SPN [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine finding out one of Dean's dirty little secrets.

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Shouldering open the door to the last room the motel had available, you enter on a stumble and then immediately drop your bags at your feet. Dean enters behind you, nearly bumping into you as you stare in horror at the scene before you.

"There was one bed," Dean says, voice low. "One bed they had to share."

His words spark a faint memory that has you narrowing your eyes at him. "What?"


"Why did that sound as if you were narrating something?" Dean gulps. "Better yet.. why am I have a sudden flashback to my fanfiction days?"

Dean opens his mouth to retort, closes it, and then makes little aborted movements as he doesn't know which way to flee before settling on one direction and stepping away from you. Laughter bubbles out from your mouth and Dean scowls over his shoulder. "Not one word, Y/N."

You hold your hands up in mock surrender. Just as Dean lets his guard down, you can't help but ask. "Where you around when they still called sex scenes lemons?"

His nose wrinkles. "Unfortunately."

You cackle. "Oh God. This is priceless. Did you just read or did you write as well?"

"Laugh it up, Princess. It won't be nearly as funny when I get Sammy to dig into your internet presence and find your secret stash of smut." Immediately you sober up and Dean flashes you a smug grin. "Yeah. That's what I thought."

"Can we never speak of this again?"



Dean continues to smirk, so you go about trying to figure out just how exactly you're supposed to share a queen sized bed with the handsome Winchester. Sighing, you walk towards the bed and wonder if it'd be too much to go out and purchase several pillows to build a wall between you two. Dean grumbles about something, his back turned towards you, and you glance at him in time to see him strip off his shirt. Eyes widening, you quickly avert your gaze.

It was going to be a long night.

Imagines [Book Two]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant