I found it and pulled it out from underneath the clothes. Opening it I grabbed a $200 and placed it in my pocket I placed the piggy bank back into the suitcase and then I zipped it closed. I stood up grabbed my phone than I left the room locking it before placing the key in my back pocket. I walked past the reception area and saw Catherine busy with two people she smiled when she saw me before turning back to the clients. I stood in the middle of the pavement deciding to walk in the direction I had seen a shop while in the cab.
A while later I entered the shop l, grabbed a trolley than started placing things into it mentally calculating the things in my head to avoid embarrassment. I walked over to the drink ailse and opened the fridge taking out two large juices. The door was suddenly closed and I turned around glaring at the person. My glare immediately faded as it turned into a fear filled one. I looked at Demon and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised I looked down and moved out of his way.
"Hey yoh Dee. Let's get going." I heard another voice I knew all to well. James. I saw Demon open the fridge take out two cokes than walk away without sparing me another glance. I breathed out a sigh of relief and slowly walked to the cashiers looking around for them. I picked up my pace when I didn't see them at the tills and immediately started unloading my trolley. I paid and took my change along with my 4 bags and left the shop immediately.  As I walked back to the motel my phone started ringing and I fished it out. My grandmother's face came on and I didn't know what to do. If I answer it she might not know about my dad kicking me out but she also might know what her son did. I took a deep breath and answered the call. Here goes nothing.
"Hi Ma."

Surprise. Here is Chapter 22 for all my readers.

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